First Lady Omen: Trump's Angelia


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA parable about North Korea inspired by Wag the Dog.

Signing off,



"U.S. President Donald Trump had a dream one night after attending an important geopolitical meeting about relations between North Korea and South Korea. In the dream, the President dreamt that his wife (First Lady Melania Trump) was floating/levitating above an idyllic lake as if she was the Lady of the Lake (mysterious siren-woman from Arthurian legend said to wield the authority to gift the magical sword Excalibur to a worthy knight or king). Trump awoke and wondered what the dream meant and hoped it wasn't any kind of omen regarding North Korea and South Korea."


"The next night, President Trump had another dream, but this time, it was much more of a nightmare. In this dream, the President dreamt that the First Lady was being chased by the demonic Leatherface (fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror-film franchise). Trump awoke from the nightmare in a cold sweat and was sure this time the dream meant there was something wrong or afoot in regards to the commerce-treaties between North Korea and South Korea."


"The next night, President Trump had yet another dream and in this one he dreamt that the First Lady was sleeping peacefully in one of her 'Lady-of-the-Lake' oriented swamps/rivers when a crusader-knight approached her peaceful body and said a prayer over it, claiming that she would be 'protected' by the forces of democracy and pure social leadership. Trump awoke from this rather idealism-rich dream and decided he would have to work harder to ensure better relations between North Korea and South Korea."


"President Trump's son, Donald (Jr.), started reading Kingpin (Marvel Comics) stories as well as Richie Rich (Harvey Comics) stories and told his dad about new age pedestrian storytelling about fortune and wealth. The President told his son about the dreams he had about the First Lady near bodies of water as if she was the Lady of the Lake and then being approached by a crusader-knight as well as 'Leatherface.' Donald (Jr.) suggested to his dad that his dreams about Mrs. Trump encountering 'metaphysical omens' were signs that there were great philosophical 'movements' in the modern world regarding the value of friendship and hence teamwork. President Trump decided that commercial relations between North Korea and South Korea should certainly be a high priority."


GOD: President Trump is concerned about the First Lady!
SATAN: He's been having dreams about her as a siren-figure.
GOD: Yes, he's imagined she's some kind of 'Lady of the Lake.'
SATAN: Perhaps the President has become wary of modern politics.
GOD: No, I think his dreams mean that he's concerned about North Korea.
SATAN: The Winter Games in South Korea went smoothly this February.
GOD: Yes, the Trump Administration worked closely with North Korea last year.
SATAN: Yes, during the nuclear-missile test crisis on Labor Day weekend.
GOD: I remember it well, and I suppose Trump does too...
SATAN: Maybe the First Lady is about to become a 'customs diplomat.'
GOD: Maybe President Trump wants to be sure his wife can handle it.
SATAN: We don't want President Trump to be nervous about North Korea.
GOD: No, people will criticize him as a 'shallow celebrity-president.'
SATAN: They've been doing that anyway...
GOD: I miss the days of black-and-white television and radio-news.
SATAN: Yes, now it's all Captain America (Marvel Comics) and Connie Chung.



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