First family in California with THREE dads on birth certificate opens up

If an employer does extend benefits because the law forces them to, I see no reason why they can't do that for multiple spouses, as they already do for multiple children.
That makes NO economic sense for the employer. My guess is that someone who is looking for a job with benefits would be shit out of luck
In both the Morman tradition and the Muslim tradition, the woman marries the male, who later marries another woman, and so on. Each of the women are married to the man, so any divorce would also be between the man and the woman. Morman women call each other "sister wives," but as far as I know, do not consider themselves married to each other.
That is religious marriage. I am talking about legal marriage
What is the compelling government interest in stopping plural marriage? Is it the same as the compelling government interest in stopping all plural relationships?
I did not say that there was. I said that there are different issues to consider that must be evaluated on their own merits. It is not an easy leap from the legal arguments for allowing same sex marriage to plural marriage.
That makes NO economic sense for the employer. My guess is that someone who is looking for a job with benefits would be shit out of luck
Obamacare made no economic sense for many employers. That's why Obama gave his buddies at McDonald's and other large corporations a break from it to give them a change to get ready.

In liberal world when did that start mattering?
I'm thinking pensions. If I die, my wife gets my full pension. But how many wives would the state extend that benefit to.?
One pension to be split however the pension-earning spouse decides.
That is religious marriage. I am talking about legal marriage
Fair enough.
I did not say that there was. I said that there are different issues to consider that must be evaluated on their own merits. It is not an easy leap from the legal arguments for allowing same sex marriage to plural marriage.
Nor was it an easy leap from the legal arguments allowing inter-racial marriage to the legal arguments for same-sex marriage.

Now, you're sure that you fully support the legalization of plural marriage? Because is sure sounds like you're coming up with any justification you can to oppose it.
Obamacare made no economic sense for many employers. That's why Obama gave his buddies at McDonald's and other large corporations a break from it to give them a change to get ready.

In liberal world when did that start mattering?
I am not going to folow you down the rabbit hole of Obama Care.
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I am not going to folow you down the rabbit holw of Obama Care.
If you don't want to talk about Obamacare, it's probably not a good idea to bring up burdens on employers
And each gets peanuts.
What would they get if only one of them was married to the deceased? More, less, or the same?
Actually it was comparativly. It was still just two people.

You're against plural marriage, but you don't want to say so, because you know you have no argument, so you make up this stuff.
Now, you're sure that you fully support the legalization of plural marriage? Because is sure sounds like you're coming up with any justification you can to oppose it.
There you go again with your straw man tactics. I said that I support it with reservations, I am not trying to find reasons to oppose it. I am bringing up pragmatic considerations which tell me that we should go slowly.
You're against plural marriage, but you don't want to say so, because you know you have no argument, so you make up this stuff.
Good grief! Are you serious?! I told you that I say what I mean. I said that I support it with reservations. What is so hard about that to understand.? You are starting to annoy me

Your problem is that you want simple yes or no, right or wrong, good or bad answers. Most adults know that it does not always work that way with complex issues, and, yes, it is complicated whether or not you want to admit it. I am not trying to make an argument against it. I am just raising the issues that we might face, while you are trying to make them majically go away
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