Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..

Should society in general censure the APA like Congress did?

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And when after years and years of study, psychiatrists and psychologists determined that, nope, gay people weren't crazy, (or at least no crazier than the rest of us), they took homosexuality out of the list of mental disorders

They didn't use science to determine that. They used the neo audited-group consensus. They've advocated openly rejecting data in favor of "what feels right". Did you not read the OP? Check the links and read the material if you think I'm kidding..
I have and as always you're talking out your ass.
...as always you're talking out your ass.

Remember the OP. Go back and read it again. But here's part of it.

Consensual Qualitative Research: A Practical Resource for Investigating Social Science Phenomena
Edited by Clara E. Hill, PhD Consensual Qualitative Research A Practical Resource for Investigating Social Science Phenomena
This lively and practical text presents a fresh and comprehensive approach to conducting consensual qualitative research (CQR). CQR is an inductive method that is characterized by open-ended interview questions, small samples, a reliance on words over numbers, the importance of context, an integration of multiple viewpoints, and consensus of the research team. It is especially well-suited to research that requires rich descriptions of inner experiences, attitudes, and convictions.

Written to help researchers navigate their way through qualitative techniques and methodology, leading expert Clara E. Hill and her associates provide readers with step-by-step practical guidance during each stage of the research process. Readers learn about adaptive ways of designing studies; collecting, coding, and analyzing data; and reporting findings.

Key aspects of the researcher's craft are addressed, such as establishing the research team, recruiting and interviewing participants, adhering to ethical standards, raising cultural awareness, auditing within case analyses and cross analyses, and writing up the study.
Intended as a user-friendly manual for graduate-level research courses and beyond, the text will be a valuable resource for both budding and experienced qualitative researchers for many years to come. http://www.usmessageboard.com/course.aspx

"Qualitative vs quantitative. It says it all.
...as always you're talking out your ass.

Remember the OP. Go back and read it again. But here's part of it.

Consensual Qualitative Research: A Practical Resource for Investigating Social Science Phenomena
Edited by Clara E. Hill, PhD Consensual Qualitative Research A Practical Resource for Investigating Social Science Phenomena
This lively and practical text presents a fresh and comprehensive approach to conducting consensual qualitative research (CQR). CQR is an inductive method that is characterized by open-ended interview questions, small samples, a reliance on words over numbers, the importance of context, an integration of multiple viewpoints, and consensus of the research team. It is especially well-suited to research that requires rich descriptions of inner experiences, attitudes, and convictions.

Written to help researchers navigate their way through qualitative techniques and methodology, leading expert Clara E. Hill and her associates provide readers with step-by-step practical guidance during each stage of the research process. Readers learn about adaptive ways of designing studies; collecting, coding, and analyzing data; and reporting findings.

Key aspects of the researcher's craft are addressed, such as establishing the research team, recruiting and interviewing participants, adhering to ethical standards, raising cultural awareness, auditing within case analyses and cross analyses, and writing up the study.
Intended as a user-friendly manual for graduate-level research courses and beyond, the text will be a valuable resource for both budding and experienced qualitative researchers for many years to come. http://www.usmessageboard.com/course.aspx

"Qualitative vs quantitative. It says it all.

And of course that has nothing to do with the APA recognizing that there is no science to support calling homosexuality a mental disorder.

Homosexuality hasn't been called a mental disorder for 40 years.

No more than 'female hysteria' has been.
And of course that has nothing to do with the APA recognizing that there is no science to support calling homosexuality a mental disorder.

Homosexuality hasn't been called a mental disorder for 40 years.

No more than 'female hysteria' has been.

Sure it does. You get a bunch of homosexuals in high ranks in the APA forcing their agenda there as strongly as they're forcing gay marriage on states and you bet your britches the qualitative audited group-think-trumps-data ilk there will be calling anything they do "normal, not crazy".

That's what happens when the inmates take over the asylum's doctor's positions and begin to self-diagnose...as they openly flaunt rejecting raw data in "research" in favor of what the clique thinks and "audits" each other to insure everyone falls in line.

That's just outright dictatorship. "You and your numbers had better agree with the group, or you can pack your bags. You don't belong here."
The left/libs/dems has cast god out of their lives so their new gods is some (human being) Scientist who has been known to be WRONG on many things in the past

but all of a sudden we are all suppose to bow down to some person because they have "SCIENTIST" in their JOB description

how frikken scary is that
So you are seriously going to say that science is Satan?

Science and Satan both have the letter s.

But wait the coincidences don't stop there.

Satan has two 'a's and Science has two 'e's.

And both words contain the letter 'n'.

That can't be a coincidence........lol.....
Religion wouldn't be such a big deal if it didn't act like a cult.

Shunning knowledge because it proves a 5000 year old book to not be an accurate eyewitness account is previously how cults operate.

When I read Christ's words I don't see anything in them that says "knowledge is bad" or "make allegiance with cults."
Religion wouldn't be such a big deal if it didn't act like a cult.

Shunning knowledge because it proves a 5000 year old book to not be an accurate eyewitness account is previously how cults operate.

When I read Christ's words I don't see anything in them that says "knowledge is bad" or "make allegiance with cults."

Listen to Inevitable on this one. S/he knows a lot about it...
Religion wouldn't be such a big deal if it didn't act like a cult.

Shunning knowledge because it proves a 5000 year old book to not be an accurate eyewitness account is previously how cults operate.

When I read Christ's words I don't see anything in them that says "knowledge is bad" or "make allegiance with cults."

Listen to Inevitable on this one. S/he knows a lot about it...
He, I am male.

