Flight delays: Congress and its priorities

Shut up already, Frannk. You're a parroting idiot.
Congress offered Obama the option of cutting selected programs but he refused. His intent was to punish Americans for some perverted political advantage. He knew he could count on the ignorant fawning left wing media not to dig too deep and he was home free. The problem was that he underestimated the anger of the sheep that HLS pushes around every day. If we can't cut a dime out of the federal budget without all this whining and sneaky tactics we might as well hang it up
*snert*....Head Start and Meals on Wheels.....:lmao:

Yeah cuts to programs that aid the poor is hilarious. Now go catch your flight. Congress made sure that you don't have to wait in a long line.

25 Head Start Providers Lose Their Service Areas; Sequestration Looms for All - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Head Start programs across the country are struggling with how they can make the required 5.3 percent cuts to their programs forced by sequestration. It is estimated that as many as 70,000 children nationwide will lose access to Head Start, and 14,000 staff will be laid off. Many programs are attempting to minimize the numbers of student slots that will be cut, but their options are limited.

In Florida, Hillsborough County’s Head Start program is looking at a cut of $1.4 million, forcing it to close four playgrounds and delay purchasing vehicles, hoping that some late-action legislation may forestall the need for other cuts.

Sequestration Cuts Will Stall Meals On Wheels

The Meals On Wheels number is based not just on funding for home-delivered meals, but also funds for "congregant" meals served in group settings and funds for nutrition-service incentive programs. The association estimates the three funding sources add up to more than $800 million; sequestration's 5.1 percent cut will subtract roughly $41 million, which Meals On Wheels says amounts to 19 million meals.
Other than acting as a defacto federal day care program, Head Start is completely ineffective...Meals on Wheels is a running joke, that can and should be far more effectively be run at the state/local levels.

Cry me Niagara Falls, comrade. :lol:
The ones with money get to eat there cake and have it too.
Typical right wing hypocrisy. Then they will flock to the doors of their church or place of worship and pretend they are good religious people.

Flight Delays Deal Has Other Sequestration Victims Asking Congress, WTF?

Victims of sequestration lashed out at Congress on Friday, after lawmakers moved swiftly to address long lines at airports while leaving other cuts, primarily those affecting low-income Americans, unaddressed.


"It's perplexing that we're saving programs that are inconveniencing others, but we're not saving programs that are saving lives," said Ellie Hollander, president and CEO of Meals on Wheels, which estimates that, because of sequestration, seniors will be getting 19 million fewer meals.


"The sequester is really obvious when you are standing in line at an airport," explained Sue Nelson, vice president of federal advocacy at the American Heart Association. "I was waiting in line myself. People that you think never heard the word 'sequester' were using it in line. The problem with the National Institute of Health is, you are not going to die tomorrow because of a sequester cut. What it will mean is some cure for heart failure or a disease that could have been available in your lifetime may now not be."


"This is an issue that we have been trying to raise in every avenue we can find, having our doctors and patients call congressional offices to explain what an emergency it is for us and patients in terms of access and continuity of care," said Dr. William Nibley of Utah Cancer Specialists, based in Salt Lake City. "We haven't gotten much of a response. Then there is a little news about delays and all the sudden there is legislation and debate. That's frustrating to us. We think cancer patients and their access to care is an issue that is critical. Those patients feel like their care is super-critical and it's being ignored."

"I would invite anyone in Washington to come look my patients in the eye and tell them that waiting for a flight is a bigger problem than traveling farther and waiting longer for chemotherapy," he added.


"If this wasn't just poor people's programs affected most, there would be national outrage," said Joel Berg, executive director of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger. "It places the cuts on the most vulnerable and the least visible."

guess the left never wants to admit you didnt win shit in 2012 with Obama getting a 2nd term.
Now please don't even utter the phrase CLASS WARFARE because it will simply confuse the terminally stupid who post here.

They really and truly cannot understand why this is a perfect example of CLASS WARFARE manifesting in our government spending.

The super rich don't have to suffer missed connections and other fallout from flight delays, as they fly in private aircraft...It's the middle class flying commercial who are forced to suffer.

Why does Oboingo care so little about the middle class?

Where have you been? Congress altered the bill and Obama is likely to sign it. So, there goes the right's latest fabricated lie about Obama being personally responsible for flight delays.

Now if only Congress would care so much about cuts to Head Start, cancer screenings, Meals on Wheels and more programs that the poor and elderly rely upon.

There was no need to alter the bill if Obama behaved responsibly. Congress simply forced him to behave like an adult.
Now please don't even utter the phrase CLASS WARFARE because it will simply confuse the terminally stupid who post here.

They really and truly cannot understand why this is a perfect example of CLASS WARFARE manifesting in our government spending.

True. Obama is waging war against the middle class.
This is only an issue because some 1%er had to sit and wait on the Tarmac in their private jet. Anyone who thinks its something else has clearly not been paying attention.
Democrats Surrender on Sequestration | Power Line

The Democrat plan backfired this time. They've used it before.

