Foreign Policy Of Immigration And Long Term Neighbor Pit Fights

Which special limits need to be placed upon immigration by adherents of fictional ishmaelism ?

  • No special limits on annual percentage of fictional ishmaelism migrants should be enforced .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lenient special limits on annual percentage of fictional ishmaelism migrants should be enforced .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Moderate limits on annual percentages of fictional ishmaelism migrants should be enforced .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Strict limits on annual percentages of fictional ishmaelism migrants should be enforced .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Us foreign policy should oppose an establishment of fictional ishmaelism governments abroad .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fictional ishmaelism includes tenets of creed which violate non aggression principles .

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Foreign Policy Of Immigration And Long Term Neighbor Pit Fights "

* Political Malefactors With Different Allegiances But Intransigent Beliefs *

Given that numbers translate into votes and political policy , does anything such as limits need to be included in us immigration policy to mitigate threats posed by fictional ishmaelism adherents ?

* Static Propaganda Proselytizing Normalize An Intolerant Alternative *

A clear disagreement with the following citation is that tenets of creed lauding for democracy as tyranny by majority is still tyranny , and when a public and representatives all agree on tyranny , though they all hold allegiances disparate upon race and sect , martial law is a probable consequence , even when its representatives do not wear military uniforms .

Thus playing off the majority of the public at large as victims of bad government , when base principles seek to establish principles for bad government is not altogether believable .

Iraq is a militant theocracy, not a secular democracy | Tallha Abdulrazaq | AW
" The great promise made to Iraqis before the 2003 US-led invasion that plunged them into a vision of hell. Iraqis did not get the democracy they were promised but instead received tyranny, civil war, sectarian violence, Iran-backed Shia jihadists and murderous savages such as the Islamic State (ISIS). "

* Current Wear State Of Ware Militant Theocracy Where Not Secular Democracy *

The sunni / shia fissures are referred to as an ethnic division , which is a euphemism for a historically racial divide , as each cedes an alliance to influences over public policy practices based upon kindred and sect .

And yet , peering beyond racial squabbles and psychobabble of not applicable to all , the consequences of fictional ishmaelism ultimately expects and manifests Might makes right - Wikipedia , as it maintains a core principle expecting that .

And to any which opposes some sectarian myopia of pretentious supremacy all offer the idiom of Hisbah - Wikipedia ( his bah )in mockery against alternative social and political systems that is invoked as an absolutist dictate for a divine totality .

* Foreign Funded Oil Lobby Launches Hostile Public Propaganda To Depose Any Not Willing To Normalize Fictional Ishmaelism Totalitarianism *

Bashar al-Assad - Wikipedia
" He is also commander-in-chief of the Syrian Armed Forces, Regional Secretary of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party's branch in Syria.
On 16 July 2014, Assad was sworn in for another seven-year term after receiving 88.7% of votes in the first contested presidential election in Ba'athist Syria's history.[5][6][7] The election was dismissed as a "sham" by the Syrian opposition and its Western allies,[8][9] while an international delegation of observers from more than 30 countries led by Syria's allies stated that the election was "free and fair".[10][11][12] The Assad government describes itself as secular,[13] while some political scientists have claimed that the government exploits sectarian tensions in the country and relies upon the Alawite minority to remain in power.[14][15]

* Be Four And After Sum War *

Saddam Hussein - Wikipedia
" Iraq faced the prospect of régime change from two Shi'ite factions (Dawa and SCIRI) which aspired to model Iraq on its neighbour Iran as a Shia theocracy.
As the Ba'ath Party's paramilitary, the People's Army acted as a counterweight against any coup attempts by the regular armed forces. In addition to the People's Army, the Department of General Intelligence was the most notorious arm of the state-security system, feared for its use of torture and assassination.
Positions of power in the country were mostly filled with Sunni Arabs, a minority that made up only a fifth of the population.[12]

Membership in the Ba'ath Party remained open to all Iraqi citizens regardless of background. However, repressive measures were taken against its opponents.[57]
Iraqi society fissures along lines of language, religion and ethnicity. The Ba'ath Party, secular by nature, adopted Pan-Arab ideologies which in turn were problematic for significant parts of the population. "
" Whose Who Contests "

* Pandering Complicity Goals For Governments With Foreign Interests *

There is a complication as commercial interests with shia regimes is less aligned with us foreign market interests and the us is being usurped into complicity to depose secular states in cooperation with its theocratic commercial bed fellows .

State-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
" Saudi Arabia is said to be the world's largest source of funds and promoter of Salafist jihadism,[103]
The interpretation of Islam promoted by this funding was the strict, conservative Saudi-based Wahhabism or Salafism.
Throughout the Sunni Muslim world, religious institutions for people both young and old, from children's maddrassas to high-level scholarships received Saudi funding,[111] "books, scholarships, fellowships, and mosques" (for example, "more than 1500 mosques were built and paid for with money obtained from public Saudi funds over the last 50 years"),[112] along with training in the Kingdom for the preachers and teachers who went on to teach and work at these universities, schools, mosques, etc.[113] The funding was also used to reward journalists and academics who followed the Saudis' strict interpretation of Islam; and satellite campuses were built around Egypt for Al Azhar, the world's oldest and most influential Islamic university.[114] "

