Funny comment about Heinrich Himmler


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
So I've been reading a book about the Nazi SS, of which Himmler eventually led. In the early 1920's, Himmler was a virtual nobody and would rant with his coworkers about the superiority of Aryans and the inferiority of all other races. Per the book (Masters of Death), one of Himmler's coworkers said to another "If I looked like Himmler, I wouldn't be talking about race". :auiqs.jpg:
My FIL that fought at the Bulge said Himler was so big he filled the entire back of the pickup truck
Are you confusing Himmler with Goering by any chance? The latter was certainly a big man.


Here are the two of them with Hitler. Himmler is in the middle.
Skinny and short. A diminutive fellow. And his suicide proves he was yellow.

Like his Democrat protoges today, Himmler was an LWNJay, so to say, in a very profoundly way.

If you're a master race Mr. socialist socialistic socialister, why are you wearing glasses, bullshitster?
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It's interesting to note that Hitler's top people were hardly poster boys for the Arian super race. Himmler was a skinny twerp who needed glasses, Goebbles was a freak and Goering was a big fruit.
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It's interesting to note that Hitler's top people were hardly poster boys for the Arian super race. Himmler was a skinny twerp who needed glasses, Goebbles was a freak and Goering was a big fruit.

LOL well said!
It's interesting to note that Hitler's top people were hardly poster boys for the Arian super race. Himmler was a skinny twerp who needed glasses, Goebbles was a freak and Goering was a big fruit.

Well, none of them ever claimed to be, they just promoted the ideal. They were probably faggots; they exhibited a lot of the same sorts of deviant behavior and social neuroses. They would fit right in with the S&M faggots that make up almost 50% of the homo 'community'.

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