Finally.........A Palestinian Contribution To Mankind

Israeli air strike destroys home for the disabled killing two women residents
The residents at Mobarat Felestin Centre had just finished suhoor, the early morning meal before a long day of fasting during Ramadan, when the first missile hit the roof. It may have been the standard warning issued by the Israeli military that a major attack was coming.

But the people inside did not know that. And, with all but one of them suffering from mental and physical disability, it is highly unlikely they would have been able to escape in any event. The ensuing air strike, five minutes later at around 4.30, demolished a large part of the structure, starting a fire, leaving two dead and four others horrifically injured from shrapnel and burns.

Israel-Gaza conflict: Israeli air strike destroys home for the

Israel's Gaza house bombing policy illegal, human rights group says

Israel's leaders broke international law by backing a policy of bombing houses in last summer's Gaza conflict, resulting in mass civilian casualties, an Israeli human rights group has said.

In a report published on Wednesday, B'tselem says key Israeli political and military figures persisted with the approach even after it became obvious that it would unavoidably kill many people not involved in the hostilities.

Around 2,200 Palestinians - the majority of them non-combatants, according to the United Nations - were killed during the 50-day conflict, which also left 73 dead on the Israeli side. Around 18,000 Palestinian homes were destroyed or badly damaged.

From the link:

The Israeli government, however, has issued satellite photographs which, it stated, showed that the mosque, near the Nusseirat refugee camp, was being used to store rockets. It charged that Hamas and Islamic Jihad, another militant Palestinian group, “systematically use mosques to conceal weaponry and establish underground tunnel networks, abusing the holy nature of these sites for their own terror-oriented agenda.”

Islamic terrorism carries consequences.
Israel Speaks: “We Purposefully Attack Civilians… Because They Deserve It”
In a video recording dated in 2012, Netanyahu can be seen speaking to what presumably are family members, women and children, completely unawares to the fact that his remarks are being recorded the entire time.

Netanyahu explains that, “The main thing, first of all, is to hit them [the Arabs]. Not just one blow, but blows that are so painful that the price will be too heavy to be borne,” a policy doctrine we are now seeing play out in Israel’s current assault on Gaza in which the ‘price’ that is intended to be ‘too heavy to be borne,’ is measured in the indiscriminate murder of innocent civilian lives- their homes, their playgrounds, their beaches, their schools, their mosques, their hospitals; Israel has shown in Protective Edge that no one and no place in Gaza, not even children’s playgrounds and hospitals in which no militants whatsoever are present, is immune from the all-powerful roar of the highly-tuned, well-oiled and technologically sophisticated multi-billion dollar US-made killing machine that it has now descended upon the mostly defenseless, economically strangled, and poverty-induced population of Gaza

Don’t Make Me Shoot You

Nafeez Ahmed reports that,

White highlights a Ha’aretz report from 2009 which revealed that “IDF officers were receiving legal advice that allowed for large numbers of civilian casualties and the targeting of government buildings.”

“The people who go into a house despite a warning do not have to be taken into account in terms of injury to civilians, because they are voluntary human shields,”

said one senior official of the international law division (ILD) of the Israeli Military Advocate General’s Office.

“From the legal point of view, I do not have to show consideration for them. In the case of people who return to their home in order to protect it, they are taking part in the fighting.” (emphasis added)

This statement presupposes that Israel has the right to order people out of their homes, without having to give a justification, without having to prove that it is a military outpost, just an arbitrary pronouncement by the military and either the civilians must flee or be murdered in cold blood by the IDF, in which case they will be referred to as ‘human shields’ and their extrajudicial slaughter justified in the eyes of the military machine and its legal aides; even if the civilian does flee, Israel presupposes the right to destroy their homes, property, and belongings- in other words, their property (and as well their lives) belong to us, because we say so.

According to U.S. Army Manuals terrorism is defined as, the

“calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear. It is intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies … [to attain] political, religious, or ideological goals.” [U.S. Army Field Manual No. FM 3-0, Chapter 9, 37 (14 June 2001).]

Israel’s actions are therefore the exact definition of terrorism according to the U.S. army, where even justthe threat of violence to obtain political goals is terrorism; Israel is saying to the civilian population “leave your homes, or else,” while then presupposing that if their orders are not heeded they are thus absolved from the responsibility of the murder which they will then go about committing. Even if they were just to threaten the use of violence to get people out of their homes it would be an extreme terroristic crime, let alone when they actually go through with the bombing, indiscriminate of who is inside.

From the link:

The Israeli government, however, has issued satellite photographs which, it stated, showed that the mosque, near the Nusseirat refugee camp, was being used to store rockets. It charged that Hamas and Islamic Jihad, another militant Palestinian group, “systematically use mosques to conceal weaponry and establish underground tunnel networks, abusing the holy nature of these sites for their own terror-oriented agenda.”

