Fixing the Nation

Clearly, blind partisanship and prejudice against our fellow Americans isn't working (Republicans and Democrats both are guilty). A broken people cannot act as one (just look to the middle east for proof). Perhaps compromise is the solution.:smiliehug:

Are there any issues you would mind compromising on for the sake of this country's future, be it economical, social, or religious?

My politics are generally conservative but I don't oppose abortion though I do believe there should be parental notification when it's a minor is that considered a compromise?

If you are generally conservative but don't oppose abortion, then yes. I am (much to the disbelief of pretty much everyone on this thread) a conservative pro-lifer but doesn't believe that the right has any more right than the left to shove their beliefs down other people's throats.
Clearly, blind partisanship and prejudice against our fellow Americans isn't working (Republicans and Democrats both are guilty). A broken people cannot act as one (just look to the middle east for proof). Perhaps compromise is the solution.:smiliehug:

Are there any issues you would mind compromising on for the sake of this country's future, be it economical, social, or religious?

As a conservative, if legitimate steps could be made to stabilize the economy, I would put an abortion clinic on every street corner and let individuals marry their bed posts. It infuriates me that abortion as a voting topic influences elections in this country. Also, high speed rail - I'm a big fan.
Clearly, blind partisanship and prejudice against our fellow Americans isn't working (Republicans and Democrats both are guilty). A broken people cannot act as one (just look to the middle east for proof). Perhaps compromise is the solution.:smiliehug:

Are there any issues you would mind compromising on for the sake of this country's future, be it economical, social, or religious?

As a conservative, if legitimate steps could be made to stabilize the economy, I would put an abortion clinic on every street corner and let individuals marry their bed posts. It infuriates me that abortion as a voting topic influences elections in this country. Also, high speed rail - I'm a big fan.

Exactly, I'm sure many democrats would relent and let the right control the economy if we let them have their clinics and all. This nation was built by people who could see past prejudices and compromise, and it is that same sort that shall save it.
As long as the far left is power there will never be a fix to anything except to their spending other peoples money.


Your bogus numbers have already been demolished 100 times in this forum. They're horseshit.
Fix the nation?

Look to Canada.

Canada does not allow any corporate campaign contributions. As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system.

In fact, since 1790 the United States has had 16 banking system failures, Canada has had 0.

Now Republicans on the Supreme Court have voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. This basically means legalized secret bribes.

Are the Canadians smarter than us? Yes.
How is the Left any more evil than the Right? I don't here the Left calling the Right evil or calling for them to be wiped out. The left may be full of idiots, but that doesn't make them evil.

And if you haven't been paying attention, being stubborn and not compromising isn't helping and won't any time soon. Not compromising is what will make the American way of life extinct.

How is the left more evil than the right? Do you like being dictated to? Do you like a philosophy that equates mankind with that of an ant colony?

You don't hear the left calling their opponents everything other than children of God? You don't hear them calling for the assassination of people? OPEN YOUR FUCKING EARS.

If they were merely idiots they would have an excuse for their behavior and the ideas they advance. If you paid attention to history and seen what every single leftist regime has done to it's subjects you wouldn't even consider :"compromising" with them.

Give them half your shit, let them fuck your wife, but don't offer up anything I have.

Who gave you the right to condemn someone's beliefs?

The founding fathers dipshit, it's spelled out in the first amendment.

True, the left regimes are corrupt, but not always the people.

No, the people are always disarmed an have no means to resist, hence the extreme gun control advocacy of the bed wetters.

If you don't want to compromise, appeal to the democratic voter base. Leech their support away.

It's not about "compromising" with their base, it's about making their base do something they're programmed to resist.... ANALITACAL THINKING!

But don't sit there and call them idiots 24/7. That doesn't make you any friends on the left.

While a lot of them are idiots, and I can call them whatever I like, I did just say

If they were merely idiots they would have an excuse for their behavior

That would imply to anyone with at least an elementary level of reading comprehension skills that I am saying they're far worse than idiots. They have access to all the information I have. They're shown it regularly on this board. THEY RESIST KNOWLEDGE. They resist thinking independently, they go so far as to seek the elimination of the sources of facts that their opponents provide. Has anyone tried to shut down the huffinandpuffington post? Anyone demanded "The View" be cancelled? Has anyone endeavored to fund an effort to harass sponsors of MSNBS into canceling their commercial contracts over the asinine statements of their hosts?

