Frustration And Aggravation

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
Protests and marches, riots, assault, and murder, are all making headlines in many parts of the country. Some are protesting for higher wages, and some are protesting what they see as police brutality and senseless murder. We have citizens standing against illegal immigration, and government land grabs. We have angry citizens in Detroit due to loss of pension funds and their retirement security. The nation seems to be on edge waiting for the next socioeconomic bomb to drop. Signs of frustration and aggravation are being exhibited through what amounts to civil unrest, and the "us against them" mantra is heard from almost every crowd taking the streets.

The frustration and aggravation is pushing some to the tip of their psychological tolerance. A good example is the man that shot his girl friend, then shot and killed two NYC police officers. Obviously, he had severe psychological problems, and recent events triggered his desire to make someone pay for his self-inflicted mental anguish.

We have citizens that are right on the tipping point of sanity and good judgment, and it doesn't take much to push them to the wrong side of behavior. There are a lot of angry people, and many have good cause to be so. Most anything will give them an excuse to vent, and to destroy property and harm others. In general, people are frustrated about the economy, unemployment, the cost of living, and other issues that either directly or indirectly affects their daily lives.

It's the mentally unstable among us that we should fear the most. They are looking for any excuse to take their frustrations and aggravations out on anyone, and usually it's innocent people that suffer by their hands. The big question is, how do we recognize them, and stop them in time? What do we look for in order to stop tragedy before it happens? What are the outward signs of psychological time bombs about to explode? Recent events should cause us to closely examine these questions.
I fear criminal gangs far more than I do the mentally unstable. The latter are random, isolated individuals. The gangs are affiliations of corrupted people who commit serial acts of violence.
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I fear criminal gangs far more than I do the mentally unstable. The latter are random, isolated individuals. The gangs are affiliations of corrupted people who commit serial acts of violence.
Yes, criminal gangs do a lot of harm, I agree. But, in most cases, the gang members are obvious gang members. They are easier to recognize and avoid. The mentally unstable rarely reveal their dark side until it's too late. An example would be the teenagers that go into schools and kill just to kill. In some cases, those kids were just like everyone else in school until the day they decided to go on a rampage. Or, the case of the man that appeared to be normal until he killed his wife and kids. We never know who the psychological time bombs are. They could be your next door neighbor, your painter or carpenter, or the friendly guy that works in the deli at your local grocery store. Also, gangs are more localized and generally people know when they live in bad neighborhoods.
I fear criminal gangs far more than I do the mentally unstable. The latter are random, isolated individuals. The gangs are affiliations of corrupted people who commit serial acts of violence.
Yes, criminal gangs do a lot of harm, I agree. But, in most cases, the gang members are obvious gang members. They are easier to recognize and avoid. The mentally unstable rarely reveal their dark side until it's too late. An example would be the teenagers that go into schools and kill just to kill. In some cases, those kids were just like everyone else in school until the day they decided to go on a rampage. Or, the case of the man that appeared to be normal until he killed his wife and kids. We never know who the psychological time bombs are. They could be your next door neighbor, your painter or carpenter, or the friendly guy that works in the deli at your local grocery store. Also, gangs are more localized and generally people know when they live in bad neighborhoods.

Well, using your logic, then we should all be freaked out because anyone could turn in to a mass murdering unstable person.

Back in the real world, such individuals are rare and random...and far outnumbered by violent "sane" criminals.
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I fear criminal gangs far more than I do the mentally unstable. The latter are random, isolated individuals. The gangs are affiliations of corrupted people who commit serial acts of violence.
Yes, criminal gangs do a lot of harm, I agree. But, in most cases, the gang members are obvious gang members. They are easier to recognize and avoid. The mentally unstable rarely reveal their dark side until it's too late. An example would be the teenagers that go into schools and kill just to kill. In some cases, those kids were just like everyone else in school until the day they decided to go on a rampage. Or, the case of the man that appeared to be normal until he killed his wife and kids. We never know who the psychological time bombs are. They could be your next door neighbor, your painter or carpenter, or the friendly guy that works in the deli at your local grocery store. Also, gangs are more localized and generally people know when they live in bad neighborhoods.

Well, using your logic, then we should all be freaked out because anyone could turn in to a mass murdering unstable person.

Back in the real world, such individuals are rare and random...and far outnumbered by violent "sane" criminals.
No need to freak out. And, I wasn't expressing detective logic. All I was saying is that anyone can turn violent and go on a rampage. As we've seen and read about, it could be the person one would least expect. Also, as we've witnessed, it is the real world. It happens all the time. I certainly wouldn't say someone that takes innocent lives is sane. A sane person wouldn't murder children, go into a school and randomly kill students, or as we've seen, randomly kill cops. It takes a mentally unstable person to kill just for the fun of killing. As the saying goes, misery loves company. Those that commit senseless murder are miserable, and want to make others just as miserable. A sane person may kill in self defense, over a cheating spouse, or to protect life and property. But, who can explain taking the lives of those that have done no harm to anyone? Random killings are not done by sane individuals.
No need to freak out. And, I wasn't expressing detective logic. All I was saying is that anyone can turn violent and go on a rampage.

