Finding Trumpo

You poor bastard. I had no use for Obama but he occupied very little of my thoughts. Trump owns you.
Me? You are the poor bastard that has to come here multiple times a day to try to defend the lying pos you voted for.

Trump : OMG OMG OMG Obama's golfing OMG OMG OMG
Trump: I won;t golf as President. I won't take a vacation"

Trump takes Vacations nearly every weekend & has golfed so many times.

You are really pissed off but won't admit it. You instead attack the messenger.
I don't need to defend jack shit, you're lying. I'm not the one doing the school girl omg routine, you are. Things are going my way after 8 years of crap. That makes you think I'm pissed off? You have brain damage.
You do it every freakin day. You defend the Dumpster regardless of what he says & does.

So your way is the way of lies & deceit? Your way is to promise no golfing & them when you've duped enough jackasses to win, you golf nearly every week? Is that your way?

You can't even admit Trump was wrong to do it.

Trump claims the Russian hacking was a hoax & then blames Obama for not stopping it. I am sure you are OK with that too.
I poke fun of you guys, you think that's defending Trump? Like I said, I have no need to. My way? I said nothing about golf.

You can't see individuals because you are a collectivist. That's exactly why liberals are like an singular organism, no independent thought, just a hive of thoughtless noise. If anyone responds to it we are defending evil.

You poor bastard.
You poor bastard. I had no use for Obama but he occupied very little of my thoughts. Trump owns you.

oh horseshit, you mention Obama on a daily basis, exactly like you just did.
How many Obama threads have I started, jackass?

it doesnt need to be an op, you can slobber about obama at any given moment .... derpieboi
You're a hurt little boy.

ok, from now on I'll be sure and remind you when you do. :popcorn:

want to add Clinton too ?
Nothing on yesterday's schedule after 11:30 AM

Where could he be? Golfing at one of his resorts making him more money?

Is that what Trump meant when he said he was self-funded? Funding hisself at our expense?
Well, I do know where Bill Clinton be hanging around.



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