Fox News poll: Trump disapproval rises to near record


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
The Trump base is finally starting to realize that Donald Trump has been selling them a crock of crap.

Fifty-nine percent of voters in the poll say they are unhappy with the way things are going in the country.
The same proportion say the president is "tearing the country apart,"

The great disuniter Donald Trump is now starting to disunite his base which is crumbling.

The Trump base is starting to see that nothing that Donald Trump has done is making America great again.

Fox News poll: Trump disapproval rises to near record

Fox News poll: Trump disapproval rises to near record

Fox News poll: Trump disapproval rises to near record
BY RACHEL FRAZIN - 08/14/19 06:41 PM EDT 4,792

President Trump's disapproval rating has jumped to 56 percent in a Fox News survey released Wednesday, just one point shy of the record high in Fox News polling.
The survey found a 5 percentage point increase in Trump's disapproval from last month. The only time his disapproval rating was higher, according to Fox News, was when it reached 57 percent in October 2017.
Forty-three percent of respondents said they approve of Trump's job performance, down from 46 percent last month. The record low for Trump approval in Fox News's polling is 38 percent, also from October of 2017.
Trump has the disapproval of a record number of men, at 53 percent, white men, 46 percent, and independents, 64 percent, according to the survey.
Researchers surveyed 1,013 registered voters nationwide from Aug. 11 to 13. The results have a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
The poll comes at a tense political moment following two mass shootings earlier this month, one of which appears to have been racially motivated.
Approval for Trump's response to the incidents is just 37 percent, and 46 percent said they believe his administration has made the country less safe from mass shootings.
Fifty-nine percent of voters in the poll say they are unhappy with the way things are going in the country.
The same proportion say the president is "tearing the country apart," compared to only 31 percent who say he is "drawing the country together." Two years ago, those numbers stood at 56 percent and 33 percent, respectively.
Just because some people disapprove of certain aspects of his Presidency, doesn’t mean they will vote for a communist Dem in 2020.

Lots of conservatives don’t approve of the climbing debt, for example.
That doesn’t mean they will vote for open borders, eliminating private insurance, paying for insurance for illegals, shipping jobs to China, and gun grabbing initiatives.
If the economy head into a recession, those numbers are likely to get worse.
Hey. I thought all the lefty loons say this is Barry's economy. Not Trump's.

Oh wait. I forgot. When its going good it Barry's. If things aren't going good its Trump's.

Never mind.
If the economy head into a recession, those numbers are likely to get worse.

Keep hoping for that recession!! Maybe even Biden could get elected?? Then again, Biden??? NFW.
Recessions come and go, Trump is trying to manage China, so a short recession isn't a bad deal if it gets a fair Trade deal with China.
Remember what polls said in 2016? here is a reminder...


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