Feds: We can read all your email, and you’ll never know


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
I attended a industry conference last week which included a lot of very eye-opening information. I had always known about some of this but was light on the details. I still don't have the specifics such as the case titles, case law, etc. but I'm also just getting started - trust for verify.

This all began with the presenter indicating that Google not only scans the content of all gmail accounts but reads and/or allows the emails to be read by third-parties - all allegedly so that they can target their marketing in order to generate more and more revenue:

Fear of hackers reading private emails in cloud-based systems like Microsoft Outlook, Gmail or Yahoo has recently sent regular people and public officials scrambling to delete entire accounts full of messages dating back years. What we don’t expect is our own government to hack our email – but it’s happening. Federal court cases going on right now are revealing that federal officials can read all your email without your knowledge.

As a scholar and lawyer who started researching and writing about the history and meaning of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution more than 30 years ago, I immediately saw how the FBI versus Apple controversy earlier this year was bringing the founders’ fight for liberty into the 21st century. My study of that legal battle caused me to dig into the federal government’s actual practices for getting email from cloud accounts and cellphones, causing me to worry that our basic liberties are threatened.

A new type of government search
The federal government is getting access to the contents of entire email accounts by using an ancient procedure – the search warrant – with a new, sinister twist: secret court proceedings.

The earliest search warrants had a very limited purpose – authorizing entry to private premises to find and recover stolen goods. During the era of the American Revolution, British authorities abused this power to conduct dragnet searches of colonial homes and to seize people’s private papers looking for evidence of political resistance.

To prevent the new federal government from engaging in that sort of tyranny, special controls over search warrants were written into the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. But these constitutional provisions are failing to protect our personal documents if they are stored in the cloud or on our smartphones.

Fortunately, the government’s efforts are finally being made public, thanks to legal battles taken up by Apple, Microsoft and other major companies. But the feds are fighting back, using even more subversive legal tactics.

Searching in secret
To get these warrants in the first place, the feds are using the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, passed in 1986 – long before widespread use of cloud-based email and smartphones. That law allows the government to use a warrant to get electronic communications from the company providing the service – rather than the true owner of the email account, the person who uses it.

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Feds: We can read all your email, and you'll never know
Here's where this actually started:
  • Google's Gmail has turned online e-mail service into a profitable business
  • The company scans e-mails and uses data for targeted ads and user profiles
  • Many users don't realize how much their personal information is worth
  • Gmail has been the target of multiple privacy lawsuits

  • Why Gmail and other e-mail services aren't really free
    By Heather Kelly, CNN

    Updated 4:31 PM ET, Tue April 1, 2014
Gmail doesn't cost any money to use, but it's not free.
Google's popular online e-mail service, which turns 10 Tuesday, may not charge for its Gmail accounts. But the company is still collecting payment in the form of massive amounts of personal information about the people who use it.
With an estimated 500-plus million users, Gmail has grown to dominate the Web-mail world. It has also repeatedly found itself in hot water over privacy. Gmail is facing multiple privacy lawsuits in the United States and Europe, some accusing the company of illegal wiretapping for scanning the content of e-mails.

Google reported $16.86 billion in revenues for the last quarter of 2013 alone. One way it makes money from Gmail is by automatically scanning and indexing messages and using the data it mines to show relevant ads to its users.
"The basic premise of Gmail is, we'll give you a robust e-mail service and in exchange we want to display ads alongside our e-mail and we're scanning your e-mail to decide what ads are most relevant," said Eric Goldman, a professor at the Santa Clara University School of Law.​
I attended a industry conference last week which included a lot of very eye-opening information. I had always known about some of this but was light on the details. I still don't have the specifics such as the case titles, case law, etc. but I'm also just getting started - trust for verify.

This all began with the presenter indicating that Google not only scans the content of all gmail accounts but reads and/or allows the emails to be read by third-parties - all allegedly so that they can target their marketing in order to generate more and more revenue:

Fear of hackers reading private emails in cloud-based systems like Microsoft Outlook, Gmail or Yahoo has recently sent regular people and public officials scrambling to delete entire accounts full of messages dating back years. What we don’t expect is our own government to hack our email – but it’s happening. Federal court cases going on right now are revealing that federal officials can read all your email without your knowledge.