Islamic terrorism carries consequences.
The Mosque was no where near the Mobarat Felestin Centre
Israeli terrorism carries consequences. Israel can expect the same treatment of it's Hospital's, school's and Government office's, after all, Most israeli's have served as militant's in the IDF at some point, that makes them legitimate target's
Israel targeting mosques hurts Gaza social fabric
NUSEIRAT REFUGEE CAMP, Gaza Strip (AP) — Only the minaret still stands after an Israeli airstrike reduced Gaza's Al-Qassam Mosque to a heap of concrete, iron rods and dust. Hours after the pre-dawn attack, rescue workers searched in the rubble, residents gathered — and plainclothes Hamas security agents mingled among them.

Also known as the Grand Mosque, it was one of 63 that Israel has destroyed in its monthlong war with Hamas, according to Palestinian officials. The reason, Israel says, is that Hamas is using mosques to stockpile weapons and rocket launchers, and to hide tunnels used to infiltrate into Israel and carry out attacks.

Gaza's Hamas rulers deny the accusation, saying Israel is waging a war against Islam. On the ground, many Gazans react the same, saying Israel is attacking their faith.

During recent visits by The Associated Press to a half-dozen Gaza mosques destroyed by Israeli strikes, residents categorically denied they were used by Hamas as hideouts for its fighters or as storage places for its hardware.

"None, absolutely none," or "I never saw members of the resistance anywhere here" were the most common responses to queries about whether the militants used them for military purposes.

And, indeed, most of the targeted mosques did double as social, education and health centers for residents, offering them medical care, classes to memorize the Quran and eradicate illiteracy, as well as sports events like soccer and table tennis tournaments.

Read more: Israel targeting mosques hurts Gaza social fabric

Are you trying to make the point that Israel deliberately targeted a home for the disabled in order to kill disabled civilians? In other words, that Israel was aware that building housed disabled people and deliberately chose it as a target?
Israeli air strike destroys home for the disabled killing two women residents
The residents at Mobarat Felestin Centre had just finished suhoor, the early morning meal before a long day of fasting during Ramadan, when the first missile hit the roof. It may have been the standard warning issued by the Israeli military that a major attack was coming.

But the people inside did not know that. And, with all but one of them suffering from mental and physical disability, it is highly unlikely they would have been able to escape in any event. The ensuing air strike, five minutes later at around 4.30, demolished a large part of the structure, starting a fire, leaving two dead and four others horrifically injured from shrapnel and burns.

Israel-Gaza conflict: Israeli air strike destroys home for the

Israel's Gaza house bombing policy illegal, human rights group says

Israel's leaders broke international law by backing a policy of bombing houses in last summer's Gaza conflict, resulting in mass civilian casualties, an Israeli human rights group has said.

In a report published on Wednesday, B'tselem says key Israeli political and military figures persisted with the approach even after it became obvious that it would unavoidably kill many people not involved in the hostilities.

Around 2,200 Palestinians - the majority of them non-combatants, according to the United Nations - were killed during the 50-day conflict, which also left 73 dead on the Israeli side. Around 18,000 Palestinian homes were destroyed or badly damaged.

Israel's Gaza house bombing policy illegal, human rights group says

And what does this have to do with the topic of the thread, why are you using staged pictures and not the truth.
I suggest they didn't care, they wanted to make a point, No one is safe against Israeli aggression, how would they not know that complex housed disabled people, they control all of Gaza, and know where everyone lives
Israel Speaks: “We Purposefully Attack Civilians… Because They Deserve It”
In a video recording dated in 2012, Netanyahu can be seen speaking to what presumably are family members, women and children, completely unawares to the fact that his remarks are being recorded the entire time.

Netanyahu explains that, “The main thing, first of all, is to hit them [the Arabs]. Not just one blow, but blows that are so painful that the price will be too heavy to be borne,” a policy doctrine we are now seeing play out in Israel’s current assault on Gaza in which the ‘price’ that is intended to be ‘too heavy to be borne,’ is measured in the indiscriminate murder of innocent civilian lives- their homes, their playgrounds, their beaches, their schools, their mosques, their hospitals; Israel has shown in Protective Edge that no one and no place in Gaza, not even children’s playgrounds and hospitals in which no militants whatsoever are present, is immune from the all-powerful roar of the highly-tuned, well-oiled and technologically sophisticated multi-billion dollar US-made killing machine that it has now descended upon the mostly defenseless, economically strangled, and poverty-induced population of Gaza

Don’t Make Me Shoot You

Nafeez Ahmed reports that,

White highlights a Ha’aretz report from 2009 which revealed that “IDF officers were receiving legal advice that allowed for large numbers of civilian casualties and the targeting of government buildings.”

“The people who go into a house despite a warning do not have to be taken into account in terms of injury to civilians, because they are voluntary human shields,”

said one senior official of the international law division (ILD) of the Israeli Military Advocate General’s Office.

