For 8 years the right has been called racist.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
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Kansas City
Now if Hillary is elected that meme will change to sexist.
Liberals just can't fathom that people vehemently disagree with their positions. Their tunnel vision blinds them completely to the fact that their train of thought is but one narrow view of the world.
Now if Hillary is elected that meme will change to sexist.
Liberals just can't fathom that people vehemently disagree with their positions. Their tunnel vision blinds them completely to the fact that their train of thought is but one narrow view of the world.
can you fathom that at least some of thr opposition to obama and driving force behind the 'tea party' was racism?
Now if Hillary is elected that meme will change to sexist.
Liberals just can't fathom that people vehemently disagree with their positions. Their tunnel vision blinds them completely to the fact that their train of thought is but one narrow view of the world.

Democrats cry racist because their ideas are illogical and don't work
Now if Hillary is elected that meme will change to sexist.
Liberals just can't fathom that people vehemently disagree with their positions. Their tunnel vision blinds them completely to the fact that their train of thought is but one narrow view of the world.
can you fathom that at least some of thr opposition to obama and driving force behind the 'tea party' was racism?
I can fathom that there are pigs in all walks of life. For 8 years yall claimed that Congress blocked Obama because he was black. The argument was childish and only used because of narrow mindedness
You get called racist because of all the racist shit you say !

5 min in this place is all you need to get a good dose of deplorables.
Now if Hillary is elected that meme will change to sexist.
Liberals just can't fathom that people vehemently disagree with their positions. Their tunnel vision blinds them completely to the fact that their train of thought is but one narrow view of the world.
can you fathom that at least some of thr opposition to obama and driving force behind the 'tea party' was racism?

Just because you always saw some racist signs or t-shirts at Tea Party or Trump rallies does not mean Republicans are racist. It simply means racists aren't made to feel uncomfortable in the Republican Party...they're "tolerant" and "big tent" that way.
You get called racist because of all the racist shit you say !

5 min in this place is all you need to get a good dose of deplorables.

"This place" didn't block Obama. Congress did, and not very well at that.
can you fathom that at least some of thr opposition to obama and driving force behind the 'tea party' was racism?
No, because there are Black's who agree with US. They're attacked by your side.

David Clark. Alan West. We accept them. You HATE them. So no. Obama is hated because he hates America.
can you fathom that at least some of thr opposition to obama and driving force behind the 'tea party' was racism?
No, because there are Black's who agree with US. They're attacked by your side.

David Clark. Alan West. We accept them. You HATE them. So no. Obama is hated because he hates America.

He hates America ?? Why? Because he's a secret Muslim from Kenya ?
The election of Obama blind-sighted a lot of people. Many 'Pubes thought McCain was going to win. So a collective shock set in when Obama stood in Grant Park and gave his winner speech.

The cameras spanned the crowds in that Chicago park that night and many of them were.....BLACK! Yikes! "They are taking over our country!" was the shout heard round the trailer park! "Bring in the cavalry! Gather your guns up! BUY GUNS NOW because that black bastard is gonna' take them away!!!!"

And the rest is history. You're welcome.
The election of Obama blind-sighted a lot of people. Many 'Pubes thought McCain was going to win. So a collective shock set in when Obama stood in Grant Park and gave his winner speech.

The cameras spanned the crowds in that Chicago park that night and many of them were.....BLACK! Yikes! "They are taking over our country!" was the shout heard round the trailer park! "Bring in the cavalry! Gather your guns up! BUY GUNS NOW because that black bastard is gonna' take them away!!!!"

And the rest is history. You're welcome.

This is the type of politically correct left wing nonsense that demonstrates that most Democrats have no clue about reality and simply parrot BS given to them by bigoted liars at the top of the cause.
Now if Hillary is elected that meme will change to sexist.
Liberals just can't fathom that people vehemently disagree with their positions. Their tunnel vision blinds them completely to the fact that their train of thought is but one narrow view of the world.
Republicans are not all racists, most racists are Republicans though. The mere fact that Trump got the nomination speaks to that fact.
You get called racist because of all the racist shit you say !

5 min in this place is all you need to get a good dose of deplorables.

"This place" didn't block Obama. Congress did, and not very well at that.
and they did that because of the pressure brought about in their home states/districts - where racist activists would primary them if they stepped out of line
You get called racist because of all the racist shit you say !

5 min in this place is all you need to get a good dose of deplorables.

"This place" didn't block Obama. Congress did, and not very well at that.
and they did that because of the pressure brought about in their home states/districts - where racist activists would primary them if they stepped out of line
This is a PERFECT EXAMPLE of the tunnel vision mentioned in my op. Incredibly flawed logic.
The election of Obama blind-sighted a lot of people. Many 'Pubes thought McCain was going to win. So a collective shock set in when Obama stood in Grant Park and gave his winner speech.

The cameras spanned the crowds in that Chicago park that night and many of them were.....BLACK! Yikes! "They are taking over our country!" was the shout heard round the trailer park! "Bring in the cavalry! Gather your guns up! BUY GUNS NOW because that black bastard is gonna' take them away!!!!"

And the rest is history. You're welcome.
Now if Hillary is elected that meme will change to sexist.
Liberals just can't fathom that people vehemently disagree with their positions. Their tunnel vision blinds them completely to the fact that their train of thought is but one narrow view of the world.

Please stop whining.

Nobody who isn't a racist ever worries about being called a racist.

The sensitivity that some people have to being labeled has always amused me.
Democrats insist it was not "racist" when Democrats deliberately tossed Black Republican ballots in FLA 2000.

The "US media" agreed...
You get called racist because of all the racist shit you say !

5 min in this place is all you need to get a good dose of deplorables.

5 min in this place is all you need to get a good dose of deplorables.

On both sides
That's simply untrue. you can't find the liberal equivalent of "conservatives" like odium, shootspeeders, tank, irosie, or a multitude of others on these boards.
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