NO because the right doesn't seek to shut down their opponents, and if the left could get away with it, Rush Limbaugh would have starved to death in prison years ago. I don't want to "make friends" out of these assholes, I want them so uncomfortable they flee to North Korea where everything they endorse is already a reality.

Believe it or not, America is still a democracy.

No it's not fuckstick, it's a republic.

The leaders on the left represent who people think would lead our nation the best. Either shut up, put up better candidates, or inform the Democrat voter base why they shouldn't vote for fools like Obama.

The leaders of the left represent mindless drones who would have died under their stupid parent's kitchen sinks if not for the child resistant lid on the Drano. The left represents the weakest genetic link. The bottom feeders. The left has created a system where people can do nothing with their lives, become morbidly obese, and still manage to drive better vehicles than people who work for a living. Of course when the average weight of a 4 member welfare family is 250 pounds, they probably need that suburban to haul their asses to WalMart for their cartful of soda, doritos, beer and DVD's.

How do you convince "people" like that to think? How do you convince them it's WRONG to leech off the productive class?

You don't.

You take the mammary away and they either find some motivation to be productive, or they resort to a more aggressive criminal activity which finally allows the productive class to more aggressively protect itself.
the left is not evil for refusing to compromise, the left is simply evil.

you do not compromise with evil.

Unless you want to be extinct.

How is the Left any more evil than the Right? I don't here the Left calling the Right evil or calling for them to be wiped out. The left may be full of idiots, but that doesn't make them evil.

And if you haven't been paying attention, being stubborn and not compromising isn't helping and won't any time soon. Not compromising is what will make the American way of life extinct.

How is the left more evil than the right? Do you like being dictated to? Do you like a philosophy that equates mankind with that of an ant colony?

You don't hear the left calling their opponents everything other than children of God? You don't hear them calling for the assassination of people? OPEN YOUR FUCKING EARS.

If they were merely idiots they would have an excuse for their behavior and the ideas they advance. If you paid attention to history and seen what every single leftist regime has done to it's subjects you wouldn't even consider :"compromising" with them.

Give them half your shit, let them fuck your wife, but don't offer up anything I have.

I think it is futile on your part.
You are trying to educate an ignoramus who is too lazy to pick up a good book too educate himself on why the left CAN NOT be compromised with and why the left and it's aspirations can never be equated with anybody else - but has to always be considered to be a plague which needs to be eradicated.
How is the Left any more evil than the Right? I don't here the Left calling the Right evil or calling for them to be wiped out. The left may be full of idiots, but that doesn't make them evil.

And if you haven't been paying attention, being stubborn and not compromising isn't helping and won't any time soon. Not compromising is what will make the American way of life extinct.

How is the left more evil than the right? Do you like being dictated to? Do you like a philosophy that equates mankind with that of an ant colony?

You don't hear the left calling their opponents everything other than children of God? You don't hear them calling for the assassination of people? OPEN YOUR FUCKING EARS.

If they were merely idiots they would have an excuse for their behavior and the ideas they advance. If you paid attention to history and seen what every single leftist regime has done to it's subjects you wouldn't even consider :"compromising" with them.

Give them half your shit, let them fuck your wife, but don't offer up anything I have.

I think it is futile on your part.
You are trying to educate an ignoramus who is too lazy to pick up a good book too educate himself on why the left CAN NOT be compromised with and why the left and it's aspirations can never be equated with anybody else - but has to always be considered to be a plague which needs to be eradicated.

It's a pity, but I have to agree.

It wouldn't even require the expenditure of calories to "pick up a book". The facts have been laid out here, and yet the information reflected off his retina is blocked before it can reach the brain. It's a willful, determined ignorance that some of these bed wetters will defend to the detriment of the entire country.
How is the left more evil than the right? Do you like being dictated to? Do you like a philosophy that equates mankind with that of an ant colony?

You don't hear the left calling their opponents everything other than children of God? You don't hear them calling for the assassination of people? OPEN YOUR FUCKING EARS.

If they were merely idiots they would have an excuse for their behavior and the ideas they advance. If you paid attention to history and seen what every single leftist regime has done to it's subjects you wouldn't even consider :"compromising" with them.

