For any and all pro wrestling fans

Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
Bowling Green Ohio
Just curious about peoples opinions of the current state of TNA wrestling. I have been a fan for the last 4 years or so but am a bit out of the loop as I have not had cable for a bit. I still read up online and watch the web matches they put up and dig what I am seeing but cant really judge the overall product. I know they recently posted the highest ratings for Impact in the history of the company which is good, i like them alot and dont even give a rats ass about WWE (Worst Wrestling Ever) anymore but was wondering what the rest of you think.
and only idiots and latent homos are "fans"
no fucking shit sherlock...thanks for the info captain obvious but alot of people still like it and watch it...its like a soap opera for guys or watching a movie... a good way to distract for a few hours a week
madison rayne, taylor wilde, christy hemme are all great distractions as well:happy-1: and I am married to a very beautiful woman so that takes away your lame latent homos rip
no fucking shit sherlock...thanks for the info captain obvious but alot of people still like it and watch it...its like a soap opera for guys or watching a movie... a good way to distract for a few hours a week

How do you find the time between all the Obama propaganda you watch ? ......
madison rayne, taylor wilde, christy hemme are all great distractions as well:happy-1: and I am married to a very beautiful woman so that takes away your lame latent homos rip

yet you still feel the need to watch half naked men on TV?
How do you find the time to post so many responses on here when your always jerking off to your Dubya and John McCain posters from what I hear!
How do you find the time to post so many responses on here when your always jerking off to your Dubya and John McCain posters from what I hear!

When did i ever have a pic of Bush or McCain in my avatar ? fail .....
I used to watch WWE when the lads lived at home, we even saw a couple of live events when they were in the Uk, my oldest son still watches them and is a big fan.I much prefer to watch the half naked men of the UFC these days and I am not a latent or otherwise homo either, go figure.

On a weekend I like nothing better than watch young men in shorts kick a ball around a football pitch.I must be gay afterall EH?:lol:
I used to watch WWE when the lads lived at home, we even saw a couple of live events when they were in the Uk, my oldest son still watches them and is a big fan.I much prefer to watch the half naked men of the UFC these days and I am not a latent or otherwise homo either, go figure.

On a weekend I like nothing better than watch young men in shorts kick a ball around a football pitch.I must be gay afterall EH?:lol:

But Roomy, the guys in the UFC actually fight. Wrestlers oil up and flex and pretend to fight.
I used to watch WWE when the lads lived at home, we even saw a couple of live events when they were in the Uk, my oldest son still watches them and is a big fan.I much prefer to watch the half naked men of the UFC these days and I am not a latent or otherwise homo either, go figure.

On a weekend I like nothing better than watch young men in shorts kick a ball around a football pitch.I must be gay afterall EH?:lol:

But Roomy, the guys in the UFC actually fight. Wrestlers oil up and flex and pretend to fight.

They are entertaining athletes, they still get hurt and the kids like it.
I used to watch WWE when the lads lived at home, we even saw a couple of live events when they were in the Uk, my oldest son still watches them and is a big fan.I much prefer to watch the half naked men of the UFC these days and I am not a latent or otherwise homo either, go figure.

On a weekend I like nothing better than watch young men in shorts kick a ball around a football pitch.I must be gay afterall EH?:lol:

But Roomy, the guys in the UFC actually fight. Wrestlers oil up and flex and pretend to fight.

There's a LOT more to professional wrestling than that.
Just curious about peoples opinions of the current state of TNA wrestling. I have been a fan for the last 4 years or so but am a bit out of the loop as I have not had cable for a bit. I still read up online and watch the web matches they put up and dig what I am seeing but cant really judge the overall product. I know they recently posted the highest ratings for Impact in the history of the company which is good, i like them alot and dont even give a rats ass about WWE (Worst Wrestling Ever) anymore but was wondering what the rest of you think.

TNA is crap. Their shows are boring, the atmosphere of the crowd is boring... they only gained fame because they got Christian Cage and Kurt Angle from the WWE. Meanwhile WWE's ratings are higher and TNA's ratings are in the pit.

WWE has been good as of late. Orton is the next Austin and Jack Swagger is the next Orton.
This past Thursday night's edition of TNA Impact scored a 1.3 final cable rating. This is the same number the show drew last week, which has to be looked at by TNA as a good sign as it shows a two week consistency in their product. The show pulled in 1.7 million viewers.

