Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

You libtards really hate it when you are forced to play by the RULES...…

Suck it up Butter Cup...…………….

Playing by the rules says Merrick Garland sits on the court.

Neg-a-tory Kilroy……………

Tell me what rule was broken?

The rule that a sitting president gets to appoint judges.

You just proved your ignorance...……..

I will leave it at that...………

What I proved is that you have no rebuttal.

Please stop for your own sake.....

Can you say the biden rule?

You are just proving yourself to be dumber and dumber...…..
Voter support for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is down in the wake of Christine Ford’s assault allegations, as more believe her than him.

Currently, 40 percent of voters would confirm Kavanaugh, while 50 percent oppose him, according to a Fox News poll. Last month, views split 45-46 percent (August 19-21).

Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination


(To be honest, I don't believe in polls. They sometimes hold no merit.)

--LOL fake news

the polls as usual are rigged to a leftist slant

Voter support for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is down in the wake of Christine Ford’s assault allegations, as more believe her than him.

Currently, 40 percent of voters would confirm Kavanaugh, while 50 percent oppose him, according to a Fox News poll. Last month, views split 45-46 percent (August 19-21).

Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination


(To be honest, I don't believe in polls. They sometimes hold no merit.)

--LOL fake news

the polls as usual are rigged to a leftist slant


Yeah, FoxNews is widely known for their leftist slant! :21::21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:
Voter support for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is down in the wake of Christine Ford’s assault allegations, as more believe her than him.

Currently, 40 percent of voters would confirm Kavanaugh, while 50 percent oppose him, according to a Fox News poll. Last month, views split 45-46 percent (August 19-21).

Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination


(To be honest, I don't believe in polls. They sometimes hold no merit.)

--LOL fake news

the polls as usual are rigged to a leftist slant


Yeah, FoxNews is widely known for their leftist slant! :21::21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:


all the cable network "news" is phony ya fucktard
Voter support for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is down in the wake of Christine Ford’s assault allegations, as more believe her than him.

Currently, 40 percent of voters would confirm Kavanaugh, while 50 percent oppose him, according to a Fox News poll. Last month, views split 45-46 percent (August 19-21).

Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination


(To be honest, I don't believe in polls. They sometimes hold no merit.)
47% democrap,41% republican and 12% independent? Jesus christ....that's NO WHERE near close to the makeup of the American electorate.
Oh I've seen WAY worse than that. The only guy who polled as low or lower was Robert Bork -
Drumpf: Only the best people!

The Sept. 11-17 poll found that 36 percent of adults surveyed did not want Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court, up 6 points from a similar poll conducted a month earlier.

Only 31 percent of U.S. adults polled said they were in favor of Kavanaugh’s appointment.

If support for his nomination remains this weak, Trump’s pick would rank among the lowest-supported Supreme Court nominees to later be confirmed, according to historical data from Gallup.​

Opposition to Kavanaugh grows, support at historic low: Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters

He's getting confirmed; Ford is gettign prosecuted and Feinstein is gettign expelled from the Senate
Given all the negative press coverage he’s been given since the day he was a nominated, plus the hysterics from the media and the left thinking he’s going to institute the death penalty for abortion, this is hardly surprising
He got a better deal than Merrick Garland

That is not true at all. There were not unprovable/unsupported allegations of sexual assault that will follow Garland for the rest of his life. Not getting a vote is far better of a deal than what Kavanaugh has been put through.

Kavanaugh has two children, think how fucked up their lives are now. How anyone can support doing that to two innocent daughters just for the sake of politics is beyond fucked up. Some times people like you just make me want to puke

Actually the only reason these things are considered untrue or unproven is that one side says it happened, the one doesn't and his buddy who was there to either confirm or dispute the claim won't testify. Kavanaughs family was going to have problems if this did not happen, he gets confirmed, then makes a series of fucked up votes as a justice. So this is nothing.

yeah, making an unpopular ruling is the same as having people think your father is an attempted rapist.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

I'm sorry that people think their father is an attempted rapist but there's nothing I can do about that. And they can make the choice to pay attention to it or not.

That doesn't affect over 300 million people. Just 2 and those 2 made the choice to pay attention to it. They can make the choice to ignore it as Chelsea Clinton, Malia and Sasha Obama have.

Meanwhile his rulings will have serious impact on over 300 million people.

It's the lives of over 300 million people and our nation that I care about.

Whether this the rape attempt accusation is true or not, it is true that kavanaugh is a proven liar to congress on more than one occasion. Lies about stolen democratic documents and lies about torturing human beings.

That alone in my opinion disqualifies that man from sitting on our supreme court.

