they are coming apart at the seams.....
I have some Republican friends at work. I forgot to mention to them that John McCain wants to send Georgia $1 billion dollars so they can rebuild after Russia bombed them. That's a billion that we would have to borrow from the Chinese. He's going to have to defend that position at the debates.
Anyways, I sent my work friends this email:
Mark yesterday as the day Obama won the Presidency. All of McCains lying. Yesterday was the first day Sarah didnt repeat her lie about saying thanks but no thanks for the bridge to nowhere.
McCain is the king of de-regulations. Yesterday after the Lehman Brothers collapse, he said he was going to regulate the industry? Thats the biggest flip flop so far. So basically he is taking Obamas positions. Why dont we just go with Obama then?
McCain makes a turn to embracing regulation
A decade ago, he champion deregulation of banking, insurance
Sarah Palin also yesterday refused to meet with the lead investigator of Troopergate. She said she welcomed an investigation, all the Republicans in Alaska welcomed an investigation, but now she is flip flopping and not cooperating? Sounds very similar to what we saw with Bush/Chaney/Rove/Libby/Gonzales/Rice/Libby. They obstructed justice for 8 years. Do we want 4 more years of the same?
A McCain lawyer scrambles to block a Palin ethics inquiry.
Alaska AG: Palin subpoenas won't be honored
And five Alaska lawmakers file suit to end Troopergate probe
McCain says he invented the Blackberry?
Move over, Al Gore: John McCain invented the BlackBerry
Oh, this just in too. We also re-nigged on the deal we had with the Sunnis in Iraq. During the Surge, we gave them money and promised immunity if they drove Al Queda out. They did, and now the Shiite government is arresting Sunnis who fought us before the truce. That truce was more important than the surge. So much for the gains made with the surge. You cant even find details on this yet.
Also, McCain said the fundamentals of our economy are strong. That proves he doesnt know jack about the economy, because the fundamentals are not strong. Do you know who else said this quote? Hoover, right before the Great Depression. Maybe McCain went to school with Hoover?
Sarah Palins appeal has worn off. From Saturday to yesterday, her favorable/unfavorable rating dropped 10 points.
By the way. Congratulations. I hear you all just purchased AIG for $85 billion dollars. So much for free markets. How many times do I have to tell you that Republicans only want to privatize profits? They always socialize the losses.
I hope that was a good buy, with all the home foreclosures that are coming.