Give them half your shit, let them fuck your wife, but don't offer up anything I have.

I think it is futile on your part.
You are trying to educate an ignoramus who is too lazy to pick up a good book too educate himself on why the left CAN NOT be compromised with and why the left and it's aspirations can never be equated with anybody else - but has to always be considered to be a plague which needs to be eradicated.

It's a pity, but I have to agree.

It wouldn't even require the expenditure of calories to "pick up a book". The facts have been laid out here, and yet the information reflected off his retina is blocked before it can reach the brain. It's a willful, determined ignorance that some of these bed wetters will defend to the detriment of the entire country.

yep. that is the classic result of the leftard brainwash the youth is undergoing in the public school system.
If you do not counteract that at home they end up just like that - ignorant and defensive when it is pointed to them.
It would be hilariously funny to see somebody consider the left to be valuable opponent if that won't be so sad.

But that what they have done for the last 30 years - a smoke screen - the left is like the right and others, it is just a political view. No, it is not. It's a plague.
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GOP voters who thought that Sarah Palin would make a good Vice President don't have the slightest clue as to what "stupidity" means.

Can any of you actually picture Sarah Palin, a semi-functioning moron, sitting in a conference debating global policy with real world leaders? No, that will never happen because Sarah Palin is retarded. Only the dumbest of mouth-breathing red state rednecks (the Tea Party) can think that Sarah Palin is smart enough to be second in our nation's chain of command.

The Tea Party's most brilliant argument amounts to, "The left is so stupid. The left is a cancer. The left is dumb. Let's vote for Sarah Palin and she'll get rid of the leftist libturds. And let's eliminate the Department of Education, too, so those liberals don't get to fill our kids' heads with knowledge or reason."
I think it is futile on your part.
You are trying to educate an ignoramus who is too lazy to pick up a good book too educate himself on why the left CAN NOT be compromised with and why the left and it's aspirations can never be equated with anybody else - but has to always be considered to be a plague which needs to be eradicated.

It's a pity, but I have to agree.

It wouldn't even require the expenditure of calories to "pick up a book". The facts have been laid out here, and yet the information reflected off his retina is blocked before it can reach the brain. It's a willful, determined ignorance that some of these bed wetters will defend to the detriment of the entire country.

yep. that is the classic result of the leftard brainwash the youth is undergoing in the public school system.
If you do not counteract that at home they end up just like that - ignorant and defensive when it is pointed to them.
It would be hilariously funny to see somebody consider the left to be valuable opponent if that won't be so sad.

But that what they have done for the last 30 years - a smoke screen - the left is like the right and others, it is just a political view. No, it is not. It's a plague.

It's funny you mention that.

As a teenage highschool liberal dipshit I accepted as fact what my teachers indoctrinated me with, as long as it contradicted what my conservative father believed. (Except the 1991 Gulf War, I was too patriotic to side with the bed wetters)

After dropping out of school, moving out on my own at 17 I still questioned everything, and I started questioning even my own liberal beliefs. I didn't like the answers but since they were the facts, I couldn't argue.

That's the difference between the conservative mind, and the bed wetters. People on "the right" pursue knowledge, people on the left enforce their own ignorance.
There is no point on which compromise is possible! When an armed robber says "your money or your life" he's not opening negotiations!

we have to fire tens of millions of hard working Americans and kick the poor out of education. That's the solution to our problems according to conservatives. jesus Christ!

WTF are you talking about?

10's of millions are already out of work dipshit. Conservatives are lamenting that.

Bed wetters are celebrating it, since they have a whole shitload of new dependents.

Then you wonder why we call you parasites stupid?

And you want to fire tens of millions more. You have no solutions outside of lowering the amount of educated in this country and turning them into sweat shop workers.

Fuck you rich bastards.

Who are we going to fire, the useless ticks who work for the government? Yep, they need to be fired. Also, read a few books on economics. Then you'll learn that unions and the minimum wage don't improve the standard of living for Americans in general. They actually harm it.
why do you, people, even get involved into the discussion with a leftard shill a.k.a. Matthew?

he is a TYPICAL example of the leftard brainwash of the last 30 years.
whine and complain, complain and whine and look for a taxpayer's handout.

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