Fox News Has Inadvertently Revealed The Staggering Level Of Contempt Conservatives Have For Eachother

Fox News has framed the vaccine in highly emotional culture war terms, with the shot presented to viewers like other made-up panics, such as "cancel culture" or "critical race theory." They are all a direct threat to the precious but poorly defined "freedom" that liberals supposedly want to snatch away.
The whole thing is a dark reminder that the well-heeled pundits and corporate executives at Fox News have almost bottomless contempt for their own viewers, who they see as a bunch of gullible rubes to be exploited and discarded as needed for profit and political gain.
Fox News — while decrying "vaccine passports" on-air — has been using a vaccine passport among their own staff since early June. Vaccinated employees who get what is called the FOX Clear Pass "are allowed to bypass the otherwise required daily health screening" and basically return to normal life inside the Fox offices.

Mind numbing stupid.
It's illuminating to click and see which brainwashed imbeciles marked this with the "laughing" emoji.

The usual morons.
I wouldn't exactly refer to FOX News as a conservative platform. In fact, I wouldn't even remotely refer to it as a conservative platform. The people who run and operate that smut machine are just as rabidly statist as their manfactured opposition on the other lettered platforms, in my view.

If you're gonna talk about conservatives, you first have to define what being conservative means. And in order to do that you have to first ask what the role of government should be. The Founders asked that question and what they decided was that it was to protect Individual liberty. Limited for liberty. "Strictly limited", in fact. The American electorate (as a collective) has a problem with definitions. And consequently a problem with principles. Largely because of these smut machines, unfortunately. This is largely as a consequence of the gradual erosion of virtue in society.

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