FOX News destroys CNN and MSNBC In Ratings

Dr Grump said:
Kathianne said:
Certainly looks like it...I read an article by Mapes in Vanity Fair. She felt their downfall was not double checking the source and should have gone after Bush's avoidance of Viet Nam (her words paraphased by me, not my words) rather than his NG record....
At this point, none of that matters, anymore than Swiftboats, at this point in time.

As for his service, he did more than many rich kids. Any idiot could see those documents as forgeries, which is why she was fired. C'mon admit it, they let their bias get in the way.
Kathianne said:
Dr Grump said:
At this point, none of that matters, anymore than Swiftboats, at this point in time.

As for his service, he did more than many rich kids. Any idiot could see those documents as forgeries, which is why she was fired. C'mon admit it, they let their bias get in the way.

I'm pretty sure they were biased in their reporting, but those shows are biased by nature. They are not straight news stories, they are mini docos. And I disagree re your 'any idiot' statement.
Dr Grump said:
Kathianne said:
I'm pretty sure they were biased in their reporting, but those shows are biased by nature. They are not straight news stories, they are mini docos. And I disagree re your 'any idiot' statement.

That's what I think is getting confused here. FOX news is NOT O'Reilly, Hannity, etc. Their news programs, as opposed to their 'programming' tend to be balance.

CBS Evening News With Dan Rather, was a news broadcast.
Kathianne said:
Dr Grump said:
That's what I think is getting confused here. FOX news is NOT O'Reilly, Hannity, etc. Their news programs, as opposed to their 'programming' tend to be balance.

CBS Evening News With Dan Rather, was a news broadcast.

I hear ya.

Is this story just a story, or is it Fox trying to put a positive spin on Mel Gibson? (am asking the question here, not giving an opinion either way).,2933,207059,00.html
Dr Grump said:
Kathianne said:
I hear ya.

Is this story just a story, or is it Fox trying to put a positive spin on Mel Gibson? (am asking the question here, not giving an opinion either way).,2933,207059,00.html
It's in their 'entertainment' type section. At the same time, the gist of the same as far as him being 'friendly' with Jews, has been reported on just about every news source. Personally, I find the whole thing non-interesting.

As I wrote when it first occured, I thought it of interest only in light of some of the accusations regarding anti-Semitism when The Passion of the Christ was released. Other than that, :sleepy1:
Dr Grump said:
That's what I think is getting confused here. FOX news is NOT O'Reilly, Hannity, etc. Their news programs, as opposed to their 'programming' tend to be balance.

CBS Evening News With Dan Rather, was a news broadcast.

CNN has won way more awards for its news coverage than FOX has. FOX is a talk-show network first and a news channel second. Even its "news anchors" give their opinions and pass judgement on-air about what they're covering during their "news coverage." Everytime I turn to FOX I see entertainment news, O'Reilly bitching about something, or Hannity making that weiner Colmes look like an idiot. It's a ridiculous circus IMO.
CNN has won way more awards for its news coverage than FOX has. FOX is a talk-show network first and a news channel second. Even its "news anchors" give their opinions and pass judgement on-air about what they're covering during their "news coverage." Everytime I turn to FOX I see entertainment news, O'Reilly bitching about something, or Hannity making that weiner Colmes look like an idiot. It's a ridiculous circus IMO.

O'Reilly and Hannity aren't news, its opinion shows. The actual headline news is pretty non-biased, at least compared to CNN's headline news. And of course Hannity makes Colmes look like an idiot, thats what happens when a conservative and liberal are put together.

I still don't see why liberals get so upset over FoxNews. There are plenty of Liberal biased shows to watch on MSnbc and CNN, so if people wanted to watch what they like, they'd watch those shows. Maybe Libs are just upset there are so many that would rather watch the non-liberal stuff.
O'Reilly and Hannity aren't news, its opinion shows. The actual headline news is pretty non-biased, at least compared to CNN's headline news. And of course Hannity makes Colmes look like an idiot, thats what happens when a conservative and liberal are put together.

I still don't see why liberals get so upset over FoxNews. There are plenty of Liberal biased shows to watch on MSnbc and CNN, so if people wanted to watch what they like, they'd watch those shows. Maybe Libs are just upset there are so many that would rather watch the non-liberal stuff.

