Fulfilling promises


Gold Member
Sep 4, 2019
Clearly, no President keeps every campaign promise made.

At best, we can hope for one or two items the person ran on. One of the reasons I was considering Trump was his promise to fill the vacancies in the Judicial system. So far, he's managed to do pretty well.

Number of Judges appointed thus far by Trump.

  • 2 -- Supreme Court – None pending
  • 50 -- Court of Appeals – 2 pending
  • 133 -- District Courts – 29 pending, 5 reported to the Senate Judiciary committee
  • ·2 -- Court of International Trade – 1 pending
  • ·3 -- Federal Claims – 5 pending, 2 reported to the Senate Judiciary committee
  • ·4 -- Tax Court – 3 pending, 1 reported
  • ·1 -- Military Appeals – 2 pending,
  • ·1 -- Military Commission -- none pending
  • 1 – This is pending -- US Territorial Court

There are currently 91 vacancies.

I would hope that before the next election, regardless of who wins, that of those 91 vacancies, he'll fill at least half.

If he gets reelected, I hope he manages to fill them all.
He just needs to keep his nose to the grindstone and not let the left distract him with their foolishness.

I'd say he's been doing that amazingly well!

When we do the same to the next democrat president He'll be lying under the resolute desk in the fetal position crying for his mama!

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