As a scholar and lawyer who started researching and writing about the history and meaning of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution more than 30 years ago, I immediately saw how the FBI versus Apple controversy earlier this year was bringing the founders’ fight for liberty into the 21st century. My study of that legal battle caused me to dig into the federal government’s actual practices for getting email from cloud accounts and cellphones, causing me to worry that our basic liberties are threatened.

A new type of government search
The federal government is getting access to the contents of entire email accounts by using an ancient procedure – the search warrant – with a new, sinister twist: secret court proceedings.

The earliest search warrants had a very limited purpose – authorizing entry to private premises to find and recover stolen goods. During the era of the American Revolution, British authorities abused this power to conduct dragnet searches of colonial homes and to seize people’s private papers looking for evidence of political resistance.

To prevent the new federal government from engaging in that sort of tyranny, special controls over search warrants were written into the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. But these constitutional provisions are failing to protect our personal documents if they are stored in the cloud or on our smartphones.

Fortunately, the government’s efforts are finally being made public, thanks to legal battles taken up by Apple, Microsoft and other major companies. But the feds are fighting back, using even more subversive legal tactics.

Searching in secret
To get these warrants in the first place, the feds are using the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, passed in 1986 – long before widespread use of cloud-based email and smartphones. That law allows the government to use a warrant to get electronic communications from the company providing the service – rather than the true owner of the email account, the person who uses it.

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Feds: We can read all your email, and you'll never know

Well! There's motivation to set up an encrypted private Linux email server 50x more secure than Hillary's was. :aargh:
I could do that.

How many forums would accept a babby-ass 1-of-a-kind email addy, though?
Americans don’t care. They think this is what keeps them safe from brown people with turbans in the desert
A new type of government search
The federal government is getting access to the contents of entire email accounts by using an ancient procedure – the search warrant – with a new, sinister twist: secret court proceedings.

I welcome you to the VERY small group of what's left of Civil Libertarians..

It's worse than you think or than your article suggests.. There is a monstrous Domestic Spying operation that was commissioned and designed after 9/11.. The purported purpose was to track Jihaidis planning operations on ourr soil... But to construct the "network" of contacts that might lead to a plot, the NSA built a giant vacuum cleaner that scoops up virtually every electronic communication, cell call, and financial transactions and more..

BEFORE 2015 -- only about 15 people had the authority to authorize analysis of this collection.. But during the 2016 election this is SAME SYSTEM that was used to spy on the Trump campaign and Trump associates.. The gatekeepers are the FISA court. But they typically approve 90% of the requests to collect and analyze this massive archive... The number of people making requests and "unmasking" American citizens rose exponentially while this massive spy machine was used as a political weapon...

Domestic spying got SQUASHED got back in 70s after indications that it was being abused and targeting even leaders of the Civil Rights movement. For 30 years, the ONLY agencies allowed to conduct domestic was the FBI.. After 9/11 -- NSA -- the world's most awesome and best spy agency got the lead role and RE-opened this horrendous practice...

Thanks for joining the very small that sees this as a MAJOR threat to Civil Liberties. Without the larger basket of Civil Liberties concerns, Civil Rights -- a subset of all that is meaningless. We need to work to stop the abuse and AT LEAST tighten up the procedures and assurances that CITIZENS are NOT targeted with this massive weapon....
Americans don’t care. They think this is what keeps them safe from brown people with turbans in the desert

Viva Le Patriot Act! (That needs repealed)

Seriously, If Americans want email privacy, time to set a dedicated, encrypted from the jump Linux email server, and use that for your email. Oh yeah, and use anonymous proxies or VPNs.
I attended a industry conference last week which included a lot of very eye-opening information. I had always known about some of this but was light on the details. I still don't have the specifics such as the case titles, case law, etc. but I'm also just getting started - trust for verify.

This all began with the presenter indicating that Google not only scans the content of all gmail accounts but reads and/or allows the emails to be read by third-parties - all allegedly so that they can target their marketing in order to generate more and more revenue:

Fear of hackers reading private emails in cloud-based systems like Microsoft Outlook, Gmail or Yahoo has recently sent regular people and public officials scrambling to delete entire accounts full of messages dating back years. What we don’t expect is our own government to hack our email – but it’s happening. Federal court cases going on right now are revealing that federal officials can read all your email without your knowledge.

