Ford to invest 20 billion for EV's!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
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Not the middle of nowhere
Ford To Invest Up To $20 Billion To Accelerate Shift To Electric Vehicles | ZeroHedge


Oh....but wait.....


"20 billion over the next ten years.....but ICE vehicles to remain the core of Ford for many years to come"

Ford and Toyota know....the cost of a vehicle matters to a large majority of Americans!!

I'm just know Crick, Abu Freak, Mamooth and Old Rocks saw this and had a caniption furiously navigating to get into this thread..... :iyfyus.jpg: .....only to get kicked in the nut sack.
More like Ford is going to get $200 billion in Federal subsidies and $2 trillion in tax bennies for shareholders.
Ford electric cars/truck Found On Road Dead all over the country.
Ford and GM will be bankrupt if they do not seriously get into manufacturing EV's that can directly compere with Tesla and BYD.
Ford and GM will be bankrupt if they do not seriously get into manufacturing EV's that can directly compere with Tesla and BYD.

lol........about 117 people think that. :bye1:

Gotta move out of those hills dude and into'll view things very differently. Anybody knows the off-the-grid guys are almost invariably all screwballs. They are obsessed with moving themselves away from anything real due to hate, anger and misery........and play make-believe about how the world should be. Ghey

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