Flashback : January 2017


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Flashback: New Video Emerges Of Riots at Trump’s 2017 Inauguration (legalinsurrection.com)
The shocking footage exposes a coordinated attack on the 2017 inauguration of President Donald Trump. Highlights include anarchists preparing for violent clashes with police (10:22), violent attacks on attendees (2:08), destruction of property (9:50), and the physical premeditated blockades that succeed in preventing voters from attending the Presidential Inauguration (3:29).
Buuuuuuuuuut January 6th, 2021.... DERP
Maybe this was ok because nobody had fuckin zip ties :rolleyes:
Flashback: New Video Emerges Of Riots at Trump’s 2017 Inauguration (legalinsurrection.com)
The shocking footage exposes a coordinated attack on the 2017 inauguration of President Donald Trump. Highlights include anarchists preparing for violent clashes with police (10:22), violent attacks on attendees (2:08), destruction of property (9:50), and the physical premeditated blockades that succeed in preventing voters from attending the Presidential Inauguration (3:29).
Buuuuuuuuuut January 6th, 2021.... DERP
Maybe this was ok because nobody had fuckin zip ties :rolleyes:

If you ask the left they will tell you they were all protesters. Not rioters or insurrectionists. You have to be a Trump supporter to be an insurrectionist.
Where are the dead cops?

Luckily there were none. But there were rioters and looters galore. Of course you call them protesters. Not rioters. Just shows what a hypocrite you are.
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So did the head of the Democratic party engage in two months worth of public incitement denying the legitimacy of the election and denigration of election officials from both parties across several states?

Didn't think so. He was up on the podium while Zippy was sworn in.
So did the head of the Democratic party engage in two months worth of public incitement denying the legitimacy of the election and denigration of election officials from both parties across several states?

Didn't think so. He was up on the podium while Zippy was sworn in.
ahh so thats the difference, huh? :lol:
So did the head of the Democratic party engage in two months worth of public incitement denying the legitimacy of the election and denigration of election officials from both parties across several states?

Didn't think so. He was up on the podium while Zippy was sworn in.
ahh so thats the difference, huh? :lol:

I wouldn't say it's "the" difference in the sense that I think it is the only difference. I think it is a difference.
So did the head of the Democratic party engage in two months worth of public incitement denying the legitimacy of the election and denigration of election officials from both parties across several states?

Didn't think so. He was up on the podium while Zippy was sworn in.
ahh so thats the difference, huh? :lol:

In (the latest) impeachment, damn straight it is.
There you have it. The difference is "orange man bad"
The disingenuous outrage from the hacks blows my fucking mind.

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