As a scholar and lawyer who started researching and writing about the history and meaning of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution more than 30 years ago, I immediately saw how the FBI versus Apple controversy earlier this year was bringing the founders’ fight for liberty into the 21st century. My study of that legal battle caused me to dig into the federal government’s actual practices for getting email from cloud accounts and cellphones, causing me to worry that our basic liberties are threatened.

A new type of government search
The federal government is getting access to the contents of entire email accounts by using an ancient procedure – the search warrant – with a new, sinister twist: secret court proceedings.

The earliest search warrants had a very limited purpose – authorizing entry to private premises to find and recover stolen goods. During the era of the American Revolution, British authorities abused this power to conduct dragnet searches of colonial homes and to seize people’s private papers looking for evidence of political resistance.

To prevent the new federal government from engaging in that sort of tyranny, special controls over search warrants were written into the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. But these constitutional provisions are failing to protect our personal documents if they are stored in the cloud or on our smartphones.

Fortunately, the government’s efforts are finally being made public, thanks to legal battles taken up by Apple, Microsoft and other major companies. But the feds are fighting back, using even more subversive legal tactics.

Searching in secret
To get these warrants in the first place, the feds are using the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, passed in 1986 – long before widespread use of cloud-based email and smartphones. That law allows the government to use a warrant to get electronic communications from the company providing the service – rather than the true owner of the email account, the person who uses it.

Continue reading here
Feds: We can read all your email, and you'll never know
A new type of government search
The federal government is getting access to the contents of entire email accounts by using an ancient procedure – the search warrant – with a new, sinister twist: secret court proceedings.

I welcome you to the VERY small group of what's left of Civil Libertarians..

It's worse than you think or than your article suggests.. There is a monstrous Domestic Spying operation that was commissioned and designed after 9/11.. The purported purpose was to track Jihaidis planning operations on ourr soil... But to construct the "network" of contacts that might lead to a plot, the NSA built a giant vacuum cleaner that scoops up virtually every electronic communication, cell call, and financial transactions and more..

BEFORE 2015 -- only about 15 people had the authority to authorize analysis of this collection.. But during the 2016 election this is SAME SYSTEM that was used to spy on the Trump campaign and Trump associates.. The gatekeepers are the FISA court. But they typically approve 90% of the requests to collect and analyze this massive archive... The number of people making requests and "unmasking" American citizens rose exponentially while this massive spy machine was used as a political weapon...

Domestic spying got SQUASHED got back in 70s after indications that it was being abused and targeting even leaders of the Civil Rights movement. For 30 years, the ONLY agencies allowed to conduct domestic was the FBI.. After 9/11 -- NSA -- the world's most awesome and best spy agency got the lead role and RE-opened this horrendous practice...

Thanks for joining the very small that sees this as a MAJOR threat to Civil Liberties. Without the larger basket of Civil Liberties concerns, Civil Rights -- a subset of all that is meaningless. We need to work to stop the abuse and AT LEAST tighten up the procedures and assurances that CITIZENS are NOT targeted with this massive weapon....

Idk if I identify with Civil Libertarians politically, but I'm with you on that post! Dude! There was a Rockford Files on this and they killed a guy about their massive information collection station.They buried him in a citrus orchard and it was a 2-parter. :eek:

At the end of the show, the massive info collection people got stopped (4th amendment) and Jim's friend got honored.

Well, that info center is running in America right now, that was just a show, they're really doing this shit post "Patriot Act", and it's the government, and it's UnConstitutional.

Violation of the 4th amendment bigtime.
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The cell companies and social media companies were working with this Patriot Act surveillance system LONG BEFORE the taxpayers built that new city in "middleofnowhere" Utah to house this giant spying system....


Before this all went on-line, there'd be heavily guarded secret vaults on premises at a LOT of these companies tapping there main internet and celluar trunks.. It all now gets collected and archived, just waiting for an analysis request to come in... Which requires a FISA warrant, but there are general FISA warrants that ALLOW the collection in the 1st place...

Politicians and intelligence committees love themselves a piece of Big Brother. And the Patriot Act authorizations continue to get rubber-stamped and extended by Congress...