That is absolute balderdash moral equivalency. For the vast majority of people, the odds that they will go into a murderous rampage are so infinitesimally small as to be meaningless. Your logic is why 80 year old grandmothers in wheelchairs are cavity searched by the TSA while gangs of looters are allowed to burn down Ferguson.
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No need to freak out. And, I wasn't expressing detective logic. All I was saying is that anyone can turn violent and go on a rampage.

That is absolute balderdash moral equivalency. For the vast majority of people, the odds that they will go into a murderous rampage are so infinitesimally small as to be meaningless. Your logic is why 80 year old grandmothers in wheelchairs are cavity searched by the TSA while gangs of looters are allowed to burn down Ferguson.
That certainly doesn't explain what takes place almost every single day somewhere in this country, and around the globe. It happens a lot, more times than anyone would expect. We are seeing headlines of mothers killing their children, fathers killing whole families, hostage situations that end bad, babies thrown in dumpsters, students killed in classrooms, and many other terrible crimes. It is not rare, nor is it unusual. We even hear about it taking place at malls filled with shoppers. We hear of it taking place inside churches, and many other places. Yes, the vast majority do escape such tragedies. But, one never knows where or when a mentally disturbed individual decides to take lives and end their own. My logic is beware because it happens almost every single day somewhere in this country, not counting elsewhere.
How many billions of people are there on this planet and what ratio of them engage in such violent acts?

Here's another aspect: we also live in an age of global near real time access to events. You think such events are more prevalent just because you have more visibility into them. If you really want to see violent, brutal behavior, build a time machine and go back to the Dark Ages.
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How many billions of people are there on this planet and what ratio of them engage in such violent acts?

Here's another aspect: we also live in an age of global near real time access to events. You think such events are more prevalent just because you have more visibility into them. If you really want to see violent, brutal behavior, build a time machine and go back to the Dark Ages.
The ratio is of little importance. ( over 6 billion people on Earth ) The main point is that it happens, and it happen almost every single day. It matters not what happened during the dark ages, we need to concern ourselves with today. If it's of little importance to you, so be it.
It's not that I don't care that violence happens. I just don't find it helpful to claim that "anybody" could turn into a violent mass murderer. Such people are thankfully aberrations. To make society safer, our energy is better spent addressing the reasons why young men turn into violent career criminals.
It's not that I don't care that violence happens. I just don't find it helpful to claim that "anybody" could turn into a violent mass murderer. Such people are thankfully aberrations. To make society safer, our energy is better spent addressing the reasons why young men turn into violent career criminals.
I respect your opinion, and your right to express it. Thanks for your responses.
The ratio is of little importance. ( over 6 billion people on Earth ) The main point is that it happens, and it happen almost every single day. It matters not what happened during the dark ages, we need to concern ourselves with today. If it's of little importance to you, so be it.
Do you need someone to come change your diapers? Jesus, man up a little.
The ratio is of little importance. ( over 6 billion people on Earth ) The main point is that it happens, and it happen almost every single day. It matters not what happened during the dark ages, we need to concern ourselves with today. If it's of little importance to you, so be it.
Do you need someone to come change your diapers? Jesus, man up a little.
Is that remark suppose to impress someone? If so, I think you missed your mark. Have anything else silly and pathetic to say? If so, please do. Care to add something of substance?
The ratio is of little importance. ( over 6 billion people on Earth ) The main point is that it happens, and it happen almost every single day. It matters not what happened during the dark ages, we need to concern ourselves with today. If it's of little importance to you, so be it.
Do you need someone to come change your diapers? Jesus, man up a little.

Ice.............looks like we have us a new narcissistic k00k progressive on the boards!!!! A blessing these people somehow find their way in here............that we should be so lucky!!:2up: My life educating people about "special" people continues............
Is that remark suppose to impress someone? If so, I think you missed your mark. Have anything else silly and pathetic to say? If so, please do. Care to add something of substance?
My remark was on the mark. Grow up and deal with reality. It's what adults do.
The remark was very silly. Try something that actually contributes to the subject matter of the root article. Or, continue your immature pathetic remarks.
The ratio is of little importance. ( over 6 billion people on Earth ) The main point is that it happens, and it happen almost every single day. It matters not what happened during the dark ages, we need to concern ourselves with today. If it's of little importance to you, so be it.
Do you need someone to come change your diapers? Jesus, man up a little.

Ice.............looks like we have us a new narcissistic k00k progressive on the boards!!!! A blessing these people somehow find their way in here............that we should be so lucky!!:2up: My life educating people about "special" people continues............
The comedy continues. I had no idea that the admin allowed children on this forum. Age ?
The remark was very silly. Try something that actually contributes to the subject matter of the root article. Or, continue your immature pathetic remarks.
What root article? All I saw was you pissing and moaning. If you are really that worried, carry a weapon and know how to use it, and when.
The remark was very silly. Try something that actually contributes to the subject matter of the root article. Or, continue your immature pathetic remarks.
What root article? All I saw was you pissing and moaning. If you are really that worried, carry a weapon and know how to use it, and when.
Very Good. I expected no less.

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