Freedom of Information Act and the ChiCom Flu


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
After a year of Trust The Experts, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act we will all now get to watch The Fall of St. Fauci. Like most government officials who lied to the public and covered for their friends, I'm sure he will suffer grave consequences for his actions, like a quiet retirement to spend time with his family, followed by an absurdly large advance on a book deal (even though everyone knows that huge advance will never earn out).

I'm positive all the people who screamed about how the Science Deniers Want To Kill Grandma will be quick to admit their mistakes and apologize to all the people they browbeat and shamed on social media.

And all the I Fucking Love Science crowd will feel bad for yelling at people that the idea a virus that just happened to spring into existence in the same place that had a giant virus lab working on that specific type of virus, might have come from said laboratory, was an insane conspiracy theory.

Also, I'm certain that Facebook will feel super bad about all those fact checks they put on people who were actually correct all along, and in the future they'll do a better job not crushing everything that dissents from current left wing narrative, even when it later turns out that narrative was incorrect. Sort of like how they learned from their mistakes about Hunter's laptop.

But the important thing is that we continue to trust the experts, even when the experts have been consistently wrong about quite literally everything. Sure, we destroyed our economy, made people suffer for no reason, and prolonged the whole giant mess, but the important thing is that we still continue to trust the people who never suffer any consequences for getting it wrong.
After a year of Trust The Experts, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act we will all now get to watch The Fall of St. Fauci. Like most government officials who lied to the public and covered for their friends, I'm sure he will suffer grave consequences for his actions, like a quiet retirement to spend time with his family, followed by an absurdly large advance on a book deal (even though everyone knows that huge advance will never earn out).

I'm positive all the people who screamed about how the Science Deniers Want To Kill Grandma will be quick to admit their mistakes and apologize to all the people they browbeat and shamed on social media.

And all the I Fucking Love Science crowd will feel bad for yelling at people that the idea a virus that just happened to spring into existence in the same place that had a giant virus lab working on that specific type of virus, might have come from said laboratory, was an insane conspiracy theory.

Also, I'm certain that Facebook will feel super bad about all those fact checks they put on people who were actually correct all along, and in the future they'll do a better job not crushing everything that dissents from current left wing narrative, even when it later turns out that narrative was incorrect. Sort of like how they learned from their mistakes about Hunter's laptop.

But the important thing is that we continue to trust the experts, even when the experts have been consistently wrong about quite literally everything. Sure, we destroyed our economy, made people suffer for no reason, and prolonged the whole giant mess, but the important thing is that we still continue to trust the people who never suffer any consequences for getting it wrong.
You have yet to be right on Covid..
After a year of Trust The Experts, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act we will all now get to watch The Fall of St. Fauci. Like most government officials who lied to the public and covered for their friends, I'm sure he will suffer grave consequences for his actions, like a quiet retirement to spend time with his family, followed by an absurdly large advance on a book deal (even though everyone knows that huge advance will never earn out).

I'm positive all the people who screamed about how the Science Deniers Want To Kill Grandma will be quick to admit their mistakes and apologize to all the people they browbeat and shamed on social media.

And all the I Fucking Love Science crowd will feel bad for yelling at people that the idea a virus that just happened to spring into existence in the same place that had a giant virus lab working on that specific type of virus, might have come from said laboratory, was an insane conspiracy theory.

Also, I'm certain that Facebook will feel super bad about all those fact checks they put on people who were actually correct all along, and in the future they'll do a better job not crushing everything that dissents from current left wing narrative, even when it later turns out that narrative was incorrect. Sort of like how they learned from their mistakes about Hunter's laptop.

But the important thing is that we continue to trust the experts, even when the experts have been consistently wrong about quite literally everything. Sure, we destroyed our economy, made people suffer for no reason, and prolonged the whole giant mess, but the important thing is that we still continue to trust the people who never suffer any consequences for getting it wrong.
You mean like General Flynn, and tramp cult.
I’m still waiting on the results of the study regarding the injection of disinfectants to “clean the blood”.
OP is correct, though Fauci is not the only one with blood on their hands. In addition, don’t forget the expert, Peter A. McCullough, whom we are exposing along with Fauci on another thread. Most of the prisoners don’t know that ebola vaccine is based on a virus, VSV, that came from a Kansas cow, even though the strain of that virus, used to make ebola vaccine, is called “Indiana.” While Americans were being eaten by the Chinese communist virus, they were working away in their labs:

19 Aug 2020. Researchers Create A Virus That Mimics SARS-CoV-2, the COVID-19 Coronavirus — Here’s Why
‘ with a lab-made virus that infects cells and interacts with antibodies just like COVID-19 virus, but lacks the ability to cause severe disease.’

If and when Rand Paul asks Fauci about the D614G mutation of COVID-19, he will have Fauci in his crosshairs, because that is precisely the mutation that links to the Kansas-ebola-vaccine cow. It would be a travesty not to call it a gain-of-function.
That’s why you can’t have a link. Even Leftard snopes debunked your BS lie.
Why would I need a link? We all remember that seminal moment in US history when the sitting president was asking about whether we should think about injecting people with disinfectants.
A Finnish firm has just won a U.S. patent for a COVID med that contains both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. We’re mustard, ketchup.
All roads lead to Fauci.

The leader of a nonprofit group with close ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology personally thanked Dr. Anthony Fauci in April 2020 for publicly rejecting the notion that the lab could be connected to the release of COVID-19.

EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak’s April 18, 2020, email to Fauci was part of a 3,200-page batch of Fauci’s emails (pdf) obtained by BuzzFeed News on Tuesday through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit. A large portion of Daszak’s email to Fauci was redacted […]

EcoHealth Alliance, under Daszak’s leadership, funneled $600,000 in taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology prior to the pandemic to conduct risky experiments on bat-based coronaviruses, the Daily Caller News Foundation previously reported.

That’s why you can’t have a link. Even Leftard snopes debunked your BS lie.
Why would I need a link? We all remember that seminal moment in US history when the sitting president was asking about whether we should think about injecting people with disinfectants.
Should be easy to link to if that’s true.

But you don’t, the voices in your head have no link to reality.
That’s why you can’t have a link. Even Leftard snopes debunked your BS lie.
Why would I need a link? We all remember that seminal moment in US history when the sitting president was asking about whether we should think about injecting people with disinfectants.
Should be easy to link to if that’s true.

But you don’t, the voices in your head have no link to reality.
Of course it’s easy. Took less than a minute. I’m just surprised you needed it.

We go back to 2013 for the genome of Rhinolophus sinicus. One of the authors is Daszak. Click on entry 2.) of post #467 of the Snake Meat thread. One location linking Eco Health Alliance is Dali City, Yunnan, for Yunnan Institute of Endemic Diseases. The reader is free to propse any sequence of the genome they think looks artificial, and can do the same for SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative from R. affinis.

Post #467 / Rhinolophus sinicus / Wuhan Institute of Virology, Eco Health Alliance, Yunnan Institute of Endemic Diseases, Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore
’....Rs 3367.’

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