Saudi Arabia lobby in the United States - Wikipedia
" In the first decade of the 21st century the Saudis paid approximately $100 million to American firms to lobby the American government.[4]
Major lobbying firms that work as lobbyists in the pay of the Saudi government include Hill & Knowlton, which has been employed to lobby for Saudi Arabia since 1982.[4] Qorvis Communications has worked for Saudi Arabia since the 9/11 attacks, receiving over $60.3 million over the course of a decade.[5][6]Hogan Lovells U.S., L.L.P., formerly Hogan & Harston, worked for Saudi Arabia in 2009.[4] The Loeffler Group, LLP, headed by former Congressman Tom Loeffler of Texas, was paid $10.5 million by the Saudi government during the first decade of the century, and gave Sandler Innocenzi, Inc. $8.9 million.[4] Patton Boggs, LLP, earned over $3 million from Saudi Arabia for lobbying in the first decade of the century.[4]
The Middle East Policy Council has received large payments from Saudi Arabia to lobby for the Kingdom, including $1 million in 2007.[7][8]
A partial list of firms that have been paid by Saudi Arabia to lobby the American government includes:

  • Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP: $220,770
  • Boland & Madigan, Inc: $420,000
  • Burson-Marsteller: $3,619,286.85
  • Cambridge Associates, Ltd.: $8,505
  • Cassidy & Associates, Inc: $720,000
  • DNX Partners, LLC: $225,000
  • Dutton & Dutton, PC: $3,694,350
  • Fleishman-Hillard: $6,400,000
  • Gallagher Group, LLC: $612,337.37
  • Iler Interests, LP: $388,231.14
  • Loeffler Tuggey Pauerstein Rosenthal, LLP: $2,350,457.12
  • Loeffler, Jonas & Tuggey, LLP: $1,260,000
  • MPD Consultants, LLP: $1,447,267.13
  • Powell Tate, Inc: $900,732.77[4]
Since 2015, the Saudi Arabia paid $18 million to 145 registered lobbyists to influence the U.S. government.[9]
A partial list of lobbyists that have been paid by Saudi Arabia to lobby for the Kingdom: the Podesta Group, founded by John Podesta and Tony Podesta, the Glover Park Group, former Senator Norm Coleman, H.P. Goldfield, vice chair of Madeleine Albright’s Albright Stonebridge Group, the BGR Group, the Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, the Squire Patton Boggs, the DLA Piper, the Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, and the Qorvis/MSLGroup.[9]
[10] "

* Sunni Arabs Or Baathist Arabs *

Arab lobby in the United States - Wikipedia
" Powerful lobbyists working on behalf of the Arab lobby include Bob Livingston, Tony Podesta, and Toby Moffett. Arab governments have paid "tens of millions of dollars" to "top" lobbying firms that work to influence the American government.[10] This includes the Saudi Arabia lobby, Egypt lobby and the Libya lobby.
In the wake of 9/11, Saudi Arabia hired the lobbying firms Patton Boggs and Qorvis, paying $14 million a year.[10][11]
Lobby fees paid by Arab governments to individual firms "commonly" reach levels of $50,000 and above. In 2009 alone the United Arab Emirates spent $5.3 million, as the Emirates were seeking nuclear technology. In 2009 Morocco spent $3 million and Algeria spent $600,000 on Washington, D.C. lobbyists, and Turkey spent $1.7 million. According to Howard Marlowe, president of the American League of Lobbyists, "These kinds of regimes have a lot of money at their disposal, and that'’s a great attraction."[10]
According to ProPublica, 4 of the top 10 governments lobbying in Washington are Arab, in terms of spending. The United Arab Emirates places first, having spent $10,914,002 in 2007 and 2008. Iraq, Morocco and Saudi Arabia also each spent over $3 million, and the non-Arab, Middle Eastern nation of Turkey also spent over $3 million.[12]
In June 2017, Qatar began a "massive lobbying campaign" in the U.S. after President Donald Trump sided with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and other Arab countries in imposing a blockade against Qatar. Through August 2018, "Qatar has hired 35 US lobbying firms and paid them a total of at least $19.5 million." According to disclosure filings, "The lobbyists contacted hundreds of members of the US Congress and dozens of journalists and Trump administration officials while spending millions of dollars on advertising that promotes Qatar as a US ally."[13] Lobbyists hired by Qatar include Trump fundraiser Brian Ballard of Ballard Partners and former attorney general John Ashcroft.[14][15] Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, brother of the Emir of Qatar, is alleged to be directing the U.S. lobbying campaign.[16]
" Massage Two This Whirled "

* Fire Temples Without Demigods *

There is little more pathetic than farcical farsi and its humiliated , disgraced , cultural abdication of zoroastrian for fictional ishmaelism and the pretentious supremacy of arab cultural hegemony .

With a phoenix as a flag moniker its nation squanders a history of national identity to fictional ishmaelism sentinels sporting mushroom hats and claiming divine hallucinations , while its citizens are complicit in abdicating to theistic despots over non aggression principles expected by individualism .

A contention for pragmatism towards the following citation of opinion is that the bush administration could have persuaded the iraq government to implement a us first amendment in its constitution , as could have the iraqi citizens , but neither maintained a capacity to respect or promote those foundations .

One is entitled to suspect that puritanical ideals maintained a love hate allegiance for value in us first amendment , and capitalists complicit with fundamentalists and moralists are inclined to betray and fail to banter the ideals of foundation which have established their own providence .

Iraq is a militant theocracy, not a secular democracy | Tallha Abdulrazaq | AW
Once the transformation of Iraq into a theocracy is complete and the grip of the ayatollahs on executive, judicial and legislative powers of the state becomes uncompromising, it will take nothing short of a miracle to save Iraq from decades of repression, intolerance, sectarianism and violence.

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