Fox News Sunday: Interview with Trump and Mike Wallace, best yet for Trump

Anyone else watch this interview? It was the best interview I've seen for Trump before or since the election. He really spelled out Conservative economic policies which I suppose I shouldn't be surprised he agrees with. He is particularly energized about freeing companies from regulations which are a massive burden and frankly a government over reach. We see it in Canada and Ontario all the time, these regulations do nothing but allow the government to decide who can have a business and who cannot, typical communist tactics that stall and harm the economy to bestow and ensure the existence of a centralized government.

Even the "tax" of businesses leaving America makes sense to me at this point simply because countries have been fleecing America for so long, using nothing more than cheap labour, government freebies and dirty tricks to take American businesses, while tearing America's middle class out.

It was a strong interview by any standard, seems Trump is really finding his voice and more comfortable explaining policies with some detail. Without a doubt he has ambitious plans for the next four years and is trying to put the right people in place to enact them. sure no how to piss off the dimwit lefty clowns. Good job!!!
Speaking of how?

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