Finally, the ultimate 'red meat' mandate the GOP can sink teeth into this midterm brawl... Da Wall!

Say dummy, I don't suspect you own a house. Regardless, let's apply your "wisdom" to a personal yet relevant application. Why do people lock their doors and install fence around their property? Is that bigotry as well? According to the view you've so liberally adopted, it would have to be.
Locking doors and putting a perimeter fence on your property makes economic sense

Building a 2000 mile wall doesn’t

Oh sure that's it. A fence makes economic sense. I asked a straight forward question, and like every progressive you talk in circles.
We have better uses of $30 billion than a useless fence
Infrastructure, healthcare, education

All make more sense than the Great Wall of Trump

What's it cost our society in welfare for illegals? Bet your ass it's more than 30 billion, and a fence lasts longer. Yeah, tell me again about economic sense. Here, I looked it up: The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Protecting our borders meets every practical sense, from economics to homeland security. Be honest. You either want open borders or if Trump says right you say left.
We make much more off of low cost labor than we pay in benefits

Not sure of your perspective? If you were a working stiff whose standard of living, or real wages, had not increased in 20-years due to that cheap labor you might like to reduce that supply of cheap labor to increase your wages. Trump gets it and the union labor that are being underrcut get it too.
Locking doors and putting a perimeter fence on your property makes economic sense

Building a 2000 mile wall doesn’t

Oh sure that's it. A fence makes economic sense. I asked a straight forward question, and like every progressive you talk in circles.
We have better uses of $30 billion than a useless fence
Infrastructure, healthcare, education

All make more sense than the Great Wall of Trump

What's it cost our society in welfare for illegals? Bet your ass it's more than 30 billion, and a fence lasts longer. Yeah, tell me again about economic sense. Here, I looked it up: The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Protecting our borders meets every practical sense, from economics to homeland security. Be honest. You either want open borders or if Trump says right you say left.
We make much more off of low cost labor than we pay in benefits

The rich make a bundle off of cheap labor the working class masses lose out.
Very true

That is why we need to jail employers of illegals rather than chase some poor guy trying to feed his family
Locking doors and putting a perimeter fence on your property makes economic sense

Building a 2000 mile wall doesn’t

Oh sure that's it. A fence makes economic sense. I asked a straight forward question, and like every progressive you talk in circles.
We have better uses of $30 billion than a useless fence
Infrastructure, healthcare, education

All make more sense than the Great Wall of Trump

What's it cost our society in welfare for illegals? Bet your ass it's more than 30 billion, and a fence lasts longer. Yeah, tell me again about economic sense. Here, I looked it up: The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Protecting our borders meets every practical sense, from economics to homeland security. Be honest. You either want open borders or if Trump says right you say left.
We make much more off of low cost labor than we pay in benefits

Not sure of your perspective? If you were a working stiff whose standard of living, or real wages, had not increased in 20-years due to that cheap labor you might like to reduce that supply of cheap labor to increase your wages. Trump gets it and the union labor that are being underrcut get it too.
More conservative bullshit propaganda

Trying to blame stagnant wages on illegal workers rather than corporate greed
Oh sure that's it. A fence makes economic sense. I asked a straight forward question, and like every progressive you talk in circles.
We have better uses of $30 billion than a useless fence
Infrastructure, healthcare, education

All make more sense than the Great Wall of Trump

What's it cost our society in welfare for illegals? Bet your ass it's more than 30 billion, and a fence lasts longer. Yeah, tell me again about economic sense. Here, I looked it up: The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Protecting our borders meets every practical sense, from economics to homeland security. Be honest. You either want open borders or if Trump says right you say left.
We make much more off of low cost labor than we pay in benefits

Not sure of your perspective? If you were a working stiff whose standard of living, or real wages, had not increased in 20-years due to that cheap labor you might like to reduce that supply of cheap labor to increase your wages. Trump gets it and the union labor that are being underrcut get it too.
More conservative bullshit propaganda

Trying to blame stagnant wages on illegal workers rather than corporate greed

You are harming the people you're claiming to help being the lower class, and Blacks etc.

