Funny Videos

The worst guard dog in the world has been found.

A burglar broke into the garage of a private home in the United States and stole an electric bicycle for $1300. The guard golden retriever attacked the thief, but not with barking and growling, but with hugs.
After that the man confessed his love to his new four-legged friend and played with him a little. And then he went about his business on the stolen electric bicycle

"How proud our friends were when they got a newfoundland!
He grew up to be a huge, scary-sized dog. We went to the playground, practiced with him, he knew all the dog's commands.
One day, while the owners were at work, the apartment was raided. They stole everything, down to their shoes. With a security guard like that.
By some miracle, the police found the burglars.
They asked them why they stole the owner's slippers.
The thieves said: "He was tiring us with those slippers! He carries them in his teeth and pokes his nose into us. Until we put them on, he kept up. As soon as we put them on, he went to sleep." (с) :auiqs.jpg:
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