This is a subject that really pisses me off. I'm a big Ann Coulter fan and I love to post her columns on message boards because it never fails to bring out the worst in liberals. It's hysterically funny to read the replies from people who come right and admit they don't read a word she writes. But they hate her anyway.

I don't know how many times I've had to tell people that Ann Coulter IS NOT A JOURNALIST! The problem with liberals is that because they absolutely refuse to expose themselves to ANYTHING from any source that isn't liberal they really believe that people like Ann and Rush ARE the average conservative. They've never heard of George Will. They can't tell Pat Robertson from Pat Buchanan. They have no idea what a neocon is.

But the most maddening trait that liberals on message boards have is the total inability to see the bias in their own sources. And it's not subtle, either. These people are the first to jump on anything that comes from a source that is even a little bit right of center, and dismiss it only for that reason, but they'll post any left wing nonsense they can find. These are people who think anything they find on a blog is real news as long as it fits their politics.
And conservatives aren't like that?

Read what's been posted. It seems nearly everyone knows the difference between biased programs and news. Now, if only the MSM could recognize the differences.
This is a subject that really pisses me off. I'm a big Ann Coulter fan and I love to post her columns on message boards because it never fails to bring out the worst in liberals. It's hysterically funny to read the replies from people who come right and admit they don't read a word she writes. But they hate her anyway.

I don't know how many times I've had to tell people that Ann Coulter IS NOT A JOURNALIST! The problem with liberals is that because they absolutely refuse to expose themselves to ANYTHING from any source that isn't liberal they really believe that people like Ann and Rush ARE the average conservative. They've never heard of George Will. They can't tell Pat Robertson from Pat Buchanan. They have no idea what a neocon is.

But the most maddening trait that liberals on message boards have is the total inability to see the bias in their own sources. And it's not subtle, either. These people are the first to jump on anything that comes from a source that is even a little bit right of center, and dismiss it only for that reason, but they'll post any left wing nonsense they can find. These are people who think anything they find on a blog is real news as long as it fits their politics.

Well, you may have made your mind up about us "liberals," based on whatever skewed, stereotypical facts you've determined to be "the truth," but I hate Ann Coulter and I don't read her gibberish and I don't read any other opinion-based columnist gibberish either. The opinions of negative assholes who berate their fellow Americans for having a different point of view isn't my idea of entertainment or news reporting--regardless of which side the author claims to be on. It's all worthless bullsh*t IMO. Columnists are all just trying to sell books and gain readership--in fact, I bet your hero Ann Coulter doesn't even believe half the tripe she passes-off as intelligent discussion. All pundits do is further divide us. But feel free to keep buying her books and reading her columns. I'm sure she appreciates your $upport.
Read what's been posted. It seems nearly everyone knows the difference between biased programs and news. Now, if only the MSM could recognize the differences.

I have read what has been posted. Don't you think you should have said "every conservatie knows the difference between biased programs and news", because that is the insinuation, which is untrue IMO. All conservatives I know think Fox is unbiased and CNN is. Funny that, no?
I have read what has been posted. Don't you think you should have said "every conservatie knows the difference between biased programs and news", because that is the insinuation, which is untrue IMO. All conservatives I know think Fox is unbiased and CNN is. Funny that, no?

Not funny at all. CNN NEWS is biased, too often. FOX News rarely. Try to watch both, no matter how sick the FOX anchors make you. CNN-Lebanon most of the time, with as much coverage on 'infrastructure' damage and civilian deaths as possible.

FOX, all three theatres covered. Less 'screaming headlines' other than the annoying stuff at the bottom.

I do watch both.
Not funny at all. CNN NEWS is biased, too often. FOX News rarely. Try to watch both, no matter how sick the FOX anchors make you. CNN-Lebanon most of the time, with as much coverage on 'infrastructure' damage and civilian deaths as possible.

FOX, all three theatres covered. Less 'screaming headlines' other than the annoying stuff at the bottom.

I do watch both.

I haven't watched either for a while due to both of their biases. Finding the same in some instances on MSM channels too to a degree. Sorry, I don't buy the Fox is unbiased angle, yet CNN is. BTW, the Fox anchors don't make me sick.

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