If it was up to me, I'd turn that city size spy operation on everything INSIDE THE BELTWAY, and give the press and citizens the right to monitor and query EVERYTHING that goes on in the swamp... Would be a fitting use for this "Patriot Act" abomination....
Americans don’t care. They think this is what keeps them safe from brown people with turbans in the desert

Viva Le Patriot Act! (That needs repealed)

Seriously, If Americans want email privacy, time to set a dedicated, encrypted from the jump Linux email server, and use that for your email. Oh yeah, and use anonymous proxies or VPNs.

And here's a MAIN reason I hate Repubs as much as the other team... It's unfucking real how the SAME Repubs that KNEW this massive Big Brother toy had been turned into a political weapon in 2016 -- were bum-rushing the Patriot RE-Approval thru Congress just as the public began to get the details of the abuse.. They voted DOWN every amendment that beefed up guarantees for American citizens... And it was re-authorized OVERWHELMINGLY on a bi-partisan count..

There are literally only about 12 people in Congress who tried to moderate the bill...

Can you imagine if this system is already known to been used to bust prostitution rings, narco trafficking, AND PRANK a US Presidential election -- what other damaging things it could be used for???

Think getting insider information on financials and stock and mergers/acquisitions. People could grab huge chunks of wealth with the info that system contains. And virtually all of Congress still LOVES it..
The cell companies and social media companies were working with this Patriot Act surveillance system LONG BEFORE the taxpayers built that new city in "middleofnowhere" Utah to house this giant spying system....


Before this all went on-line, there'd be heavily guarded secret vaults on premises at a LOT of these companies tapping there main internet and celluar trunks.. It all now gets collected and archived, just waiting for an analysis request to come in... Which requires a FISA warrant, but there are general FISA warrants that ALLOW the collection in the 1st place...

Politicians and intelligence committees love themselves a piece of Big Brother. And the Patriot Act authorizations continue to get rubber-stamped and extended by Congress...

If it was up to me, I'd turn that city size spy operation on everything INSIDE THE BELTWAY, and give the press and citizens the right to monitor and query EVERYTHING that goes on in the swamp... Would be a fitting use for this "Patriot Act" abomination....

The bottom line is "The Patriot Act" needs repealed and 4th amendment rights protected. :dunno:
Idk if I identify with Civil Libertarians politically,

You probably are and don't know it.. Because everyone thinks ACLU.. But ACLU has their "pet" civil liberty causes lately and largely ignores any economic or Bill of Rights issues they don't like..

ACLU is FULLY involved in monitoring and litigating against the "702" system abuse (702 is the Patriot Act clause that AUTHORIZES the domestic collection) So they're right on that.

But there are other important Civ Lib issues going on.. Like eminent domain abuse, asset forfeiture, govt abuse of licensing lemonade stands (LOL) and things like that. There's other Civ Lib orgs like the Institute for Justice that goes after stuff the ACLU ignores.. Like the things I just mentioned.. They are the Libertarian ACLU and do a fantastic job on the "other" Civ Lib issues...
Idk if I identify with Civil Libertarians politically,

You probably are and don't know it.. Because everyone thinks ACLU.. But ACLU has their "pet" civil liberty causes lately and largely ignores any economic or Bill of Rights issues they don't like..

ACLU is FULLY involved in monitoring and litigating against the "702" system abuse (702 is the Patriot Act clause that AUTHORIZES the domestic collection) So they're right on that.

But there are other important Civ Lib issues going on.. Like eminent domain abuse, asset forfeiture, govt abuse of licensing lemonade stands (LOL) and things like that. There's other Civ Lib orgs like the Institute for Justice that goes after stuff the ACLU ignores.. Like the things I just mentioned.. They are the Libertarian ACLU and do a fantastic job on the "other" Civ Lib issues...
Err, I kinda sympathize more with the James Kennedy no ACLU train of thought. He fought the commie ACLU all his life. Apparently someone is cashing in on what he was, he was a good man.

This is what I'm talking 'bout:

That's him, that's the dude, he knew his stuff. From Coral Ridge (Miami) FL.
What part of FL do you frequent? I've actually been to this guy's church once..they had..muppets, like 20 of them. Somebody was doing muppet-type shows there. Was it Jim Henson? Idk. :dunno:
I think possibly it was. No, it wasn't. But I bet they were emulating Jim.

ACLU are communist bastards, I wish I hadn't closed the window I had open just now. All Communist shite from the ACLU.

