Former Texas officer found guilty in 2019 death of Black woman

Jul 26, 2010
North Carolina
A former Texas police officer was found guilty by a jury of manslaughter in the death of a Black woman who was killed when he shot her through a window of her home in October 2019, prosecutors said.

Atatiana Jefferson, 28, was shot dead by Aaron Dean, a white Fort Worth officer, while standing in her home with a handgun after hearing noises outside. Afterwards, Dean resigned from the force and police later charged him with murder.

Dean  faces up to 20 years in prison after his conviction.

The officer and his partner had gone to Jefferson's home after a concerned neighbor called police to say her front door was open.

She was playing video games with her eight-year-old nephew when Dean arrived and crept around the back of the home, gun drawn, according to his arrest warrant and bodycam video.

Jefferson heard noises, pulled her handgun out of her purse and pointed it at a bedroom window, her nephew had told police at the time, according to the warrant.


Looks like the days of the police just killing black folks and getting away with it, might be slowing down.

Should be interesting to see what the forum racist think about this, since they whined and cried about Chauvin.
Looks like the days of the police just killing black folks and getting away with it, might be slowing down.
Thanks to cameras everywhere, including body camera, they are slowing down for cops killing anyone, of any color. I'm pro-cop, I know they have a shitty job to do, and most do it very well. But when they fuck up, they get charged and put in jail, just like the rest of us.
Um, the police normally don't obtain arrest warrants before responding to a call like this...
Thanks to cameras everywhere, including body camera, they are slowing down for cops killing anyone, of any color. I'm pro-cop, I know they have a shitty job to do, and most do it very well. But when they fuck up, they get charged and put in jail, just like the rest of us.
I disagree, they have been getting away with murdering black folks since this country was founded.
There has been racist trash like you around since this country was founded as well.

There have been whining losers like you who promote criminal behavior and hate crimes around since some slave trader saved your ancestors from death back then too. Yet you still remain, wouldn't be caught dead going back to your Homeland for all your sniveling.
Why does race matter? Was race ever mentioned in the trial? You are still a hotep loser bro. Enjoy that fact.
Dat bitch shouna pointed a gun at the the cop. Don't worry racist. It will be appealed and he'll do NO time. LMAO!
His co-worker, and fellow cop on the scene, took the stand to refute that lie.

More evidence of what a dishonest poster you are.
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A bad decision by a sworn Officer. Too bad but what happens when a Federal Officer shoots and kills an unarmed white woman who posed no direct threat?
Thanks to cameras everywhere, including body camera, they are slowing down for cops killing anyone, of any color. I'm pro-cop, I know they have a shitty job to do, and most do it very well. But when they fuck up, they get charged and put in jail, just like the rest of us.
A person chooses to be a cop. Good cops are everywhere. However, many people have had their rights abused because cops can do it. Those affected will not forget it. Many cops have not met justice to them for what they did. Still, we need to support law enforcement using prudent decisions and to not jam people up for any personal reasons.

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