The fact that he is a proven liar to congress and proven to have obtained stolen documents, both of which are crimes, makes me not believe one word he says and to be more inclined to believe Ms. Ford. Any man who will accept known stolen documents, use them against their opponents then lie about it and who has no problem with torturing human beings then lies about it, will have no problem with attempting to rape a 15 year old girl when he was in high school. It just shows to me his horrible behavior started very young in his life and wonder what kind of people raised a man like him.
I'm sorry that people think their father is an attempted rapist but there's nothing I can do about that. And they can make the choice to pay attention to it or not.

That doesn't affect over 300 million people. Just 2 and those 2 made the choice to pay attention to it. They can make the choice to ignore it as Chelsea Clinton, Malia and Sasha Obama have.

Meanwhile his rulings will have serious impact on over 300 million people.

It's the lives of over 300 million people and our nation that I care about.

Whether this the rape attempt accusation is true or not, it is true that kavanaugh is a proven liar to congress on more than one occasion. Lies about stolen democratic documents and lies about torturing human beings.

That alone in my opinion disqualifies that man from sitting on our supreme court.

The fact that he is a proven liar to congress and proven to have obtained stolen documents, both of which are crimes, makes me not believe one word he says and to be more inclined to believe Ms. Ford. Any man who will accept known stolen documents, use them against their opponents then lie about it and who has no problem with torturing human beings then lies about it, will have no problem with attempting to rape a 15 year old girl when he was in high school. It just shows to me his horrible behavior started very young in his life and wonder what kind of people raised a man like him.

If all this is true, why the need for the unprovable/unsupported allegations of sexual assault against him?

The fact that you support such an action shows to me that you are lower than someone that would attempt to rape a 15 year old girl when he was in high school. You clearly have no moral compass whatsoever
Voter support for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is down in the wake of Christine Ford’s assault allegations, as more believe her than him.

Currently, 40 percent of voters would confirm Kavanaugh, while 50 percent oppose him, according to a Fox News poll. Last month, views split 45-46 percent (August 19-21).

Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination


(To be honest, I don't believe in polls. They sometimes hold no merit.)
/----/ All along party lines. Big Wop
Democrats believe Ford by a 59-9 percent margin. It’s the reverse among Republicans, 60 percent believe him, 14 percent her.
Holy crow--that IS partisan. Too bad we've come to this, when an episode like this requires we shelve the politics and use our noodles.


-she doesn't know where the party was.
-she doesn't know when the party was.
-she doesn't know how she got to the party.
-she doesn't know how she got home.
-she didn't tell anyone about the event, not even her husband, for 30 years.
-she told her therapist there were 4 boys in the room, she then told the democrats there were 2 boys in the room.
-two boys she said were at the party said it didn't happen.
-her best friend, who she said was also at the party, states the party didn't happen.

Yes....we should use our noodles and assess what we know so far...........

Maybe we need not get all our information from Fox News.
/---/ I don't. You need to read the demographics of any poll to see how, when and who. It's usually the last paragraph of the article.
Since she is the accuser, give her a lie detector test and a FBI background check.

She already had that polygraph test and passed it.

It was done by a retired FBI agent.

I don't know if she's had a full FBI background check but wouldn't be surprised if she does.

I know she's been asking for a full FBI investigation into this but the republicans and trump have refused to allow it.
Since she is the accuser, give her a lie detector test and a FBI background check.

She already had that polygraph test and passed it.

It was done by a retired FBI agent.

I don't know if she's had a full FBI background check but wouldn't be surprised if she does.

I know she's been asking for a full FBI investigation into this but the republicans and trump have refused to allow it.

Do you have a link to the questions asked and the results of the polygraph test?

It was not the Republicans that have stopped the FBI investigation, it was the FBI. They do not have the jurisdiction to do an investigation and they do not have any details to investigate other than there was an unknown house in a city in an unknown month of an unknown year.
I'm sorry that people think their father is an attempted rapist but there's nothing I can do about that. And they can make the choice to pay attention to it or not.

That doesn't affect over 300 million people. Just 2 and those 2 made the choice to pay attention to it. They can make the choice to ignore it as Chelsea Clinton, Malia and Sasha Obama have.

Meanwhile his rulings will have serious impact on over 300 million people.

It's the lives of over 300 million people and our nation that I care about.

Whether this the rape attempt accusation is true or not, it is true that kavanaugh is a proven liar to congress on more than one occasion. Lies about stolen democratic documents and lies about torturing human beings.

That alone in my opinion disqualifies that man from sitting on our supreme court.

The fact that he is a proven liar to congress and proven to have obtained stolen documents, both of which are crimes, makes me not believe one word he says and to be more inclined to believe Ms. Ford. Any man who will accept known stolen documents, use them against their opponents then lie about it and who has no problem with torturing human beings then lies about it, will have no problem with attempting to rape a 15 year old girl when he was in high school. It just shows to me his horrible behavior started very young in his life and wonder what kind of people raised a man like him.

