Full document: They raised millions for Trump. Spent barely any of it on him. Now they’re indicted.


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

For the last 5 years, one Matt Tunstall has used the name and likeness of Trump and other politicians to ostensibly raise money for a network of PACs. But he’s been accused of pocketing most of the money himself and on Wednesday, his so-called scam PAC operation finally caught up to him.

In an indictment unsealed on Wednesday, federal prosecutors charged Tunstall with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and to lie to the FEC

For the last 5 years, one Matt Tunstall has used the name and likeness of Trump and other politicians to ostensibly raise money for a network of PACs. But he’s been accused of pocketing most of the money himself and on Wednesday, his so-called scam PAC operation finally caught up to him.

In an indictment unsealed on Wednesday, federal prosecutors charged Tunstall with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and to lie to the FEC

Did he try to pull off a political coup to overthrow the United States government by illegally removing a newly elected President with the help of an ex-British spy, a Russian analyst, Russian-authored propaganda based Dossier based on a plan a treasonous/ corrupt Democrat 2016 presidential candidate devised and was Intending to use to distract America from her criminal mishandling of classified information and in an attempt to win the Presidency?


Another Trump supporter headed off to the slammer. Who's surprised?
Followed by Sussmann, Danchenko, McCabe, Baker, Hillary, Obama, Biden, Comey, Brennan, Mueller, Ohr.....
:p bwuhahahaha....
well you can damn well be sure that no biden regime appointee or family member. No FIB democrat apparachik, DoJ or any US intell community member, party member, dem congressman,senator, democrat media personality who engaged in the lies and the coverup will Be indicted anytime soon. They're corrupt, shown to be liars, sneaks, thieves and murderers. That's why America hates the left.
Like Flynn, Stone, and Manafort? Hmm, they were exonerated.
Apparently, you don't know the diference between exoneration & a pardon. They were pardoned by their criminal lowlife boss, not exonerated.

See the difference?

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