Four People Have Died


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Two days ago, one of the kindest men I have ever known died from esophageal cancer. A week ago, the doctors gave him three to six months to live. A year if he took an aggressive type of chemo. He was my age.

A week ago, my ex-grandmother-in-law died. She was 95.

In July, my mother died, aged 73.

In June, a co-worker dropped dead of a heart attack while doing yard work.

All four of these family and friends were registered voters. They are spread out over three states.

I doubt any of them have been removed from the registered voter rolls in their districts yet.

But none of them will be voting.

Millions of people die each year, folks. And they are not all concentrated into one electoral area.

It does not automatically follow someone is voting in their names just because they have not yet been removed from the registered voter list.

It would take a massive coordinated effort across the entire country for all the dead registered voters to swing a national election. And it would have to go completely undetected.

There is no way to know ahead of time the race will come down to a few hanging chads in Florida. You would have to cover your bases across the whole country.

This is, for all intents and purposes, a statistical impossibility.
good OP, g5000, but it does not fit the agenda of those who cry about non-existent voting fraud events
The most recent death statistics for the US are from 2008. According to those figures 6,775 people die each day.

There are no available figures for how many of them are registered to vote.

Nevertheless, you get the idea. It would be a herculean task to remove all of them from the registered voter list in a timely manner.

It would be a much, much greater task to acquire the list of dead from around the country, find out which ones were registered voters, and then to find an army of fraudsters to vote in their names at the appropriate voting precincts.

All without being detected.
Does this mean no fraud occurs?

No. That is not what it means. Don't let the voices in your head change what I said into, "There are no dead people voting," or "There is no fraud."

Quite frankly, the people who commit voter fraud are retards. You don't even have to know anything about them to know this much. These are very stupid people.

Your dad dies and you get an absentee ballot in his name and mail it in. How stupid do you have to be to think that is going to make any difference on the outcome of a national election?

You plainly have to be incredibly dumb.

And, lo and behold, when you look at the people who are paraded around here for committing voter fraud, they turn out to be turnips.

These fraudsters can barely tie their shoes, much less pull off a nationwide upset.
good OP, g5000, but it does not fit the agenda of those who cry about non-existent voting fraud events
Here is a look back at past claims of ‘stolen’ and rigged elections by Democrats.
So the media is acting like Trump is CRAZY for bringing up voter fraud and rigged elections. Here is a look back at past claims of ‘stolen’ and rigged elections by Democrats. – InvestmentWatch

But that doesn't fit your agenda, right?
There is nothing in that link which provides evidence of stolen elections. Are you on crack?

As for this:
Almost half of California’s driver’s licenses went to illegal aliens last year.

Never mind that "half" is a massive lie, a CA driver's license for immigrants has a mark on it which clearly identifies the holder of the license as a non-US citizen. "Federal Limits Apply".

Quick history lesson for dems:

A 2008 video of Obama admitting that voter fraud happens! —Even though today he announced that no reasonable person would ever question the legitimacy of votes, and called Trump a whiner! – InvestmentWatch

Flashback: Gore Refuses to Concede Election, Demands Recount ‘to Ensure All the Votes Are Counted’

Research Shows Voter Fraud May Have Swung Key 2008 Elections

Media OUTRAGED at Trump 'Not Conceding,' but They Forgot Democrats Always Do This

Once again, stop listening to the voices in your head, dipshit.

No one is saying no voter fraud occurs. It does.

It just does not occur on the scale the voices in your head are telling you it does.

For very obvious reasons which would be readily apparent to you if you know...spent thirty seconds THINKING about it.

"...may have swung...". Operative words: may have. But it didn't happen that way.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!!!"
Massive voter fraud does not happen.

If it could, Trump would have already won.

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