From Charles Schulz to 10 year old Joel Lipton, November 9, 1970


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
From Charles Schulz to 10 year old Joel Lipton, November 9, 1970

" ‘Dear Joel,

I think it is more difficult these days to define what makes a good citizen then it has ever been before. Certainly all any of us can do is follow our own conscience and retain faith in our democracy. Sometimes it is the very people who cry out the loudest in favor of getting back to what they call ‘American Virtues’ who lack this faith in our country. I believe that our greatest strength lies always in the protection of our smallest minorities.

Sincerely yours, Charles M. Schulz’ "

For the few whose interest was piqued by the excerpt above, read the entire article by clicking on the link below.

Unfortunately there are tens-of-millions of people in this country like the devoted fanatics that blindly accept the self-serving agenda set for themselves by the impeached president trump and Moscow Mitch. These voters are inspired to do so by watching FOX Noise and believing the Republicans will transport the United States back to the “good old days”, which none of them remember because those good old days never existed.

Then, there are the tens-of-millions of Biden voters. They expect Status Quo Joe to repair the damage done by the impeached president trump, with his ever-changing team of swamp rats, and Moscow Mitch. Why these misguided voters expect this from Status Quo Joe is baffling, he has already assured the 0.1% and Big Business that, "no one's standard of living will change" if he is elected.

There are only thirty percent of voters who want the 0.1% and Big Business to pay their fair share of the expenses to keep the United States great. But the other two thirds want the scales balanced well in favor of the predatory capitalists. These voters, whether Republican or Democrat, consistently elect candidates that maintain a political system that protects corporate policies that are wrecking the middle class and forcing middle income families into lives below the poverty line.

And while conservatives are certain, and will tell anyone who will listen, that poverty and homelessness are choices, most people are forced into poverty or being homeless by the predatory capitalists that own or manage businesses. The fat cats use lay-offs as one method to increase the next quarter’s profits. So, if a parent is already a member of the working poor, the next stop for that worker’s family after a job loss is too often life in the streets.

So, this November’s election, if the impeached president trump and Status Quo Joe are our choices, it’s definite, NOTHING will fundamentally change. The sad truth is, voters for both candidates believe, sincerely, our greatest strength lies always in the protection of our smallest minorities, those minorities being the 0.1% and CEOs of Big Business. Not exactly what Schulz had in mind, but it sure is he11 true with most of the U.S. sheep voting these days.

Laugh that off, righties.

Charles Schulz's Letter About Democracy, Discovered 50 Years Later | KQED


in 1961, Eisenhower also warned the voters, "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."

It's quite apparent, voters of both parties have been too stupid to listen to Ike on this topic as well.

Watch Trumptards come out and say Eisenhower was a commie. Eisenhower was among the greatest presidents of the 20th century.
From Charles Schulz to 10 year old Joel Lipton, November 9, 1970

" ‘Dear Joel,

I think it is more difficult these days to define what makes a good citizen then it has ever been before. Certainly all any of us can do is follow our own conscience and retain faith in our democracy. Sometimes it is the very people who cry out the loudest in favor of getting back to what they call ‘American Virtues’ who lack this faith in our country. I believe that our greatest strength lies always in the protection of our smallest minorities.

Sincerely yours, Charles M. Schulz’ "

For the few whose interest was piqued by the excerpt above, read the entire article by clicking on the link below.

Unfortunately there are tens-of-millions of people in this country like the devoted fanatics that blindly accept the self-serving agenda set for themselves by the impeached president trump and Moscow Mitch. These voters are inspired to do so by watching FOX Noise and believing the Republicans will transport the United States back to the “good old days”, which none of them remember because those good old days never existed.

Then, there are the tens-of-millions of Biden voters. They expect Status Quo Joe to repair the damage done by the impeached president trump, with his ever-changing team of swamp rats, and Moscow Mitch. Why these misguided voters expect this from Status Quo Joe is baffling, he has already assured the 0.1% and Big Business that, "no one's standard of living will change" if he is elected.

There are only thirty percent of voters who want the 0.1% and Big Business to pay their fair share of the expenses to keep the United States great. But the other two thirds want the scales balanced well in favor of the predatory capitalists. These voters, whether Republican or Democrat, consistently elect candidates that maintain a political system that protects corporate policies that are wrecking the middle class and forcing middle income families into lives below the poverty line.

And while conservatives are certain, and will tell anyone who will listen, that poverty and homelessness are choices, most people are forced into poverty or being homeless by the predatory capitalists that own or manage businesses. The fat cats use lay-offs as one method to increase the next quarter’s profits. So, if a parent is already a member of the working poor, the next stop for that worker’s family after a job loss is too often life in the streets.

So, this November’s election, if the impeached president trump and Status Quo Joe are our choices, it’s definite, NOTHING will fundamentally change. The sad truth is, voters for both candidates believe, sincerely, our greatest strength lies always in the protection of our smallest minorities, those minorities being the 0.1% and CEOs of Big Business. Not exactly what Schulz had in mind, but it sure is he11 true with most of the U.S. sheep voting these days.

Laugh that off, righties.

Charles Schulz's Letter About Democracy, Discovered 50 Years Later | KQED

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in 1961, Eisenhower also warned the voters, "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."

It's quite apparent, voters of both parties have been too stupid to listen to Ike on this topic as well.

Unfortunately there are tens-of-millions of people in this country like the devoted fanatics that blindly accept the self-serving agenda set for themselves by the impeached president trump and Moscow Mitch.

Any worse than those marching in lockstep with the Clintons, Obamas, and others on the left?
Interesting ...

It was just about this time the Santa Rosa ice rink had it's roof collapse ... Charles Schultz, with his own money, built a new one for the community ... my brothers played junior hockey and Santa Rosa had a team in our league ... Charles Schultz promoted the hockey league and refereed games played there ... I was never introduced or anything but I was in the stands watching him blow calls all over the ice ...

San Francisco Red Wings if anyone else remembers ...

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