If all this is true, why the need for the unprovable/unsupported allegations of sexual assault against him?

The fact that you support such an action shows to me that you are lower than someone that would attempt to rape a 15 year old girl when he was in high school. You clearly have no moral compass whatsoever

The fact that you're willing to lie about what I posted makes me very disappointed.

I never said I supported it. I said I can't do anything about it. There's a huge difference and I know you know that.

All I had to do was watch the hearings a week or so ago when he was asked about those documents and the torture. It was pointed out he gave very different answers several times to congress both in the bush boy years and now. Which shows to me he's a liar. You might want to watch those hearings. It's all there.

I do care about 15 year old girls. Funny, you care about his children but you don't care about the 15 year old girl who possibly nearly raped. Nor do you care about any 15 year old girl in the future who will have to suffer from any one of a number of his possible rulings. He doesn't offer anything beyond saying it's not true. Meanwhile Ms. Ford has passed a polygraph, wants a full investigation and wants all people to testify. Including her therapist who she saw for a couple years about this very event in her life. And she saw this therapist years before this man was even considered for this position. Why would she do that if it didn't happen? Then there's the others who have come forward to say that they remember the event including at least one who has said she was told about the event after it happened. Why are the republicans blocking everyone from testifying? Why are they denying an FBI investigation? Seems to me you don't care what is happening to Ms. Ford or her family who have had to leave their home and go into hiding because of serious death threats. What about her children? What about their trauma? Seems to me you don't care about that. Is it ok with you for people to be so frightened for their lives that they have to leave their home? For their children to be so traumatized that they are frightened for their lives?

There isn't just one person's family effected here and only one whose children had to leave their home in fear for their lives.

Meanwhile experience in my life has taught me people who do such things as children as he's been accused of, grow up to be people who accept stolen documents, use those documents against their opponents then lies about it more than once. They also grow up to be the type of people who don't have any problem with torturing human beings and to write justifications to allow it to happen then lie about it several times to congress.

Such actions don't just start happening. It's a lifetime of such behavior. I just have to wonder what happened in his life to teach him that it's ok to hurt people, steal from people and lie about it and that's ok. Someone has taught him that he can do whatever he wants and he won't face any responsibility for his actions and so far that has been correct. So far that behavior has been a success for him.

However I believe there's this thing called karma. It catches up with people eventually. It might take time but in the end, it always does it's job.

We will see what happens.
Since she is the accuser, give her a lie detector test and a FBI background check.

She already had that polygraph test and passed it.

It was done by a retired FBI agent.

I don't know if she's had a full FBI background check but wouldn't be surprised if she does.

I know she's been asking for a full FBI investigation into this but the republicans and trump have refused to allow it.

Do you have a link to the questions asked and the results of the polygraph test?

It was not the Republicans that have stopped the FBI investigation, it was the FBI. They do not have the jurisdiction to do an investigation and they do not have any details to investigate other than there was an unknown house in a city in an unknown month of an unknown year.

Oh give it up. If you don't want to believe what I post that's your choice.

If you want to know all the questions they asked her go look for them yourself.

It's enough for me to know that she took one, that it was done by a retired FBI agent and that she passed. It's well known in the media it's been reported many times.

If you want more go find it yourself.
Since she is the accuser, give her a lie detector test and a FBI background check.

She already had that polygraph test and passed it.

It was done by a retired FBI agent.

I don't know if she's had a full FBI background check but wouldn't be surprised if she does.

I know she's been asking for a full FBI investigation into this but the republicans and trump have refused to allow it.

Do you have a link to the questions asked and the results of the polygraph test?

It was not the Republicans that have stopped the FBI investigation, it was the FBI. They do not have the jurisdiction to do an investigation and they do not have any details to investigate other than there was an unknown house in a city in an unknown month of an unknown year.

Oh give it up. If you don't want to believe what I post that's your choice.

If you want to know all the questions they asked her go look for them yourself.

It's enough for me to know that she took one, that it was done by a retired FBI agent and that she passed. It's well known in the media it's been reported many times.

If you want more go find it yourself.

A retired FBI agent hired by her lawyer. That is sort of important.
The fact that you're willing to lie about what I posted makes me very disappointed.

I never said I supported it. I said I can't do anything about it. There's a huge difference and I know you know that.

Your every post make is clear you are good with what Ford is doing. Even though you have to admit that the "letter' being held on to for more than a month shows this is about politics and not anything else.

I do care about 15 year old girls. Funny, you care about his children but you don't care about the 15 year old girl who possibly nearly raped. Nor do you care about any 15 year old girl in the future who will have to suffer from any one of a number of his possible rulings. He doesn't offer anything beyond saying it's not true.

