Former Aide To Bill Clinton Speaks – "My Party Has Lost Its Soul"


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Democratic party has lost its way is an understatement. Before we just had to be concerned about their rallies in the park, Haight-Ashbury comes to mind, smoking weed and having open sex. Cool.. Actually, sounds kind of fun...

But I digress



One reason we know voters will embrace populism is that they already have. It’s what they thought they were getting with Obama. In 2008 Obama said he’d bail out homeowners, not just banks. He vowed to fight for a public option, raise the minimum wage and clean up Washington. He called whistle-blowers heroes and said he’d bar lobbyists from his staff. He was critical of drones and wary of the use of force to advance American interests. He spoke eloquently of the threats posed to individual privacy by a runaway national security state.

He turned out to be something else altogether. To blame Republicans ignores a glaring truth: Obama’s record is worst where they had little or no role to play. It wasn’t Republicans who prosecuted all those whistle-blowers and hired all those lobbyists; who authorized drone strikes or kept the NSA chugging along; who reneged on the public option, the minimum wage and aid to homeowners. It wasn’t even Republicans who turned a blind eye to Wall Street corruption and excessive executive compensation. It was Obama.

A populist revolt among Democrats is unlikely absent their reappraisal of Obama, which itself seems unlikely. Not since Robert Kennedy have Democrats been so personally invested in a public figure. Liberals fell hardest so it’s especially hard for them to admit he’s just not that into them.

- From Bill Curry’s excellent article in Salon

My party has lost its soul: Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and the victory of Wall Street Democrats -

Bill Curry’s article published this past Sunday by Salon is simply extraordinary. One of the things I’ve felt has been lacking in America for some time is the ability for well-meaning people within the “power structure” to look inward and be honest with themselves about the immoral decay fellow members of their socio-economic class have wrought upon the nation via a singleminded pursuit of wealth and power. A perfect example of an ignorant, destructive oligarch completely devoid of self-awareness was put on full display earlier this year when

An Open Letter to Sam Zell: Why Your Statements are Delusional and Dangerous | Liberty Blitzkrieg and essentially said the poor just need to act more like the rich.–-my-party-has-lost-its-soul
Plutocrats of any persuasion have no soul. Well, at least no soul if your aren't a fellow plutocrat.

But I bet you like Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders now that you've seen the light (they act like populists). Would that be a true statement go?
The (D) lost it's soul long ago, especially after the far left hijacked the party in late 70's..

And now the GOP lost its soul when the far right hijacked the party in the 1990's.

In fact, I would compare the Republicans to the Democrats in the 1970's and 1980's. So busy appealling to the fringe they've lost the rest of the country.
The (D) lost it's soul long ago, especially after the far left hijacked the party in late 70's..

I have to hand it to the Dem machine. What the Cold war failed at doing, our Education system, media and government succeeded. The communist have attacked our infrastructure, planted the seeds, and are growing future American communist who will vote in socialism, thus avoiding the loss in war to accomplish the same task. The hard work started coming into fruition in 2008 and will only get worse until the next war of wars.

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The (D) lost it's soul long ago, especially after the far left hijacked the party in late 70's..

And now the GOP lost its soul when the far right hijacked the party in the 1990's.

In fact, I would compare the Republicans to the Democrats in the 1970's and 1980's. So busy appealling to the fringe they've lost the rest of the country.

And how is the GOP far right?
The (D) lost it's soul long ago, especially after the far left hijacked the party in late 70's..

And now the GOP lost its soul when the far right hijacked the party in the 1990's.

In fact, I would compare the Republicans to the Democrats in the 1970's and 1980's. So busy appealling to the fringe they've lost the rest of the country.

And how is the GOP far right?

You mean other than wanting to destroy the social safety net and protections that were set up after the Great Depression, wanting to overturn the civil rights movement. Wanting to ban birth control and abortion?

Reagan would be considered a RINO today.
The (D) lost it's soul long ago, especially after the far left hijacked the party in late 70's..

I have to hand it to the Dem machine. What the Cold war failed at doing, our Education system, media and government succeeded. The communist have attacked our infrastructure, planted the seeds, and are growing future American communist who will vote in socialism, thus avoiding the loss in war to accomplish the same task. The hard work started coming into fruition in 2008 and will only get worse until the next war of wars.


I htink that when you talk about "communism" and "Socialism", you've given up the right to be taken seriously in debates.
The (D) lost it's soul long ago, especially after the far left hijacked the party in late 70's..

I have to hand it to the Dem machine. What the Cold war failed at doing, our Education system, media and government succeeded. The communist have attacked our infrastructure, planted the seeds, and are growing future American communist who will vote in socialism, thus avoiding the loss in war to accomplish the same task. The hard work started coming into fruition in 2008 and will only get worse until the next war of wars.


I htink that when you talk about "communism" and "Socialism", you've given up the right to be taken seriously in debates.

Think what you want. It goes beyond personal property etc..

Socialism and communism are alike in that both are systems of production for use based on public ownership of the means of production and centralized planning.

I have to hand it to the Dem machine. What the Cold war failed at doing, our Education system, media and government succeeded. The communist have attacked our infrastructure, planted the seeds, and are growing future American communist who will vote in socialism, thus avoiding the loss in war to accomplish the same task. The hard work started coming into fruition in 2008 and will only get worse until the next war of wars.


I htink that when you talk about "communism" and "Socialism", you've given up the right to be taken seriously in debates.

Think what you want. It goes beyond personal property etc..

