Foreign Policy: Biden’s Foreign Policy Circle Has History of Failed Predictions Versus 2 Nobel Peace Prize Nominations


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Joe Biden has zero accomplishments to show for his 40+ years of (personal) public federal service, and he has been wrong on every foreign policy decision he has ever made, to include leading the Democratic party opposition to President Trump's life-saving travel bans during which he called them 'Xenophobic'.

Despite the Leftist Fake News Media refusing to cover it, in just 3 years President Trump achieved more foreign policy success, to include 2 (TWO) Nobel Peace Prize nominations, than Biden had in his DECADES in office.

In fact, President Trump has done far more than former President Obama has. For one, President Obama was GIVEN a Nobel Peace Prize he did not EARN, much like how he and the Democrat Party GAVE Hillary the 2016 party nomination despite the fact that she did not EARN it. Secondly, President Obama committed - by United nations definitions - an International War Crime by 'invading a sovereign nation without that nation's permission or request to do so'.

From Obama's to Biden's top advisors - Samantha Power, Susan Rice, Hillary, and others - predicted under President Trump the United States would be isolated and incite bloodshed and war, especially with Iran.

"These predictions did not materialize, and Iran backed down when faced with the threat of a full-scale war with the United States."

Instead, it was Obama who funded, armed, trained, protected, defended, and facilitated foreign terrorist violence, who armed brutal, Mexican Drug Cartels, and who aided Al Qaeda in murdering Libya's leader - who was HELPING THE COALITION fight terrorists in Northern Africa, and take over Libya for their own. It was Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, who backed down to Russia and sacrificed / gave Crimea to Russia. It was Obama who invaded Syria, dragging the US into another war, leaving US troops to fight HIS new war as he left office.

"Ilan Goldenberg, another Biden ally who served as chief of staff to the special envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations from 2013 to 2014, argued that Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran would result in "a weak sanctions regime." American sanctions, he wrote in a 2018 article, "will be a fraction of what it was in 2012."

"Two years after Goldenberg authored this piece, sanctions on Iran remain the toughest in history"
... debunking the Democrat / snowflake LIE that President Trump has been 'soft' on Iran.


"With Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain signing a historic treaty at the White House on Tuesday, the Washington Free Beacon looks back on predictions of Middle East turmoil when the Trump administration recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital in 2018.

Although critics such as former secretary of state John Kerry proclaimed at the time that the rejection of Palestinian claims to the city would stymie peace efforts in the Middle East or lead to violence, the UAE and Bahrain announced they would formally recognize Israel and establish diplomatic relations with the Jewish state."

Trump achieved more foreign policy success, to include 2 (TWO) Nobel Peace Prize nominations,
Tramp has not received even one REAL nomination, only FAKE nominations from radical Right-wingers who are NOT on the nominating committee, but you knew that already.
Biden has never been right about foreign policy, period:
Robert Gates:
It's quite clear that being a unifying president is pretty low on the priority of our current incumbent. I think he is a divider, and I think he does so quite consciously.
Biden has never been right about foreign policy, period:
Robert Gates:
It's quite clear that being a unifying president is pretty low on the priority of our current incumbent. I think he is a divider, and I think he does so quite consciously.
You can call Trump a "divider", but sometimes "allies" need a kick in the ass:
Biden has never been right about foreign policy, period:
Robert Gates:
It's quite clear that being a unifying president is pretty low on the priority of our current incumbent. I think he is a divider, and I think he does so quite consciously.
You can call Trump a "divider", but sometimes "allies" need a kick in the ass:
Joe Biden has zero accomplishments to show for his 40+ years of (personal) public federal service, and he has been wrong on every foreign policy decision he has ever made, to include leading the Democratic party opposition to President Trump's life-saving travel bans during which he called them 'Xenophobic'.

Despite the Leftist Fake News Media refusing to cover it, in just 3 years President Trump achieved more foreign policy success, to include 2 (TWO) Nobel Peace Prize nominations, than Biden had in his DECADES in office.

In fact, President Trump has done far more than former President Obama has. For one, President Obama was GIVEN a Nobel Peace Prize he did not EARN, much like how he and the Democrat Party GAVE Hillary the 2016 party nomination despite the fact that she did not EARN it. Secondly, President Obama committed - by United nations definitions - an International War Crime by 'invading a sovereign nation without that nation's permission or request to do so'.

From Obama's to Biden's top advisors - Samantha Power, Susan Rice, Hillary, and others - predicted under President Trump the United States would be isolated and incite bloodshed and war, especially with Iran.

"These predictions did not materialize, and Iran backed down when faced with the threat of a full-scale war with the United States."

Instead, it was Obama who funded, armed, trained, protected, defended, and facilitated foreign terrorist violence, who armed brutal, Mexican Drug Cartels, and who aided Al Qaeda in murdering Libya's leader - who was HELPING THE COALITION fight terrorists in Northern Africa, and take over Libya for their own. It was Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, who backed down to Russia and sacrificed / gave Crimea to Russia. It was Obama who invaded Syria, dragging the US into another war, leaving US troops to fight HIS new war as he left office.

"Ilan Goldenberg, another Biden ally who served as chief of staff to the special envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations from 2013 to 2014, argued that Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran would result in "a weak sanctions regime." American sanctions, he wrote in a 2018 article, "will be a fraction of what it was in 2012."

"Two years after Goldenberg authored this piece, sanctions on Iran remain the toughest in history"
... debunking the Democrat / snowflake LIE that President Trump has been 'soft' on Iran.

