Further proof most football fans believe Brady is a liar.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
For all the Brady/Belicheat worshippers on here that keep kissing the asses of those two and the football fans who are not Brady or patriot fans in denial that they have tarnished the game forever,you are in the minority,deal with it.lol

This poll does not lie that the majority find Brady not credible.That he is a liar with over 70% not believing him.:biggrin:

No surprise since many NFL players have called him a cheater as well including his own idol Montana

I would be too embarrased to show my face in public again if I was Brady having your own idol call you a cheater.

NYDN Poll results

Is Tom Brady lying Ex-players find DeflateGate story soft - NY Daily News

posters here and around the country are trying to convince themselves its no big deal because the sport that is near and dear to them is now going to be compared with the black sox scandal as the greatest scandal in sports history.lol.

thats an uncomfortable truth for sports fans to face knowing now when the name football is mentioned,people will think of this scandal now the same way they associate the black sox scandal with baseball.:biggrin:
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The deflated football was discovered because of an interception. If a defensive player could tell the ball was deflated, it is certain that Brady knew it.
The deflated football was discovered because of an interception. If a defensive player could tell the ball was deflated, it is certain that Brady knew it.

What about the refs that handled them on every down? I would think they could tell.
The deflated football was discovered because of an interception. If a defensive player could tell the ball was deflated, it is certain that Brady knew it.

Goodel as always is so predictable.further proof he has his head up krafts ass the fact this suspension is a complete joke.four games,big wow. Thats only two more games than what I said it would be.

a team like cleveland where the owner doesnt have power and influence,if they did something like this,their coach and quarterback would have been suspended for the entire season like sean peyton of the saints was for bountygate.

the evidence against him back then was far more flimsy that belicheats role in spygate. the punishment for him and their organization of a mere first round draft choice was a complete joke so i knew this joke punishment was coming.

the cheats are the NFLS spoiled rich brats.they get special treatment

Goodel is easily by far leaps and bounds the worst NFL commissioner in the history of the game. the other owners should demand his firing as well as Kraft losing ownership and Brady and Belicheat being kicked out of the league for their tarnishment of the game.

oh well,thats fine that its only a four game suspension.Him and his lover Belicheat will be remembered the same way Bonds is.a cheater and liar who also had to cheat and lie their way to achieve greatness.

this scandal will go down right up there with the black sox scandal as the worst scandal in sports history. the proof is in the pudding on that.here is just a sample of SOME of the comments across the country on this.:biggrin:

there are hundreds more just like that as well.:biggrin:
someone farted in here.^:9:
I realize you are a waste of space asswipe and your IQ is lower than the freezing point on a thermometer but really after six months you still bring out this stupid line?

Man you lack imagination, try and grown up and quit being the board bitch.
The deflated football was discovered because of an interception. If a defensive player could tell the ball was deflated, it is certain that Brady knew it.

Goodel as always is so predictable.further proof he has his head up krafts ass the fact this suspension is a complete joke.four games,big wow. Thats only two more games than what I said it would be.

a team like cleveland where the owner doesnt have power and influence,if they did something like this,their coach and quarterback would have been suspended for the entire season like sean peyton of the saints was for bountygate.

the evidence against him back then was far more flimsy that belicheats role in spygate. the punishment for him and their organization of a mere first round draft choice was a complete joke so i knew this joke punishment was coming.

the cheats are the NFLS spoiled rich brats.they get special treatment

Goodel is easily by far leaps and bounds the worst NFL commissioner in the history of the game. the other owners should demand his firing as well as Kraft losing ownership and Brady and Belicheat being kicked out of the league for their tarnishment of the game.

oh well,thats fine that its only a four game suspension.Him and his lover Belicheat will be remembered the same way Bonds is.a cheater and liar who also had to cheat and lie their way to achieve greatness.

this scandal will go down right up there with the black sox scandal as the worst scandal in sports. the proof is in the pudding on that.here is just a sample of SOME of the comments across the country on this.:biggrin:

How is Goodel really spelled, because you have spelled it Godell, Goodell, Goodel, what the fuck? Are you really that stupid? Hell, what do you expect from a guy that doesn't even know when and how to capitalize. I'm sorry maybe you haven't gotten out of first grade, because that is what it reminds me of.
The deflated football was discovered because of an interception. If a defensive player could tell the ball was deflated, it is certain that Brady knew it.