If I never happened, what else is there to offer? How can one offer proof that something did not happen 36 or 37 or 35 years ago?

You worry about his rulings, but unless you think that the Dems will pick up seats in the Senate this Nov, whomever takes his places will be far worse. This ploy by the Dems will likely cause them far more harm than they realize.

Meanwhile Ms. Ford has passed a polygraph, wants a full investigation and wants all people to testify. Including her therapist who she saw for a couple years about this very event in her life. And she saw this therapist years before this man was even considered for this position. Why would she do that if it didn't happen? Then there's the others who have come forward to say that they remember the event including at least one who has said she was told about the event after it happened. Why are the republicans blocking everyone from testifying? Why are they denying an FBI investigation? Seems to me you don't care what is happening to Ms. Ford or her family who have had to leave their home and go into hiding because of serious death threats. What about her children? What about their trauma? Seems to me you don't care about that. Is it ok with you for people to be so frightened for their lives that they have to leave their home? For their children to be so traumatized that they are frightened for their lives?

Of course Ford wants a full investigation, that would push the vote past the next election, which is why the Dems held onto the "letter" for more than a month. If this was about justice for a long ago event why was Ford ok with her elected officials holding on to her story until it could do the maximum amount of political damage? I do feel bad for her children and family members, I feel bad they have a mother/sibling that would choose to do this over politics.

The Repbus cannot block the FBI from investigating, but the FBI cannot investigate an alleged crime that does not fall within their jurisdiction.

However I believe there's this thing called karma. It catches up with people eventually. It might take time but in the end, it always does it's job.

We will see what happens.

I believe Ford is dealing with karma right now.
Since she is the accuser, give her a lie detector test and a FBI background check.

She already had that polygraph test and passed it.

It was done by a retired FBI agent.

I don't know if she's had a full FBI background check but wouldn't be surprised if she does.

I know she's been asking for a full FBI investigation into this but the republicans and trump have refused to allow it.

Do you have a link to the questions asked and the results of the polygraph test?

It was not the Republicans that have stopped the FBI investigation, it was the FBI. They do not have the jurisdiction to do an investigation and they do not have any details to investigate other than there was an unknown house in a city in an unknown month of an unknown year.

Oh give it up. If you don't want to believe what I post that's your choice.

If you want to know all the questions they asked her go look for them yourself.

It's enough for me to know that she took one, that it was done by a retired FBI agent and that she passed. It's well known in the media it's been reported many times.

If you want more go find it yourself.

A retired FBI agent hired by her lawyer. That is sort of important.

Yes you have the right to not believe any of this. You want to deny actual facts then go for it. That's your choice.

I'm not going to argue with you. You seem to believe that I'm trying to change you mind when that's the last thing I've been trying to do.

What I've been trying to do is tell you my opinion and why I have it.

You have your opinion.I have mine. Both of us and our opinions don't mean anything in this.

We will see what happens.

Meanwhile argue with people who want to argue with you. That's so not me.
Given all the negative press coverage he’s been given since the day he was a nominated, plus the hysterics from the media and the left thinking he’s going to institute the death penalty for abortion, this is hardly surprising
He got a better deal than Merrick Garland

I wonder if the Democrats would have believed a similar allegation about Garland?
Since she is the accuser, give her a lie detector test and a FBI background check.

She already had that polygraph test and passed it.

It was done by a retired FBI agent.

I don't know if she's had a full FBI background check but wouldn't be surprised if she does.

I know she's been asking for a full FBI investigation into this but the republicans and trump have refused to allow it.

Do you have a link to the questions asked and the results of the polygraph test?

It was not the Republicans that have stopped the FBI investigation, it was the FBI. They do not have the jurisdiction to do an investigation and they do not have any details to investigate other than there was an unknown house in a city in an unknown month of an unknown year.

Oh give it up. If you don't want to believe what I post that's your choice.

If you want to know all the questions they asked her go look for them yourself.

It's enough for me to know that she took one, that it was done by a retired FBI agent and that she passed. It's well known in the media it's been reported many times.

If you want more go find it yourself.

A retired FBI agent hired by her lawyer. That is sort of important.

Yes you have the right to not believe any of this. You want to deny actual facts then go for it. That's your choice.

I'm not going to argue with you. You seem to believe that I'm trying to change you mind when that's the last thing I've been trying to do.

What I've been trying to do is tell you my opinion and why I have it.

You have your opinion.I have mine. Both of us and our opinions don't mean anything in this.

We will see what happens.

Meanwhile argue with people who want to argue with you. That's so not me.

There are no facts, there are allegations and there is a lie detector test conducted by someone paid for by her lawyer.

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