First Deport or imprison the ones supporting La Reconquista

I’ll revel in the misery of you TDS afflicted dolts on January 20, 2025.

Goon, get back to your warm comfy coma.
You are pissing in the wind, if you think he would be prosecuted for policies, official acts or executive orders. The Supremes took it off the table, saving Trump's ass, last summer.
You are pissing in the wind, if you think he would be prosecuted for policies, official acts or executive orders. The Supremes took it off the table, saving Trump's ass, last summer.
We shall see. Mayorkas has been ignoring US immigration law for quite a while. I want him to be thoroughly investigated. Who is paying him, who is he conspiring with.

Then, if it is proven that he has been working with foreign powers to subverting US law, hang the traitor.
Deport ( Criminal Illegals ) ( Slated for Deportation ) ( Visa Overstayers ) ( Jailed or Imprisoned Illegals ) ( under arrest Illegals ) ( Previously Deported )
We shall see. Mayorkas has been ignoring US immigration law for quite a while. I want him to be thoroughly investigated. Who is paying him, who is he conspiring with.

Then, if it is proven that he has been working with foreign powers to subverting US law, hang the traitor.
I think it highly unlikely that he is under any foreign enfluence. Possible, maybe, but unlikely.

Strange as it may seem to you or me, there really is a significant sized group of actual Americans that actually are for open borders. I don't get it. Neither do you, but I suspect it is real.

So, who wants them? As usual, I suspect business, especially small to mid-sized business wanting bodies for low skilled workers, that will work cheaper, under the table. So the employer can make a higher profit on their goods and services, be it brick laying, fruit picking, or widget manufacturing. Verification processes being, by no means, foolproof, they have cover to accept any ID as valid, knowing they will not be punished for hiring illegals if caught. Then there are the misguided people that think we have a duty to share what we have, with those across the world, less fortunate. Many of these are the charitable donation types that support political campaigns, right along with the business interests, combining to make up a significant voting and donation block that does influence political/government policy. Their financial influence far outweighs the majority non-contributory group of Americans that never donate to politicians. I will say this, about that group of open border supporters. It is highly misguided, at best. We do not owe the world a living, within our borders, certainly not of people, entering illegally, prone to other disrespects of our society, culture, and individual American Citizens. This does not even count the absolutely lawless, coming for criminal opportunity or subversive actors of foreign powers or cultures far different from our ideals.

Joe Biden fckd up, listening to the wrong people for the wrong reasons, as most of us have known since day 2 of his administration. It is the main reason he is gone, after making little or no even feeble attempt to slow, what was unleashed on the country. As a whole, it simply was not in favor of becoming a country without borders. It is expensive. It is against the culture built here. It is not fair to those that did it correctly. With as little oversight and individual background checking (pushed months or years down the road) it is simply, unnecessarily dangerous.
I think it highly unlikely that he is under any foreign enfluence. Possible, maybe, but unlikely.

Strange as it may seem to you or me, there really is a significant sized group of actual Americans that actually are for open borders. I don't get it. Neither do you, but I suspect it is real.

So, who wants them? As usual, I suspect business, especially small to mid-sized business wanting bodies for low skilled workers, that will work cheaper, under the table. So the employer can make a higher profit on their goods and services, be it brick laying, fruit picking, or widget manufacturing. Verification processes being, by no means, foolproof, they have cover to accept any ID as valid, knowing they will not be punished for hiring illegals if caught. Then there are the misguided people that think we have a duty to share what we have, with those across the world, less fortunate. Many of these are the charitable donation types that support political campaigns, right along with the business interests, combining to make up a significant voting and donation block that does influence political/government policy. Their financial influence far outweighs the majority non-contributory group of Americans that never donate to politicians. I will say this, about that group of open border supporters. It is highly misguided, at best. We do not owe the world a living, within our borders, certainly not of people, entering illegally, prone to other disrespects of our society, culture, and individual American Citizens. This does not even count the absolutely lawless, coming for criminal opportunity or subversive actors of foreign powers or cultures far different from our ideals.

Joe Biden fckd up, listening to the wrong people for the wrong reasons, as most of us have known since day 2 of his administration. It is the main reason he is gone, after making little or no even feeble attempt to slow, what was unleashed on the country. As a whole, it simply was not in favor of becoming a country without borders. It is expensive. It is against the culture built here. It is not fair to those that did it correctly. With as little oversight and individual background checking (pushed months or years down the road) it is simply, unnecessarily dangerous.
Pretty much everyone who is for open borders takes money from soros. He is Mr. Open borders, and he needs to be shot.
Yup. That corrupt piece of shit has been selling us out to the Chinese for YEARS

There's your treason.
I saw a piece where he was setting up buildings in Mexico to process illegals, pretty sure they were for Chinese. I forget where I saw it. I think it was also when he was with Obama.

I'll see if I can find it.
Definition of terms might help here;

The Reconquista ("reconquest") is a term to describe an irredentist vision by different individuals, groups, and/or nations that the Southwestern United States should be politically or culturally returned to Mexico. Known as advocating a Greater Mexico, such opinions are often formed on the basis that those territories were part of Spain for centuries and then of Mexico from 1821 until they were annexed by the United States during the Texas Annexation (1845) and the Mexican Cession (1848) because of the Mexican–American War.[1]
The term Reconquista means "reconquest" and is an analogy to the Christian Reconquista of Moorish Iberia. The areas of greatest Mexican immigration and cultural diffusion are the same as with the territories that were taken by the United States from Mexico during the 19th century.[2]
The far-right group Nationalist Front of Mexico opposes what it sees as Anglo-American cultural influences[5] and rejects the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, as well as what its members consider the "American occupation" of territory formerly belonging to Mexico and now form the southwestern United States.

