Former Attorney General Bill Barr On Trump's Election Fraud Claims: "It was all bullsh!t"

Below is a cut&paste from today's 'The Week'.
To be sure, some of what they reveal has already been discussed on this venue. Still, The Week distills reportage that will illuminate Bill Barr's interview with Johnathan Karl. My avatar thought it was quite informative. Maybe you will too. (The week offers links at the bottom of the paragraph)

"7. Author of forthcoming book says Barr clashed with Trump over fraud claim
ABC News' Jonathan Karl, author of a forthcoming book on the final days of the Trump administration, writes in The Atlantic that former Attorney General William Barr told him that he never believed former President Donald Trump's allegation that the election was stolen from him. "My attitude was: It was put-up or shut-up time," Karl said Barr told him. "If there was evidence of fraud, I had no motive to suppress it. But my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bulls---t." Barr reportedly told Karl that Trump reacted angrily when Barr refused to back up the fraud allegations, and said, "You must hate Trump." Barr said he pushed back by telling Trump he had a narrow window to prove his claims, and needed a disciplined team of top lawyers to do it. "Instead, you have a clown show," Barr reportedly told Trump. [The Atlantic, USA Today]"
"Instead you have a clown show"
  • Rudy Giuliani ----- on the hotel bed reaching into his knickers to warm up the home team for the hottie in the room.
  • Sidney Powell --- Krakenpot Powell, who had her lawyers state in court that "“no reasonable person” would believe that her false claims and conspiracy theories about the 2020 election were “truly statements of fact.”
  • Lin Wood ---- Vice President Mike Pence would "face execution by firing squad" and called for the arrest for treason of then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
  • Melissa Carone ---see video clip. (I threw that 'clown' in to the mix because she's sort of a fav of my avatar. Why?.....well, we know women who talk like that. They are nutso crazoids. So, Melissa seemed to be a natural to that sisterhood.)
    Here's the aformentioned 'video clip":


So, gentle readers, is the world....supposed to take seriously a client who hires such an ace team of strike-force warriors?

My avatar doesn't take 'em seriously. In fact, has just a wee bit of fun with 'em. (and if I wasn't tellin' you the truth on that....I'd be lyin').

And my avatar ain't alone it that opinion. Here's what Chris Christie publicly stated (per Bloomberg):

"Chris Christie, the former New Jersey Republican governor and a Trump ally, earlier on Sunday said the recent conduct of the president’s legal team had been a “national embarrassment.”

“They allege fraud outside the courtroom, but when they go inside the courtroom, they don’t plead fraud and they don’t argue fraud,” Christie said on ABC’s “This Week.” “You have an obligation to present the evidence. The evidence has not been presented.”

Just sayin'.


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Former Attorney General Bill Barr On Trump's Election Fraud Claims: "It was all bullsh!t"

With his verification of trump’s Big Lie, Barr is only saying what the vast majority of Americans knew from the beginning.

However, with his statement of this fact, Barr also makes himself the enemy of 74 million trump Nazis.

Do you know what the name of the book will be?

I don't have time right now to read the link.
Former Attorney General Bill Barr On Trump's Election Fraud Claims: "It was all bullsh!t"

With his verification of trump’s Big Lie, Barr is only saying what the vast majority of Americans knew from the beginning.

However, with his statement of this fact, Barr also makes himself the enemy of 74 million trump Nazis.

Do you know what the name of the book will be?

I don't have time right now to read the link.

Betrayal, by ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl.
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