What about the refs that handled them on every down? I would think they could tell.

They're not professional ball players. They don't "live" with the balls like players do.
As promised,here is just a mere SAMPLE of the HUNDREDS of posts out there i got this from of sports fans that unlike many posters here at USMB,are not in denial that this scandal will go down in history right up there with the black sox as the biggest scandal in sports history.:biggrin: enjoy.lol

  1. Tom Brady is now ineligible from any and all discussions of “greatest QB”.

    Tainted legacy, has been cheating his entire career.

  2. I love it that there are Patriots fans still puffing their chests out and trying to explain away stuff like this as if it’s not a huuuge problem for their organization.

    this comment above^ sounds like pooper,mack,trollstyle,zander and all the other cheatriot apologists on this forum.:biggrin::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl: thats what myself,alex and many others here have been saying.:lmao:

  1. Best case scenario for majority of NFL fans.
  2. Seattle lost and Patriots win is tainted.

    Nobody won the SuperBowl last year.

  3. Just because Brady cheated and Belichick already has a history of cheating doesn’t mean anything. Oh wait, scratch that, there is only one reason why they would cheat in the first place. Multiple titles=Multiple asterisks…this isn’t an opinionated statement…Patriots are now officially in the books as being multiple violators when in comes to cheating…period. But let’s not let anything trivial such as the FACTS get in the way here.
  4. AMEN TO THAT:thup::udaman::up::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::haha::rofl:
The deflated football was discovered because of an interception. If a defensive player could tell the ball was deflated, it is certain that Brady knew it.

What about the refs that handled them on every down? I would think they could tell.

They're not professional ball players. They don't "live" with the balls like players do.
They handle both teams footballs all game long, they can't tell the difference between one team and the other teams difference? The squeeze them, I find it pretty crazy that a DB catches just one ball and can immediately tell the difference but the refs can't?

I took my football and inflated it to 13.5, then 12.5 and then 11.5 and 11. You can tell a difference. Try it and let me know.

Of course I may be wrong and the NFL hires complete idiots.
It was bad enough for Brady and Belicheat that Don Shula,one of the greatest coachs ever has called Belichick Beli CHEAT,and Bradys idol Montana has called Brady a cheater as well "If I was Brady and my idol was calling me a cheater,I couldnt show my face in public again.:biggrin:"

It gets even better STILL. Two former Pats players that played with Brady have said he is a cheater as well. One a former center who hiked the ball to him thousands of times has called him a cheater as well.

He already had ONE black eye from Montana,looks like the other eye is black now as well from these brutal comments from former center damien woody.:biggrin::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::up:

Former Patriots center Damien Woody, who snapped the ball to Tom Brady thousands of times and won two Super Bowl rings with him, believes that Brady was behind Deflategate.
Ex-Patriot Damien Woody I believe Tom Brady cheated ProFootballTalk

Troy Vincent to Brady Accountable no matter how accomplished ProFootballTalk
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still ANOTHER fart from you pooper.:up:
You are a fuckin liar, you claim that you have me on ignore but unless you ask to see the post, you would know it was me.

You are a bitch who has no fucking clue. You shit all over your lambs thread today? How many pages have you expanded it to with your worthless shit.

I left you alone for a long time and you kept shittin on me. You have no class so all bets are off.
I will sum up my position with a joke:

A liar, a murderer, and a cheater walk into a bar that is not in their hometown. The bartender looks up and says "oh we are playing the Patriots this week"
this thread title is too good.I got to keep it alive like i do my rams thread and post some of the comments to show this thread title indeed is accurate and keep hurting the feelings of the brady/belicheat worshippers.lol going to keep it alive for a long time with comments from many people around the country like the one below.

It’s clear when you break down The Deflatriots fumbles per snap and Brady’s QB rating from 2000-2006 and then from 2007-2014 after the rules were changed, that they were doing this for far more than one game. In fact, it’s been going on for at least 7 years.

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