On its website, the front states:

We reject the occupation of our nation in its northern territories, an important cause of poverty and emigration. We demand that our claim to all the territories occupied by force by the United States be recognized in our Constitution, and we will bravely defend, according to the principle of self-determination to all peoples, the right of the Mexican people to live in the whole of our territory within its historical borders, as they existed and were recognized at the moment of our independence.[6]
Truxillo believed that the República del Norte would be brought into existence by "any means necessary" but that it would be formed by probably not civil war but the electoral pressure of the region's future majority Hispanic population.[9][10] Truxillo added that he believed it was his duty to help develop a "cadre of intellectuals" to think about how the new state could become a reality.[9]
Illegal immigration to the Southwest is sometimes viewed as a form of Reconquista in light of the fact that Texas statehood was preceded by an influx of US settlers into that Mexican province until US citizens outnumbered Mexicans ten–to-one and took over the area's governance. The theory is that the reverse will happen when Mexicans eventually become so numerous in the region that they wield substantial influence, including political power.[15] Even if it is not intended, some analysts say the significant demographic shift in the Southwest may result in "a de facto reconquista." Political scientist Samuel P. Huntington, a proponent of the widespread popularity of Reconquista, stated in 2004:

Demographically, socially and culturally, the reconquista (re-conquest) of the Southwest United States by Mexican immigrants is well under way. [However, a] meaningful move to reunite these territories with Mexico seems unlikely....No other immigrant group in U.S. history has asserted or could assert a historical claim to U.S. territory. Mexicans and Mexican-Americans can and do make that claim.[16]
The National Council of La Raza, the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, stated on its website that it "has never supported and does not endorse the notion of a Reconquista (the right of Mexico to reclaim land in the southwestern United States) or Aztlán."[21]

A 2002 Zogby poll reported that 58% of Mexicans in Mexico believed that the southwestern United States rightfully belongs to Mexico.
As seen in #35 above, La Reconquista operation within the USA might be sen as potential sedition. Especially when dealing with some of the more focused organizations. Such as;

UnidosUS, formerly National Council of La Raza (NCLR) (La Raza),[2] is the United States's largest Latino nonprofit advocacy organization. It advocates in favor of progressive public policy changes including immigration reform, a path to citizenship for migrants, and reduced deportations.[3][4]

Founded in 1968 (as NCLR), UnidosUS has regional offices in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Phoenix, San Antonio and is headquartered in Washington, D.C.[5]
Prior to 2000, three-quarters of the organization's funding came from private sources, including individuals and corporations, and one-quarter of its funding came from the federal government.[18] As of 2015, the organization reported receiving 85% of its funding from individuals, corporations, and foundations, and 15% of its funding from the government.[19] In 2018, 7% of its funding came from the federal government.[1]
Rather disturbing to see our Federal government has funded this partly ....

M.E.Ch.A. (Spanish: Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán; "Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán") is a US-based organization that seeks to promote Chicano unity and empowerment through political action.
In 2008, a passage from MEChA's national website read: 'As Chicanas and Chicanos of Aztlán, we are a nationalist movement of Indigenous Gente that lay claim to the land that is ours by birthright. As a nationalist movement we seek to free our people from the exploitation of an oppressive society that occupies our land. Thus, the principle of nationalism serves to preserve the cultural traditions of La Familia de La Raza and promotes our identity as a Chicana/Chicano Gente.'[10] Such statements have led MEChA to be criticized by right-wing sources, including the National Review[11] and Michelle Malkin[12] which alleges that MEChA is tinged with racist and separatist views. The Times Online has referred to MEChA as "a radical Mexican student organisation"[13] in describing the associations of 2003 California gubernatorial candidate Cruz Bustamante.

Critics also point out the group's use of the word Aztlán: To many, this word calls to mind a once real region comprising much of the Southwestern United States and as a result, some critics feel use of the phrase implies support for the controversial theory of reconquista. While MEChA supporters point out that the Aztlan mythology itself does not refer to reclaiming conquered lands, it simply describes the home of the Aztec people.[14]

In Mexico, the Spanish expression la Raza[1] ('the people'[2] or 'the community';[3] literal translation: 'the race'[2]) has historically been used to refer to the mixed-race populations (primarily though not always exclusively in the Western Hemisphere),[4] considered as an ethnic or racial unit[5] historically deriving from the Spanish Empire, and the process of racial intermixing during the Spanish colonization of the Americas with the Indigenous populations of the Americas.

The term was not widely used in Latin America in the early-to-mid-20th century but has been redefined and reclaimed in Chicanismo and the United Farm Worker organization since 1968. It still remains in active use specifically in the context of Mexican-American identity politics in the United States (see Chicano).[6] This terminology for mixed-race originated as a reference to "La Raza Cosmica" by José Vasconcelos, although it is no longer used in this context or associated with "La Raza Cosmica" ideology by Mexican-American, Native rights movements and activists in the United States.

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