“From the legal point of view, I do not have to show consideration for them. In the case of people who return to their home in order to protect it, they are taking part in the fighting.” (emphasis added)

This statement presupposes that Israel has the right to order people out of their homes, without having to give a justification, without having to prove that it is a military outpost, just an arbitrary pronouncement by the military and either the civilians must flee or be murdered in cold blood by the IDF, in which case they will be referred to as ‘human shields’ and their extrajudicial slaughter justified in the eyes of the military machine and its legal aides; even if the civilian does flee, Israel presupposes the right to destroy their homes, property, and belongings- in other words, their property (and as well their lives) belong to us, because we say so.

According to U.S. Army Manuals terrorism is defined as, the

“calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear. It is intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies … [to attain] political, religious, or ideological goals.” [U.S. Army Field Manual No. FM 3-0, Chapter 9, 37 (14 June 2001).]

Israel’s actions are therefore the exact definition of terrorism according to the U.S. army, where even justthe threat of violence to obtain political goals is terrorism; Israel is saying to the civilian population “leave your homes, or else,” while then presupposing that if their orders are not heeded they are thus absolved from the responsibility of the murder which they will then go about committing. Even if they were just to threaten the use of violence to get people out of their homes it would be an extreme terroristic crime, let alone when they actually go through with the bombing, indiscriminate of who is inside.

From the link:

The Israeli government, however, has issued satellite photographs which, it stated, showed that the mosque, near the Nusseirat refugee camp, was being used to store rockets. It charged that Hamas and Islamic Jihad, another militant Palestinian group, “systematically use mosques to conceal weaponry and establish underground tunnel networks, abusing the holy nature of these sites for their own terror-oriented agenda.”

Islamic terrorism carries consequences.
The Mosque was no where near the Mobarat Felestin Centre

Try again as the photo on google maps shows a mosque close to the centre
Israeli terrorism carries consequences. Israel can expect the same treatment of it's Hospital's, school's and Government office's, after all, Most israeli's have served as militant's in the IDF at some point, that makes them legitimate target's

Responding to attack, violence and terrorism is not terrorism, no matter how many times you tell this LIE.

Israeli terrorism carries consequences. Israel can expect the same treatment of it's Hospital's, school's and Government office's, after all, Most israeli's have served as militant's in the IDF at some point, that makes them legitimate target's

And the arab muslims lose even more in the eyes of the world until eventually the UN is forced to impose sanctions on the palestinians.

You can threaten all you want but remember it is not illegal to respond to attacks and so Israel will be allowed to respond to these by bombing gaza into dust if it breaches international law or the Geneva conventions when it targets Hospitals and Schools that are not used as military instalations
Israeli terrorism carries consequences. Israel can expect the same treatment of it's Hospital's, school's and Government office's, after all, Most israeli's have served as militant's in the IDF at some point, that makes them legitimate target's
Lots of bluster from a goofy cut & paster.

Your copying and pasting has once again allowed you to refute your own argument..... made with nothing more than mindless copying and pasting.

Atta' boy.
I suggest they didn't care, they wanted to make a point, No one is safe against Israeli aggression, how would they not know that complex housed disabled people, they control all of Gaza, and know where everyone lives

It is the duty of any responsible government to protect its citizens from islamic terrorism and islamic terrorist acts of war.

Islamic terrorism carries consequences.
I suggest they didn't care, they wanted to make a point, No one is safe against Israeli aggression, how would they not know that complex housed disabled people, they control all of Gaza, and know where everyone lives

It is the duty of any responsible government to protect its citizens from islamic terrorism and islamic terrorist acts of war.

Islamic terrorism carries consequences.

All true. However, thanks to the Islamic terrorists, sales of Israel's security systems are booming all over the world, including now in Rio at the Olympics. Great stock investment opportunities for us Americans.
I suggest they didn't care, they wanted to make a point, No one is safe against Israeli aggression, how would they not know that complex housed disabled people, they control all of Gaza, and know where everyone lives

So, yes, then. You believe that Israel knew that this was a home for disabled people and that Israel deliberately targeted it to kill disabled people.
I suggest they didn't care, they wanted to make a point, No one is safe against Israeli aggression, how would they not know that complex housed disabled people, they control all of Gaza, and know where everyone lives

So, yes, then. You believe that Israel knew that this was a home for disabled people and that Israel deliberately targeted it to kill disabled people.
You can't just indiscriminately bomb. That is illegal. You have to know what you are bombing and have good reason to.
I suggest they didn't care, they wanted to make a point, No one is safe against Israeli aggression, how would they not know that complex housed disabled people, they control all of Gaza, and know where everyone lives

So, yes, then. You believe that Israel knew that this was a home for disabled people and that Israel deliberately targeted it to kill disabled people.
You can't just indiscriminately bomb. That is illegal. You have to know what you are bombing and have good reason to.

Israel knows that. That's why Israel doesn't do it.

The claim fanger made was not that Israel bombed indiscriminately but that Israel was deliberately targeting disabled people. Do you agree with him?

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