It’s a strategy they have often used before: cut back on services that voters care about, and blame the resulting pain on those who “cut” the budget, i.e., prevented it from increasing as fast as the Democrats would like. They did this during the Clinton administration’s temporary furlough of non-essential federal employees (better known as the government shutdown). They closed the federal parks during the summer, and blamed the unhappiness of those who had planned vacations around the parks on Newt Gingrich. The school district where I live did something similar a few years ago. They proposed a bond issue to increase education funding which failed at the polls, twice. Instead of giving up, they came around a third time. This time, they said that if the voters didn’t go along with the tax increase, they would terminate all school bus service. Not cut teacher pensions or reduce the number of administrators, but stop all bus service. The third time was a charm, and the tax increase passed.

One of conservatives’ chief frustrations for a generation is that most Americans say the federal government spends too much money, and wastes too much money, yet it has proved more less impossible to convert this consensus into meaningful spending cuts. Perhaps the sequester will be seen, with hindsight, as the moment when the American people finally said “Enough,” and meant it.
Congress TRIED to give Obama discretion over ALL of the sequester. HE REFUSED. Obama wants you to feel the pain so he gets political gain.

Get it? Or are you still stuck on stupid JED?

Link it, Gramps. I'd like to see what your dumb ass considers 'discretion'.
He's all bent about Head Start and Meals on Wheels....How much more thoroughly can you marginalize yourself! :lmao:

Tell the children and families utilizing Head Start, and the elderly depending on Meals on Wheels that those programs aren't worth saving from cuts.

Here's the 'discretion' that Republicans offered Obama that all of you hacks are trying to use against him.

Republicans want to make the sequester better. Why won?t Obama let them?

This would be a huge transfer of power from the legislative branch to the executive branch. And so it has its critics. “I’m not about to give up my constitutional obligations to the President of the United States,” Sen. John McCain told Politico.

The irony is that the support for this proposal to transfer power to the White House is coming from Republicans, while its most committed opponents are Democrats — including the White House, which hasn’t asked for, and doesn’t want, this authority. This afternoon, the White House issued a veto threat against Toomey-Inhofe. “This bill is an effort to shift the focus away from the need for the Congress to work toward a bipartisan compromise that would avoid sequestration,” it said.

The White House argues that the Toomey-Inhofe bill doesn’t give it quite as much control as its proponents say. For instance, it gives the president the power to move cuts from defense spending over to domestic spending, but not to do the reverse. And within the defense cuts, there are limitations on the president’s authority. It forces him to largely abide by the spending decisions made in the National Defense Authorization Act — a limitation it doesn’t place on the domestic side. It also subjects whatever recommendations the White House does make to a congressional vote of disapproval.

The other issue is political. If the White House is given authority for making the sequester’s cuts, then it owns those cuts. Republicans who fought to keep the sequester in place could then have it both ways: They get the sequester, but they also get to attack the White House for the cuts made by the sequester. To borrow a term from the House GOP press releases, it truly turns the sequester into the “Obamaquester.”

Yeah, that sounds like a great deal...for Republicans. They get to act like they tried to save the day, and then lay all the blame at Obama's feet. Hell, they're attempting to do that anyway. Though, it's not working. No wonder Obama didn't take the bait.
Waiting on a do nothing congress that is partially controlled by right wing freaks. And these freaks have used the filibuster to record heights to subdue any action in congress.
Yes that is your problem, those you voted for the last few elections. Take your blame.

The ones with money get to eat there cake and have it too.
Typical right wing hypocrisy. Then they will flock to the doors of their church or place of worship and pretend they are good religious people.

Flight Delays Deal Has Other Sequestration Victims Asking Congress, WTF?

Victims of sequestration lashed out at Congress on Friday, after lawmakers moved swiftly to address long lines at airports while leaving other cuts, primarily those affecting low-income Americans, unaddressed.


"It's perplexing that we're saving programs that are inconveniencing others, but we're not saving programs that are saving lives," said Ellie Hollander, president and CEO of Meals on Wheels, which estimates that, because of sequestration, seniors will be getting 19 million fewer meals.


"The sequester is really obvious when you are standing in line at an airport," explained Sue Nelson, vice president of federal advocacy at the American Heart Association. "I was waiting in line myself. People that you think never heard the word 'sequester' were using it in line. The problem with the National Institute of Health is, you are not going to die tomorrow because of a sequester cut. What it will mean is some cure for heart failure or a disease that could have been available in your lifetime may now not be."


"This is an issue that we have been trying to raise in every avenue we can find, having our doctors and patients call congressional offices to explain what an emergency it is for us and patients in terms of access and continuity of care," said Dr. William Nibley of Utah Cancer Specialists, based in Salt Lake City. "We haven't gotten much of a response. Then there is a little news about delays and all the sudden there is legislation and debate. That's frustrating to us. We think cancer patients and their access to care is an issue that is critical. Those patients feel like their care is super-critical and it's being ignored."

"I would invite anyone in Washington to come look my patients in the eye and tell them that waiting for a flight is a bigger problem than traveling farther and waiting longer for chemotherapy," he added.


"If this wasn't just poor people's programs affected most, there would be national outrage," said Joel Berg, executive director of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger. "It places the cuts on the most vulnerable and the least visible."

guess the left never wants to admit you didnt win shit in 2012 with Obama getting a 2nd term.
Awww....Poor widdle baby Boiking doesn't want to own the reductions in baseline spending increases. :(

Yeah, yeah, yeah...Tell it to the people using Head Start as their free day care.

Putz. :rofl:

The poor people working two minimum wage jobs with no benefits who can't afford private day care? Sure, fuck them, but airport delays - we can't have that, right? You useless sack of shit?

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