Truths That Transform - D. James Kennedy Ministries
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Look at the ACLU, and then tell me if they are/are not globalist commie pukes, k?

and another!
God bless D. James Kennedy, he gave it all he had, and he was right!
Indeed he was. I ain't forgot him. (or the muppets they had)


American Civil Liberties Union

Because the general American public thought the Jihadi domestic was NEAT and posed "no threat" to THEIR asses, ---- If you wanna fight Civil Liberties battles nowadays, you gotta team up with the willing.. Issue by issue. There simply are not many folks that CARE.. Because there's no coverage, no outrage when the govt oversteps, and the issues are too complex for people with Twitter length attention spans...

And the ACLU has been a leader in monitoring and advocating for Patriot Act reform.. They are also right on most speech issues.. So -- don't send them money -- but don't hate on them....
Look at the ACLU, and then tell me if they are/are not globalist commie pukes, k?

and another!
God bless D. James Kennedy, he gave it all he had, and he was right!
Indeed he was. I ain't forgot him. (or the muppets they had)


American Civil Liberties Union

Because the general American public thought the Jihadi domestic was NEAT and posed "no threat" to THEIR asses, ---- If you wanna fight Civil Liberties battles nowadays, you gotta team up with the willing.. Issue by issue. There simply are not many folks that CARE.. Because there's no coverage, no outrage when the govt oversteps, and the issues are too complex for people with Twitter length attention spans...

And the ACLU has been a leader in monitoring and advocating for Patriot Act reform.. They are also right on most speech issues.. So -- don't send them money -- but don't hate on them....

Wrong! They're just as Communist as ANTIFA, need to go away. I side with James Kennedy of Coral Ridge, baby. On that, I do. Did you not look at their website?

Listen.. murderers, violent rapists, child molestors, and robbers that shoot people should all be hanged within 2 days after their conviction.

What is teh American Commie Lobbying Union suggesting, hmm?

This cracker ain't stupid.
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I attended a industry conference last week which included a lot of very eye-opening information. I had always known about some of this but was light on the details. I still don't have the specifics such as the case titles, case law, etc. but I'm also just getting started - trust for verify.

This all began with the presenter indicating that Google not only scans the content of all gmail accounts but reads and/or allows the emails to be read by third-parties - all allegedly so that they can target their marketing in order to generate more and more revenue:

Fear of hackers reading private emails in cloud-based systems like Microsoft Outlook, Gmail or Yahoo has recently sent regular people and public officials scrambling to delete entire accounts full of messages dating back years. What we don’t expect is our own government to hack our email – but it’s happening. Federal court cases going on right now are revealing that federal officials can read all your email without your knowledge.

As a scholar and lawyer who started researching and writing about the history and meaning of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution more than 30 years ago, I immediately saw how the FBI versus Apple controversy earlier this year was bringing the founders’ fight for liberty into the 21st century. My study of that legal battle caused me to dig into the federal government’s actual practices for getting email from cloud accounts and cellphones, causing me to worry that our basic liberties are threatened.

A new type of government search
The federal government is getting access to the contents of entire email accounts by using an ancient procedure – the search warrant – with a new, sinister twist: secret court proceedings.

The earliest search warrants had a very limited purpose – authorizing entry to private premises to find and recover stolen goods. During the era of the American Revolution, British authorities abused this power to conduct dragnet searches of colonial homes and to seize people’s private papers looking for evidence of political resistance.

To prevent the new federal government from engaging in that sort of tyranny, special controls over search warrants were written into the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. But these constitutional provisions are failing to protect our personal documents if they are stored in the cloud or on our smartphones.

Fortunately, the government’s efforts are finally being made public, thanks to legal battles taken up by Apple, Microsoft and other major companies. But the feds are fighting back, using even more subversive legal tactics.

Searching in secret
To get these warrants in the first place, the feds are using the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, passed in 1986 – long before widespread use of cloud-based email and smartphones. That law allows the government to use a warrant to get electronic communications from the company providing the service – rather than the true owner of the email account, the person who uses it.

Continue reading here
Feds: We can read all your email, and you'll never know
The ‘new’ Federal government?

That doesn’t make any sense.

Otherwise, this is a political – not legal – issue, to be resolved at the ballot box, not in the courts.