Socialism and communism are alike in that both are systems of production for use based on public ownership of the means of production and centralized planning.



Obviously, you can't debate without beating up strawmen, so you beat that strawman really good.
Democratic party has lost its way is an understatement. Before we just had to be concerned about their rallies in the park, Haight-Ashbury comes to mind, smoking weed and having open sex. Cool.. Actually, sounds kind of fun...

But I digress



One reason we know voters will embrace populism is that they already have. It’s what they thought they were getting with Obama. In 2008 Obama said he’d bail out homeowners, not just banks. He vowed to fight for a public option, raise the minimum wage and clean up Washington. He called whistle-blowers heroes and said he’d bar lobbyists from his staff. He was critical of drones and wary of the use of force to advance American interests. He spoke eloquently of the threats posed to individual privacy by a runaway national security state.

He turned out to be something else altogether. To blame Republicans ignores a glaring truth: Obama’s record is worst where they had little or no role to play. It wasn’t Republicans who prosecuted all those whistle-blowers and hired all those lobbyists; who authorized drone strikes or kept the NSA chugging along; who reneged on the public option, the minimum wage and aid to homeowners. It wasn’t even Republicans who turned a blind eye to Wall Street corruption and excessive executive compensation. It was Obama.

A populist revolt among Democrats is unlikely absent their reappraisal of Obama, which itself seems unlikely. Not since Robert Kennedy have Democrats been so personally invested in a public figure. Liberals fell hardest so it’s especially hard for them to admit he’s just not that into them.

- From Bill Curry’s excellent article in Salon

My party has lost its soul: Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and the victory of Wall Street Democrats -

Bill Curry’s article published this past Sunday by Salon is simply extraordinary. One of the things I’ve felt has been lacking in America for some time is the ability for well-meaning people within the “power structure” to look inward and be honest with themselves about the immoral decay fellow members of their socio-economic class have wrought upon the nation via a singleminded pursuit of wealth and power. A perfect example of an ignorant, destructive oligarch completely devoid of self-awareness was put on full display earlier this year when

An Open Letter to Sam Zell: Why Your Statements are Delusional and Dangerous | Liberty Blitzkrieg and essentially said the poor just need to act more like the rich.

Former Aide To Bill Clinton Speaks ? "My Party Has Lost Its Soul" | Zero Hedge

Okay. :neutral:
The (D) lost it's soul long ago, especially after the far left hijacked the party in late 70's..

I have to hand it to the Dem machine. What the Cold war failed at doing, our Education system, media and government succeeded. The communist have attacked our infrastructure, planted the seeds, and are growing future American communist who will vote in socialism, thus avoiding the loss in war to accomplish the same task. The hard work started coming into fruition in 2008 and will only get worse until the next war of wars.


I htink that when you talk about "communism" and "Socialism", you've given up the right to be taken seriously in debates.

You continued support of Obama, has given up your right to be taken seriously, period.
I have to hand it to the Dem machine. What the Cold war failed at doing, our Education system, media and government succeeded. The communist have attacked our infrastructure, planted the seeds, and are growing future American communist who will vote in socialism, thus avoiding the loss in war to accomplish the same task. The hard work started coming into fruition in 2008 and will only get worse until the next war of wars.


I htink that when you talk about "communism" and "Socialism", you've given up the right to be taken seriously in debates.

Think what you want. It goes beyond personal property etc..

Socialism and communism are alike in that both are systems of production for use based on public ownership of the means of production and centralized planning.


I could be wrong, but I always thought the basic difference between Communism and Socialism was that Socialism allowed religious institutions to exist whereas Communism banned religion.
I htink that when you talk about "communism" and "Socialism", you've given up the right to be taken seriously in debates.

Think what you want. It goes beyond personal property etc..

Socialism and communism are alike in that both are systems of production for use based on public ownership of the means of production and centralized planning.


I could be wrong, but I always thought the basic difference between Communism and Socialism was that Socialism allowed religious institutions to exist whereas Communism banned religion.

You're have been misinformed

Search Results - Oxford Reference

Search Results - Oxford Reference
Dems have become the Progressive Party and are starting to take a shape that would make their Hitler/Stalin/Mao forefathers quite proud
Think what you want. It goes beyond personal property etc..

Socialism and communism are alike in that both are systems of production for use based on public ownership of the means of production and centralized planning.


I could be wrong, but I always thought the basic difference between Communism and Socialism was that Socialism allowed religious institutions to exist whereas Communism banned religion.

You're have been misinformed

Search Results - Oxford Reference

Search Results - Oxford Reference

I prefer this explanation.

The vast majority of people in the Russian empire were, at the time of the revolution, religious believers, whereas the communists aimed to break the power of all religious institutions and eventually replace religious belief with atheism. "Science" was counterposed to "religious superstition" in the media and in academic writing. The main religions of pre-revolutionary Russia persisted throughout the entire Soviet period, but they were only tolerated within certain limits. Generally, this meant that believers were free to worship in private and in their respective religious buildings (churches, mosques, etc.), but public displays of religion outside of such designated areas were prohibited. In addition, religious institutions were not allowed to express their views in any type of mass media, and many religious buildings were demolished or used for other purposes.

Marxist–Leninist atheism has consistently advocated the control, suppression, and elimination of religion. Within about a year of the revolution, the state expropriated all church property, including the churches themselves, and in the period from 1922 to 1926, 28 Russian Orthodox bishops and more than 1,200priests were killed. Many more were persecuted.

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