Florida: the 6th NY Borough


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
New data from the Sunshine State’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles offers the latest glimpse of just how many New Yorkers fled south during the COVID-19 pandemic.

At least 33,565 New Yorkers exchanged their NY drivers licenses for Florida credentials between September 2020 and March 2021.

That’s a 32% increase from the same period the prior year, when 25,370 New York driver’s licenses were traded for Florida ones.

Florida officials said a major cause of migration was parents looking to get their kids back in full-time, in-person school.

In total, for the 2019-April 2021 period, 104,960 New Yorkers made the switch — far and away leading every other state. Runner-up New Jersey came in second with 53,901. Trailing the Garden State were Georgia (48,143), Illinois (46,042), California (43,801).

Governance by democrats suck, Exhibit A is how many people are leaving blue states for red ones.

Texas BTW is doing just fine, TY very much. Come on down, but leave your stinkin' politics home.
Florida officials said a major cause of migration was parents looking to get their kids back in full-time, in-person school.
Makes no sense to leave NY Schools for Florida Schools

Florida has some of the worst schools in the nation
Those NY democrat migrants are gonna fuck Florida.
They’re too stupid to realize that they create their own problems
For the future the handwriting is on the wall for our nation. Some states will forestall the inevitable move to a Socialist State...with beautiful tractor factories.
And they're raging against the Republican governor and all Republicans in the Florida Legislature.

They want Florida to be JUST LIKE the places they fled ASAP !

Those NY democrat migrants are gonna fuck Florida.
They’re too stupid to realize that they create their own problems
For the future the handwriting is on the wall for our nation. Some states will forestall the inevitable move to a Socialist State...with beautiful tractor factories.


But.....they MUST take the guns first. That is not optional.

Nazi Germany all over again.
New data from the Sunshine State’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles offers the latest glimpse of just how many New Yorkers fled south during the COVID-19 pandemic.

At least 33,565 New Yorkers exchanged their NY drivers licenses for Florida credentials between September 2020 and March 2021.

That’s a 32% increase from the same period the prior year, when 25,370 New York driver’s licenses were traded for Florida ones.

Florida officials said a major cause of migration was parents looking to get their kids back in full-time, in-person school.

In total, for the 2019-April 2021 period, 104,960 New Yorkers made the switch — far and away leading every other state. Runner-up New Jersey came in second with 53,901. Trailing the Garden State were Georgia (48,143), Illinois (46,042), California (43,801).

Governance by democrats suck, Exhibit A is how many people are leaving blue states for red ones.

Texas BTW is doing just fine, TY very much. Come on down, but leave your stinkin' politics home.

And when those jerkoffs vote, they stupid enough to vote for the same policies that caused to to haul ass from NY.
New data from the Sunshine State’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles offers the latest glimpse of just how many New Yorkers fled south during the COVID-19 pandemic.

At least 33,565 New Yorkers exchanged their NY drivers licenses for Florida credentials between September 2020 and March 2021.

That’s a 32% increase from the same period the prior year, when 25,370 New York driver’s licenses were traded for Florida ones.

Florida officials said a major cause of migration was parents looking to get their kids back in full-time, in-person school.

In total, for the 2019-April 2021 period, 104,960 New Yorkers made the switch — far and away leading every other state. Runner-up New Jersey came in second with 53,901. Trailing the Garden State were Georgia (48,143), Illinois (46,042), California (43,801).

Governance by democrats suck, Exhibit A is how many people are leaving blue states for red ones.

Texas BTW is doing just fine, TY very much. Come on down, but leave your stinkin' politics home.

As long as they don't bring their shitty voting habits with them, ex-New Yorkers should do well in Florida.
Wouldn't that be the irony of ironies? The blue states fuck up so much that the people that live there and voted for them leave to go to a red state, where they proceed to fuck up the red states. So now, every state is fucked up, what then? Our schools are already teaching our kids about how great socialism is, with the equality and all that, right? So, are we doomed to perpetual dark ages where everybody is poor except for the rich and connected. Funny, some people thought we'd do away with that, but nooo. Somebody has to run the place, right? And they and their friends who never earned a damn thing in their entire lives will live high on the hog. Somebody tell me where I'm wrong.

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