Indeed, the Supreme Court has consistently held that just because citizens might think, feel, or believe that their civil rights ‘might’ be violated the consequence of government surveillance or a search does not in fact make that the case:

"Respondents cannot manufacture standing merely by inflicting harm on themselves based on their fears of hypothetical future harm that is not certainly impending," Clapper v. Amnesty International (2013).

Moreover, government must actually act on the information gathered the result of surveillance or a search seeking to take from a citizen his life, liberty, or property before a citizen can claim that his civil liberties have been violated.

Citizens who oppose government surveillance and searches must seek relief through the political process, by petitioning their elected representatives to end such surveillance programs and voting out of office elected representatives who fail or refuse to do.
A new type of government search
The federal government is getting access to the contents of entire email accounts by using an ancient procedure – the search warrant – with a new, sinister twist: secret court proceedings.

I welcome you to the VERY small group of what's left of Civil Libertarians..

It's worse than you think or than your article suggests.. There is a monstrous Domestic Spying operation that was commissioned and designed after 9/11.. The purported purpose was to track Jihaidis planning operations on ourr soil... But to construct the "network" of contacts that might lead to a plot, the NSA built a giant vacuum cleaner that scoops up virtually every electronic communication, cell call, and financial transactions and more..

BEFORE 2015 -- only about 15 people had the authority to authorize analysis of this collection.. But during the 2016 election this is SAME SYSTEM that was used to spy on the Trump campaign and Trump associates.. The gatekeepers are the FISA court. But they typically approve 90% of the requests to collect and analyze this massive archive... The number of people making requests and "unmasking" American citizens rose exponentially while this massive spy machine was used as a political weapon...

Domestic spying got SQUASHED got back in 70s after indications that it was being abused and targeting even leaders of the Civil Rights movement. For 30 years, the ONLY agencies allowed to conduct domestic was the FBI.. After 9/11 -- NSA -- the world's most awesome and best spy agency got the lead role and RE-opened this horrendous practice...

Thanks for joining the very small that sees this as a MAJOR threat to Civil Liberties. Without the larger basket of Civil Liberties concerns, Civil Rights -- a subset of all that is meaningless. We need to work to stop the abuse and AT LEAST tighten up the procedures and assurances that CITIZENS are NOT targeted with this massive weapon....

And last I heard, to date, this practice has not netted ONE single jihadi terrorist in the act. The cosmic humor is that opening a piece of mail or taping a phone call remain illegal, then they forced everyone to go fully electronic on everything we do and now spy and collect everything we say and do with absolutely no consent or justification from the public!
Look at the ACLU, and then tell me if they are/are not globalist commie pukes, k?

and another!
God bless D. James Kennedy, he gave it all he had, and he was right!
Indeed he was. I ain't forgot him. (or the muppets they had)


American Civil Liberties Union

Because the general American public thought the Jihadi domestic was NEAT and posed "no threat" to THEIR asses, ---- If you wanna fight Civil Liberties battles nowadays, you gotta team up with the willing.. Issue by issue. There simply are not many folks that CARE.. Because there's no coverage, no outrage when the govt oversteps, and the issues are too complex for people with Twitter length attention spans...

And the ACLU has been a leader in monitoring and advocating for Patriot Act reform.. They are also right on most speech issues.. So -- don't send them money -- but don't hate on them....

Wrong! They're just as Communist as ANTIFA, need to go away. I side with James Kennedy of Coral Ridge, baby. On that, I do. Did you not look at their website?

Listen.. murderers, violent rapists, child molestors, and robbers that shoot people should all be hanged within 2 days after their conviction.

What is teh American Commie Lobbying Union suggesting, hmm?

This cracker ain't stupid.
LOL, the ACLU are not a bunch of communist Marion :) They fight our government when they violate the U.S. Constitution. True they don't focus on every single amendment in the Bill of Rights equally, my guess is they tend to concentrate on those matters that affect the most people and are the most pressing.

I know there are people who have criticized them in the past for not fighting for the 2nd Amendment but they are attorneys (for the most part) and have to work with current precedence. Once the U.S. Supreme Court handed down it's rulings in The District of Columbia v Heller and McDonald v The City of Chicago holding that the right to keep & bears is an individual right and not restricted to a states right, I believe they became more willing to take on cases to defend the 2nd.

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