Make that 3 nominations for the Nobel Prize.

Trump achieved more foreign policy success, to include 2 (TWO) Nobel Peace Prize nominations,
Tramp has not received even one REAL nomination, only FAKE nominations from radical Right-wingers who are NOT on the nominating committee, but you knew that already.

Biden has never been right about foreign policy, period:
Robert Gates:
It's quite clear that being a unifying president is pretty low on the priority of our current incumbent. I think he is a divider, and I think he does so quite consciously.
You can call Trump a "divider", but sometimes "allies" need a kick in the ass:
Trump achieved more foreign policy success, to include 2 (TWO) Nobel Peace Prize nominations,
Tramp has not received even one REAL nomination, only FAKE nominations from radical Right-wingers who are NOT on the nominating committee, but you knew that already.

NOT ONE of the 5 Nobel commissioners on the nominating committee has nominated Tramp. Those FAKE nominations carry as much weight as my bowling team nominating me for the Peace prize.
Trump achieved more foreign policy success, to include 2 (TWO) Nobel Peace Prize nominations,
Tramp has not received even one REAL nomination, only FAKE nominations from radical Right-wingers who are NOT on the nominating committee, but you knew that already.

NOT ONE of the 5 Nobel commissioners on the nominating committee has nominated Tramp. Those FAKE nominations carry as much weight as my bowling team nominating me for the Peace prize.

You didnt read the article I see.
Trump achieved more foreign policy success, to include 2 (TWO) Nobel Peace Prize nominations,
Tramp has not received even one REAL nomination, only FAKE nominations from radical Right-wingers who are NOT on the nominating committee, but you knew that already.

NOT ONE of the 5 Nobel commissioners on the nominating committee has nominated Tramp. Those FAKE nominations carry as much weight as my bowling team nominating me for the Peace prize.

You didnt read the article I see.
You do know there are as many Australians on the nominating committee as there are members of my bowling team on the committee! :rofl::lmao:
Joe Biden has zero accomplishments to show for his 40+ years of (personal) public federal service, and he has been wrong on every foreign policy decision he has ever made, to include leading the Democratic party opposition to President Trump's life-saving travel bans during which he called them 'Xenophobic'.

Despite the Leftist Fake News Media refusing to cover it, in just 3 years President Trump achieved more foreign policy success, to include 2 (TWO) Nobel Peace Prize nominations, than Biden had in his DECADES in office.

In fact, President Trump has done far more than former President Obama has. For one, President Obama was GIVEN a Nobel Peace Prize he did not EARN, much like how he and the Democrat Party GAVE Hillary the 2016 party nomination despite the fact that she did not EARN it. Secondly, President Obama committed - by United nations definitions - an International War Crime by 'invading a sovereign nation without that nation's permission or request to do so'.

From Obama's to Biden's top advisors - Samantha Power, Susan Rice, Hillary, and others - predicted under President Trump the United States would be isolated and incite bloodshed and war, especially with Iran.

"These predictions did not materialize, and Iran backed down when faced with the threat of a full-scale war with the United States."

Instead, it was Obama who funded, armed, trained, protected, defended, and facilitated foreign terrorist violence, who armed brutal, Mexican Drug Cartels, and who aided Al Qaeda in murdering Libya's leader - who was HELPING THE COALITION fight terrorists in Northern Africa, and take over Libya for their own. It was Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, who backed down to Russia and sacrificed / gave Crimea to Russia. It was Obama who invaded Syria, dragging the US into another war, leaving US troops to fight HIS new war as he left office.

"Ilan Goldenberg, another Biden ally who served as chief of staff to the special envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations from 2013 to 2014, argued that Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran would result in "a weak sanctions regime." American sanctions, he wrote in a 2018 article, "will be a fraction of what it was in 2012."

"Two years after Goldenberg authored this piece, sanctions on Iran remain the toughest in history"
... debunking the Democrat / snowflake LIE that President Trump has been 'soft' on Iran.

Don't look now but TRump has now be nominated for nominated 3rd Nobel Peace prize...........
Trump achieved more foreign policy success, to include 2 (TWO) Nobel Peace Prize nominations,
Tramp has not received even one REAL nomination, only FAKE nominations from radical Right-wingers who are NOT on the nominating committee, but you knew that already.

NOT ONE of the 5 Nobel commissioners on the nominating committee has nominated Tramp. Those FAKE nominations carry as much weight as my bowling team nominating me for the Peace prize.

You didnt read the article I see.
You do know there are as many Australians on the nominating committee as there are members of my bowling team on the committee! :rofl::lmao:

They're legit when it comes to nominating Nobel winners.
I love watching you desperate libs.
Trump achieved more foreign policy success, to include 2 (TWO) Nobel Peace Prize nominations,
Tramp has not received even one REAL nomination, only FAKE nominations from radical Right-wingers who are NOT on the nominating committee, but you knew that already.

NOT ONE of the 5 Nobel commissioners on the nominating committee has nominated Tramp. Those FAKE nominations carry as much weight as my bowling team nominating me for the Peace prize.

You didnt read the article I see.
You do know there are as many Australians on the nominating committee as there are members of my bowling team on the committee! :rofl::lmao:

They're legit when it comes to nominating Nobel winners.
I love watching you desperate libs.
They are as legit as my bowling team.
You are a complete IDIOT if you think otherwise!
This is John Kerry's view and probably most of the Establishment. Man Trump has pissed them off

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