First Thing for New Attorney General: Jail Sanctuary Leaders


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
After 2 years of inaction on sanctuary city lunacy, finally the time has come to lower the boom on sanctuary city criminals. Oh, the Democrats want to talk about putting people in jail, do they ? How about putting in federal prison, every Democrat Senator who voted to protect sanctuary cities, 3 years ago, when they voted against the "Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act" ?

See How Your Senators Voted on Sanctuary Cities

And how about also imprisoning every political leader who has engaged in creating sanctuary city/county/state laws establishing sanctuary cities ? Every one of these US traitors has violated US Code 8, Section 1324, by concealing, harboring, or shielding from detection, illegal aliens.

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

And who were those scoundrels in the Senate who violated this law ? It is all those (almost every Democrat) who voted NAY (no) against this bill (aka Kate's Law). And here they are >>

One Democrat (Manchin-WV) voted for the bill. He's off the hook. One Republican (Kirk-IL) voted against it. He's on the hook.

Wanna play hard ball, guys ? You got it.

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They should remove all Fed funding from sanctuary cities and States.

Lets see how long the tax payers in those cities and States like paying more in taxes so Illegals can be there.

Don't think it would take long to vote out the sanctuary people and elect those with some common sense.
They should remove all Fed funding from sanctuary cities and States.

Lets see how long the tax payers in those cities and States like paying more in taxes so Illegals can be there.

Don't think it would take long to vote out the sanctuary people and elect those with some common sense.
Fine...and then those cities/states are under no obligation to send money to Washington.....I believe you will find that they send more than they get.
Why does anybody think it wouldn't happen ?

You break THE LAW, you get arrested.
After 2 years of inaction on sanctuary city lunacy, finally the time has come to lower the boom on sanctuary city criminals. Oh, the Democrats want to talk about putting people in jail, do they ? How about putting in federal prison, every Democrat Senator who voted to protect sanctuary cities, 3 years ago, when they voted against the "Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act" ?

See How Your Senators Voted on Sanctuary Cities

And how about also imprisoning every political leader who has engaged in creating sanctuary city/county/state laws establishing sanctuary cities ? Every one of these US traitors has violated US Code 8, Section 1324, by concealing, harboring, or shielding from detection, illegal aliens.

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

And who were those scoundrels in the Senate who violated this law ? It is all those (almost every Democrat) who voted NAY (no) against this bill (aka Kate's Law). And here they are >>

One Democrat (Manchin-WV) voted for the bill. He's off the hook. One Republican (Kirk-IL) voted against it. He's on the hook.

Wanna play hard ball, guys ? You got it.

So now you want to jail people for voting. The fact is that sanctuary cities and states are not breaking any laws. There is no requirement that local and state law enforcement cooperate with federal law enforcement agencies. Maybe everyone who voted for Trump should be arrested and jailed. That makes as much sense as you do.
After 2 years of inaction on sanctuary city lunacy, finally the time has come to lower the boom on sanctuary city criminals. Oh, the Democrats want to talk about putting people in jail, do they ? How about putting in federal prison, every Democrat Senator who voted to protect sanctuary cities, 3 years ago, when they voted against the "Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act" ?

See How Your Senators Voted on Sanctuary Cities

And how about also imprisoning every political leader who has engaged in creating sanctuary city/county/state laws establishing sanctuary cities ? Every one of these US traitors has violated US Code 8, Section 1324, by concealing, harboring, or shielding from detection, illegal aliens.

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

And who were those scoundrels in the Senate who violated this law ? It is all those (almost every Democrat) who voted NAY (no) against this bill (aka Kate's Law). And here they are >>

One Democrat (Manchin-WV) voted for the bill. He's off the hook. One Republican (Kirk-IL) voted against it. He's on the hook.

Wanna play hard ball, guys ? You got it.

Absent due process, of course.

Such is the authoritarian right.
Okay, so what are the odds of this actually happening?
Maybe about the same as they were when Donald Trump declared himself a candidate for the US presidency. :biggrin:
It isn't a 'crime' to refuse to use local resources to enforce Federal laws; in fact, the Federal government cannot force states and local jurisdictions to enforce Federal laws.
Absent due process, of course.

Such is the authoritarian right.
That is entirely your presumption though there is little due process to give since sanctuary figures like Jerry Brown
and Kate Brown of Oregon who readily admit they are ignoring federal immigration law.
As already said, this is precisely the attitude of Jim Crow era Southern politicians.
It isn't a 'crime' to refuse to use local resources to enforce Federal laws; in fact, the Federal government cannot force states and local jurisdictions to enforce Federal laws.
That's not quite the issue. Sanctuary states aren't just refusing to use local resources to enforce federal law.
They are purposely and defiantly refusing to cooperate or even communicate with federal officers in any way whatsoever.
Aiding and abetting. Their allegiance is to illegal immigrants who thumb their noses at our laws.
After 2 years of inaction on sanctuary city lunacy, finally the time has come to lower the boom on sanctuary city criminals. Oh, the Democrats want to talk about putting people in jail, do they ? How about putting in federal prison, every Democrat Senator who voted to protect sanctuary cities, 3 years ago, when they voted against the "Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act" ?

See How Your Senators Voted on Sanctuary Cities

And how about also imprisoning every political leader who has engaged in creating sanctuary city/county/state laws establishing sanctuary cities ? Every one of these US traitors has violated US Code 8, Section 1324, by concealing, harboring, or shielding from detection, illegal aliens.

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

And who were those scoundrels in the Senate who violated this law ? It is all those (almost every Democrat) who voted NAY (no) against this bill (aka Kate's Law). And here they are >>

One Democrat (Manchin-WV) voted for the bill. He's off the hook. One Republican (Kirk-IL) voted against it. He's on the hook.

Wanna play hard ball, guys ? You got it.

Banana republic time.

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