Our study suggests that a 10% immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group is associated with a reduction in the black wage of 2.5%, a reduction in the black employment rate of 5.9 percentage points, and an increase in the black institutionalization rate of 1.3 percentage points. Among white men, the same 10% increase in supply reduces the wage by 3.2%, but has much weaker employment and incarceration effects: a 2.1-percentage-point reduction in the employment rate and a 0.2- percentage-point increase in the incarceration rate. It seems, therefore, that black employment and incarceration rates are more sensitive to immigration than those of whites. These findings can obviously generate a great deal of controversy in the immigration debate and can be easily misinterpreted. As a result, we are extremely cautious in both the presentation and the interpretation of the evidence. Although we have attempted to control for other factors that may account for the large shifts in black employment and incarceration rates over the four-decade period that we examine, it should be obvious that no study can control for all possible factors. It is equally important to emphasize that although the evidence suggests that immigration played a role in generating these trends, much of the decline in employment or increase in incarceration in the black population remains unexplained. Put differently, immigration seems to have an effect and this effect seems to be numerically important, but we would have witnessed a sizeable decline in black employment and the concurrent increase in black incarceration rates even if there had been no immigration in the past few decad
Our study suggests that a 10% immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group is associated with a reduction in the black wage of 2.5%, a reduction in the black employment rate of 5.9 percentage points, and an increase in the black institutionalization rate of 1.3 percentage points. Among white men, the same 10% increase in supply reduces the wage by 3.2%, but has much weaker employment and incarceration effects: a 2.1-percentage-point reduction in the employment rate and a 0.2- percentage-point increase in the incarceration rate. It seems, therefore, that black employment and incarceration rates are more sensitive to immigration than those of whites. These findings can obviously generate a great deal of controversy in the immigration debate and can be easily misinterpreted. As a result, we are extremely cautious in both the presentation and the interpretation of the evidence. Although we have attempted to control for other factors that may account for the large shifts in black employment and incarceration rates over the four-decade period that we examine, it should be obvious that no study can control for all possible factors. It is equally important to emphasize that although the evidence suggests that immigration played a role in generating these trends, much of the decline in employment or increase in incarceration in the black population remains unexplained. Put differently, immigration seems to have an effect and this effect seems to be numerically important, but we would have witnessed a sizeable decline in black employment and the concurrent increase in black incarceration rates even if there had been no immigration in the past few decad

O the specious meltdown of duplicity, cherry picking for their NARRATIVE... The MSM loved it when Kanye got friendly with Obama but now with Trump (who he has not carte blanche endorsed on all issues) he is "attention whore" (some truth to that), "token black", "negro who doesn't read"... MSM ya got to be just a little more subtle, me thinks!

Mentally Sound & laudable

Mentally deranged, w/ severe mental health issue
Our study suggests that a 10% immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group is associated with a reduction in the black wage of 2.5%, a reduction in the black employment rate of 5.9 percentage points, and an increase in the black institutionalization rate of 1.3 percentage points. Among white men, the same 10% increase in supply reduces the wage by 3.2%, but has much weaker employment and incarceration effects: a 2.1-percentage-point reduction in the employment rate and a 0.2- percentage-point increase in the incarceration rate. It seems, therefore, that black employment and incarceration rates are more sensitive to immigration than those of whites. These findings can obviously generate a great deal of controversy in the immigration debate and can be easily misinterpreted. As a result, we are extremely cautious in both the presentation and the interpretation of the evidence. Although we have attempted to control for other factors that may account for the large shifts in black employment and incarceration rates over the four-decade period that we examine, it should be obvious that no study can control for all possible factors. It is equally important to emphasize that although the evidence suggests that immigration played a role in generating these trends, much of the decline in employment or increase in incarceration in the black population remains unexplained. Put differently, immigration seems to have an effect and this effect seems to be numerically important, but we would have witnessed a sizeable decline in black employment and the concurrent increase in black incarceration rates even if there had been no immigration in the past few decad

O the specious meltdown of duplicity, cherry picking for their NARRATIVE... The MSM loved it when Kanye got friendly with Obama but now with Trump (who he has not carte blanche endorsed on all issues) he is "attention whore" (some truth to that), "token black", "negro who doesn't read"... MSM ya got to be just a little more subtle, me thinks!

Mentally Sound & laudable

Mentally deranged, w/ severe mental health issue
Kanye is a Kardashian

No lower form of life in our society
I understand where you're coming from, but ya got to marvel at them as marketing machines and while I think that 'vapid' doesn't go far enough in describing them; who are we to condemn another's way of life and what course they pursue... If there wasn't a market audience for their self absorbed lunacy & products they wouldn't be raking in the tens of millions and would lapse into obscurity... Compare that to Obama who never ran any business, created any jobs, produced a product or performed any marketable service beyond academia. (community organizing is a propped up title position outside the purview & constraints of the real world)
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