Florida to teach the positive aspects of slavery in Black history

The Hebrew slaves were so fortunate how to make bricks with straw for the pyramids.

MAGA does not get that millennial and Z will destroy them next year.
You will never destroy us, you are the poontang generation. You will only screw yourselves while trying to prove how you are so much more intelligent than previous generations. You useless wimp.
This whining and complaining is typical liberal behavior. In the 1800s and early 1900s we realized indian children weren't getting an adequate education. So we gave them a free education in new boarding schools that were built. Liberals do nothing but criticize their own country.
Jesus saw that
Nothing is healthy about the FL slavery teaching law.

Chris Christie criticizes Ron DeSantis for Florida curriculum on slavery: 'Not the words of leadership'​

The Hebrew slaves were so fortunate how to make bricks with straw for the pyramids.

MAGA does not get that millennial and Z will destroy them next year.

So much effort on your part to hide the crimes of the democrat party...the party that actually owned the slaves......who started the Civil War, leading to the deaths of over 500,000 Americans, to keep blacks as slaves, and then after the republicans beat them and freed blacks from democrat party slavery, the democrats enacted jim crow and started the klan......and today the democrat party control of these cities have trapped blacks in generational poverty and crime.......

And you spend post after post defending the democrat party....

Your democrat party masters are very happy with you.....maybe they will give you a scooby snack as a reward..
That black people learned skills as slaves that they used to benefit themselves in Freedom.
.............Many used their skills to buy their freedom
OK, perhaps some did, if they had a master who would allow it.
But with slavery in America lasting near 250 years and the average life-expectancy of a slave of around 22yrs....well, a whole lot of generations acquired skills that did NOT buy their freedom. They died with skills....but still enslaved.

Black Americans in slavery found varying ways to make their lives less horrendous.
Of course they did. That is human nature. Guys on death row find varying ways to improve their life.
Jews in Treblinka found varying ways to improve their existence.
Quadriplegics will find varying ways to improve their existence.

The determinant question must be: OK, but do you want to be enslaved? Do you want to be in Treblinka? Do you want to be a quad? Did you volunteer for any of 'em?

If blacks were smarter, they'd vote Republican.
Ah, CyberNinja Lenny, ---- my advice: Be cautious when speaking of being "smarter".
Your track record about the subject...either as a personal trait, or as a subject in general ....is rather sketchy.

Just sayin'.


..but it is true that many slaves, if not all, learned skills that proved beneficial to them once slavery was ended.
Slavery ended in 1865.
What about those multitude of generations from 1619 to 1865?
246 years of generations.

Had the ancestors of some blacks of today, not made a huge sacrifice,

As in voluntary?
As in willingly?
As in an 'offer'?

You may need to re-think that thought, poster Markle.
Its a distortion of the truth
It's not a distortion of the truth.

The distortion comes from those who wish to deny Black Americans the ingenuity, agency, resilience and brilliance they demonstrated to create the foundation of achievements regarded worldwide as among the greatest in human history.
no matter who wrote the course to comply with the fascist regime in Florida.
The only thing more repugnant than DeSantis and his cronies are liberals who serve the aims of ignorance, racism and inequality by attacking the work of the two Black PhDs who wrote this fine curriculum.
Slavery was not a well intentioned training scheme to better black folk.
Straw man.

The two Black PhDs who created the curriculum made no such bizarre/repugnant claim.

That they did is a repulsive liberal fantasy.
It was naked brutality to make the lives of slavers better.
^ This makes no sense.
Any "benefits" were incidental and not worth a mention.

The true face of ignorant/intolerant/bigoted White liberalism?

As noted above, not only did the brilliant resilience of enslaved Blacks benefit them, but it also was in service of creating among the greatest and most admired achievements in human history.
Certainly not worth bragging about.
See above.

Your white robe is showing.
If you gotta whitewash slavery in our history you are a racist
So you're accusing the two Black PhDs who created the curriculum of being racists, or perhaps White supremacists?

Nothing is being whitewashed, but quite the contrary.

The extraordinary and often heroic history of enslaved Blacks in laying the foundation of not only American prosperity, but some of the greatest achievements in human history is seeing the whitewash removed.

This seems to enrage liberals, which I find rather hilarious.

Disgusting, but also hilarious. :)
^ Spectacularly irrelevant trolling.

The curriculum is neither CRT nor is it whitewashing.
If blacks were smarter, they'd vote Republican.
It's not a question of intelligence.

It's the result of the tsunami of propaganda which controls not only the hearts and minds of many Black folk, but most Whites as well.

This thread is a perfect example of liberals being propagandized into OPPOSING the superb, anti-racist work of two Black PhDs, and condemning this work as racist.

As Orwell would say, liberals regard their slavery (to counterfactual propaganda) as freedom.

Propaganda uber alles. :(

Newly approved academic standards from Florida’s Board of Education will require middle schools to teach that enslaved people "developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit" — a line that has ignited significant controversy among teachers' groups.

The standards, which were approved Wednesday, come in response to the state's 2022 "Stop WOKE Act," which stated that race must be taught in "an objective manner" that does not "indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view." The measure pushed far-right lawmakers' rhetoric that teaching Black history makes White people feel ashamed, instructing that no student should be made to feel "guilt" or "responsibility" for actions previously committed by members of the same race.

In a state where the citizens describe mask mandates as "slavery" they take a very charitable view of actual slavery. It seems that chains and whips and rapings were misunderstood. They were actually programmes that helped black people become more useful slaves.

Its a novel approach to history but I suspect that the usual suspects will sieze on this and interpret it as Gov DeSantis being some sort of fascist.

People can be unkind in that regard.
Levis were a cotton pickin' less money !

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