David S. 1.7 million viewers cant be wrong, sure its not up tp par with WWE but TNA has not established itself or been around NEARLY as long as WWE has. Their product is improving alot and it is starting to show, when is the last time you actually watched a TNA program? I can guess that it has probably been a while.

Skull you really want to tell the nearly 2 million people a week that watch TNA and the 3-4 million that watch WWE that they are idiots and latent homos? Whether you like it or not pro wrestling is a viable industry in this country that keeps the capitalist market you love so much rolling. Even though I personally dispise him and cant stand the sight of him Vinny mac is a rich dude that obviously knows what he is doing and makes a hell of a lot more in 1 year than even you will see in your lifetime! Hell he dropped 35 million on the failed XFL football league from a few years back and didnt even sweat was pocket change to him. And try telling Dixie Carter, the president of TNA that the product that she produces that puts food on her families table is viewed by idiots and latent homos ok.
I used to watch WWE when the lads lived at home, we even saw a couple of live events when they were in the Uk, my oldest son still watches them and is a big fan.I much prefer to watch the half naked men of the UFC these days and I am not a latent or otherwise homo either, go figure.

On a weekend I like nothing better than watch young men in shorts kick a ball around a football pitch.I must be gay afterall EH?:lol:

But Roomy, the guys in the UFC actually fight. Wrestlers oil up and flex and pretend to fight.

We all know pro wrestling is a stage show. However, these guys go at night after night, and their bodies get fucked up. When they're hurt, they still have to put on the show. Most of them are on steroids, so they all are endangering themselves.

My brother-in-laws cousin fought in the early UFC, then in Brazil, and finally as a pro wrestler in Japan. He had a stroke at the age of 32 that ended his career. He never admitted it, but everyone is pretty sure he was on steroids.

Here's a picture and some stats from his early UFC days: Fight Finder - Brian "Fury" Johnston's Mixed Martial Arts Statistics

As you can see, he only weighed 222 lbs. When I met him at my sister's wedding, he was up to 350 with maybe 5% body fat.

Most of these fake professional wrestlers have been around. Making it to the WWE level usually takes a while. So yes, they are fakes, but they are tough, and their lives are tougher.
Interesting story Auditor...

Im a huge mixed martial arts fan, and i watch EVERY UFC fight, and most of the other organizations fights too.

I dont get fake wrestling and i dont understand how people enjoy it, especially adults. It wouldnt be nearly as bad if the acting was at least somewhat good, but theres almost no wrestlers out there that can pull it off without looking VERY corny. The dialogue between the wrestlers is over the top and akward often times. The fights themselves arent even realistic either. None of the punches or kicks look realistic, and all the flipping and jumping around is just indulgent nonsense that never happens in the real world. Its just so god damned corny to me, but i understand everyone has their own personal taste, so who am i to say whats entertainment and whats not.

I suggest all WWE fans stop watching that garbage and start watching MMA fights.
Interesting story Auditor...

Im a huge mixed martial arts fan, and i watch EVERY UFC fight, and most of the other organizations fights too.

I dont get fake wrestling and i dont understand how people enjoy it, especially adults. It wouldnt be nearly as bad if the acting was at least somewhat good, but theres almost no wrestlers out there that can pull it off without looking VERY corny. The dialogue between the wrestlers is over the top and akward often times. The fights themselves arent even realistic either. None of the punches or kicks look realistic, and all the flipping and jumping around is just indulgent nonsense that never happens in the real world. Its just so god damned corny to me, but i understand everyone has their own personal taste, so who am i to say whats entertainment and whats not.

I suggest all WWE fans stop watching that garbage and start watching MMA fights.

The outcome of professional wrestling matches is predetermined. I'd like to see you fake getting slammed through a table ...:eusa_whistle:

You obviously are quite ignorant to any history concerning professional wrestling. Most people that used to like it don't like the current product. The interest in professional wrestling would be the same as most anything on television -- entertainment.

As far as MMA goes, why don't you save yourself some money and just go watch dogfights or cockfights? It really amounts to little more than that.

Oh, and I DID used to kickbox, before you tell me what I don't know. That required some skill besides chokeholds or laying on top of someone and hammering their brains out. I can do that at the local watering hole.
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