freedom of religion

USViking said:
The truth is close to 100%, here in the West.

It is elsewhere that religious freedom is curtailed.

All of Arabia is among the worst offending.

Curtailed? How about not tolerated and those practicing anything but the company policy are tortured and/or executed.
Freedom of religion still exists, to a strong degree, in America. A few weeks ago, I was chatting with a neighbor at a street corner. He, a Christian, invited me to his church. I accepted his invitation since I had nothing else of interest planned for that Sunday. The service was entertaining to me but it was not very convincing. Thankfully, the church members did not pressure me to convert. They did not follow me and harass me. I was reasonably polite in return. I thanked my neighbor for the invitation. He then invited me to his back-yard for dinner. After we had dinner he prayed for me as I watched from his yard. I was amused. I hope that, if God exists, he heard the prayer and took it into consideration. My neighbor and I, then, went our separate ways.
mattskramer said:
Freedom of religion still exists, to a strong degree, in America. A few weeks ago, I was chatting with a neighbor at a street corner. He, a Christian, invited me to his church. I accepted his invitation since I had nothing else of interest planned for that Sunday. The service was entertaining to me but it was not very convincing. Thankfully, the church members did not pressure me to convert. They did not follow me and harass me. I was reasonably polite in return. I thanked my neighbor for the invitation. He then invited me to his back-yard for dinner. After we had dinner he prayed for me as I watched from his yard. I was amused. I hope that, if God exists, he heard the prayer and took it into consideration. My neighbor and I, then, went our separate ways.

I think that freedom from religion is as important as freedom of religion. I went to the ME and the only bibles I saw were in the chaplains tent. And, I'm not sure he was supposed to have them. Your neighbor sounds like a simple Christian. He witnessed to you and prayed for you. Sounds like he recognized that you must "come to God" in your own time and left you to it. Hope y'all parted friendly
You are free to be a Christian. Otherwise, you need to be converted. :asshole:

I love how people justify their hate for and persecution of Muslims by saying "they would kill us over there!"
Well yeah, that is general purpose of state religion. You only allow your beliefs. We can't force everyone to have freedom of religion. It's called "diversity." Our country's policy is NOT to force our citizens to be Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto or any other faith.
Gabriella84 said:
You are free to be a Christian. Otherwise, you need to be converted. :asshole:

I love how people justify their hate for and persecution of Muslims by saying "they would kill us over there!"
Well yeah, that is general purpose of state religion. You only allow your beliefs. We can't force everyone to have freedom of religion. It's called "diversity." Our country's policy is NOT to force our citizens to be Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto or any other faith.

There's tht word "hate" again. How about serious distrust/suspicion/dislike for their barabric, backwards-assed culture?

Had you ever been to the Middle East and observed how things are there, you would not be so judgemental nor flippant with your remarks. They are intolerant to anyone and/or thing that does not espouse their particular views, to include different sects within their own religion. IF they ever succeed in expelling all foreigners and don't have Israel to try and gang up on, they'd go right back to clubbing each other over the head.
Gabriella84 said:
You are free to be a Christian. Otherwise, you need to be converted. :asshole:

I love how people justify their hate for and persecution of Muslims by saying "they would kill us over there!"
Well yeah, that is general purpose of state religion. You only allow your beliefs. We can't force everyone to have freedom of religion. It's called "diversity." Our country's policy is NOT to force our citizens to be Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto or any other faith.
Interesting premise. Most people justify hatred of Muslims in general because Muslims in general cause most of the terror related deaths. The one fact that escapes middle America is that Muslims do unto each other as well as doing unto others. Go spend a few months in a stan country. Free advice, don't take off the veil.
pegwinn said:
Interesting premise. Most people justify hatred of Muslims in general because Muslims in general cause most of the terror related deaths. The one fact that escapes middle America is that Muslims do unto each other as well as doing unto others. Go spend a few months in a stan country. Free advice, don't take off the veil.

I can see Gabby now in Abu Dabi proclaiming her rights to wear whatever the Hell she wants to as they drag her away kicking and screaming :whip: .
Here's your freedom of religion:

GunnyL said:
There's tht word "hate" again. How about serious distrust/suspicion/dislike for their barabric, backwards-assed culture?

Had you ever been to the Middle East and observed how things are there, you would not be so judgemental nor flippant with your remarks. They are intolerant to anyone and/or thing that does not espouse their particular views, to include different sects within their own religion. IF they ever succeed in expelling all foreigners and don't have Israel to try and gang up on, they'd go right back to clubbing each other over the head.

That's a good reason to move Israel to a different part of the world.
GunnyL said:
Curtailed? How about not tolerated and those practicing anything but the company policy are tortured and/or executed.

You are quite right- "curtailed" is not a strong enough word to use for the policy of the Arabian peninsula governments toward all religions other than Islam. They are completely forbidden, and thier practise may be punished by death.
GunnyL said:
I can see Gabby now in Abu Dabi proclaiming her rights to wear whatever the Hell she wants to as they drag her away kicking and screaming :whip: .

I will say though, that the UAE is one of the more modernized Arab countries, in which you can actualy (gasp) own a Bible, go out in public without a veil, etc. I have a friend from high school that taught over there up until this summer, and she loved it over there.
gop_jeff said:
I will say though, that the UAE is one of the more modernized Arab countries, in which you can actualy (gasp) own a Bible, go out in public without a veil, etc. I have a friend from high school that taught over there up until this summer, and she loved it over there.

except ya still can't get a cold beer on a hot day...doh'!
USViking said:
The truth is close to 100%, here in the West.

It is elsewhere that religious freedom is curtailed.

All of Arabia is among the worst offending.
Arabian answered his own question...

In Arab nations, freedom of religion is "0" - as in NONE.
GunnyL said:
There's tht word "hate" again. How about serious distrust/suspicion/dislike for their barabric, backwards-assed culture?

Had you ever been to the Middle East and observed how things are there, you would not be so judgemental nor flippant with your remarks. They are intolerant to anyone and/or thing that does not espouse their particular views, to include different sects within their own religion. IF they ever succeed in expelling all foreigners and don't have Israel to try and gang up on, they'd go right back to clubbing each other over the head.

well right now Israel is doing a pretty good job of clubbing itself.

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