And I do, thanks for recognizing when you are bested.
The left/libs/dems has cast god out of their lives so their new gods is some (human being) Scientist who has been known to be WRONG on many things in the past

but all of a sudden we are all suppose to bow down to some person because they have "SCIENTIST" in their JOB description

how frikken scary is that

It gets even more scary when you consider that the "science" they're citing is based on "group feelings" in preference to what actual numbers and facts are telling them; even when those facts are diametrically-opposed to the "group feelings" on the "research" topic...

That right there is a religion. There is no other definition for it. The AMA might as well be citing Applewhite's ideology for how valid the APA can be taken at their word when they are openly flaunting a complete disregard for data in preference of dogma.

And hey, come to think of it, Applewhite advocated and demanded of his male followers, if memory serves, that they become castrated to belong. Same thing that initiates "gender reassignment" surgery that the AMA SHOCKINGLY is in full approval of...

It's like we're all trapped in a horror story sci-fi hybrid of Orwell, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and the Bride of Frankenstein..

Pure bat guano crazy.
Alas, it is. Some folks believe religion, particularly ones worshipping Christ are about denying facts and shunning opposition. These are really cultist practices. A religion that completely disregards the words of its own God in favor for political favoritism, is in danger but not due non believers attacking it.
I go to a doctor for advise when I get sick.
If my car breaks down and I can't fix it, I take it to a car mechanic.
When I fly on an airplane, I am counting on the expertise of engineers in designing it, professional mechanics to maintain it, and a professionally trained pilot to fly it.

I do not ask a faith healer to fix my car, I don't pray to god to cure my broken leg, and when I look for answers to scientific questions- I look towards scientists.....not Conservative talk show hosts.

Well then you'd better scratch the APA off your list because they promote an ideology where group hunches and cronyism trump hard data. Look at the OP for details..

LOL- the APA, the AMA, The Royal Psychiatric Association......every professional medical association- all have said that there is no scientific evidence to support the claims that homosexuality is a mental disorder.

That was decided 40 years ago.

And you still can't accept it.

If course he can't. If he can't use psychology to demean his opponents he is then forced to find some other dishonest mantra.

Now it's an evil cabal of secret gay emperors that control the whims if people with a switch.

Just not liking something isn't enough for some folks. They don't think anybody else should either. These people are called busybodies. They have a rather sad existence. They focus on what other people enjoy and because they don't have any joy they despise it. Several things come to mind, preachy vegetarians, people that don't want others eating candy or drinking liquor or smoking cigarettes or marijuana, playing video games, listening to music, liking television shows or movies that are comically dark.

It's normally because they belong to bizarre religious cults that forbid them from doing these things, and they are jealous. If they do participate they get shunned or judged. And if acult is the only path to God, they must belong to that cult.

It's the same thing that is wrong in the middle east. Though the places there are theocracy so being shunned can be dangerous.

A little live and let live philosophy would go a long way.
And I do, thanks for recognizing when you are bested.

I meant you know what a cult is all about because you're in one..
I used to be, it fancied itself "the Catholic church" but the priests practiced taking child concubines and they shunned who didn't conform.

Most people in cults don't realize they are, or believe they are in a religion. My knowledge on cults is based in observation, not participation
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And I do, thanks for recognizing when you are bested.

I meant you know what a cult is all about because you're in one..
I used to be, it fancied itself "the Catholic church" but the priests practiced taking child concubines and they shunned who didn't conform.
1. The APA is flaunting rejection of hard data in favor of "audited" "mutual consensus"...
What hard data?

2. Psychiatrists have determined that gays being unstable/affected DOES exceed the norm. But if you're in the business as a "scientist" of rejecting hard data, "exceeding the norm" is meaningless phrase..
Yes, but it's that caused by them being homosexual, or is it some other reason?

Remember you said hard data. I want to see an undeniable link between mental instability and homosexuality. Conflating correlation with causation isn't good enough.

They used science and a survey of some 3,000 gay men to weigh the actual propensity, the raw numbers in other words, of gay men reporting having been sexually abused as boys and a significantly elevated comorbid etiology of drug addiction, partner abuse and depression. So much so that the CDC described them all as "intertwined" and incapable of being resolved without a comprehensive approach to all of them as related at once.
Prove homosexuality causes all of these things.

But you know...don't let the hard data get in the way of your "audited group feelings"...
What hard data? All we have is your word that their is hard data. Frankly you ate thethe idiot that posted a picture as though it was a psychological diagnosis. Forgive me for being skeptical

Here is a source you can look at or ignore our discredit based on your desire to understand the truth, or support your canards.

Homosexuality and Mental Health
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That's just outright dictatorship. "You and your numbers had better agree with the group, or you can pack your bags. You don't belong here."

Once again Silhouette displays her complete lack of political knowledge.

Our constitutional system is not a dictatorship.

Even if Silhouette says it is.
That's just outright dictatorship. "You and your numbers had better agree with the group, or you can pack your bags. You don't belong here."

Once again Silhouette displays her complete lack of political knowledge.

Our constitutional system is not a dictatorship.

Even if Silhouette says it is.

And of course that has nothing to do with the APA recognizing that there is no science to support calling homosexuality a mental disorder.

Homosexuality hasn't been called a mental disorder for 40 years.

No more than 'female hysteria' has been.
And of course that has nothing to do with the APA recognizing that there is no science to support calling homosexuality a mental disorder.

Homosexuality hasn't been called a mental disorder for 40 years.

No more than 'female hysteria' has been.

Of course there's "no science" on that. The American Psychological Association promotes the rejection of hard data. Remember the OP here? Let me jog your memory:

consensual qualitative research (CQR). CQR is an inductive method that is characterized by open-ended interview questions, small samples, a reliance on words over numbers, the importance of context, an integration of multiple viewpoints, and consensus of the research team....

...auditing within case analyses and cross analyses, and writing up the study. Consensual Qualitative Research A Practical Resource for Investigating Social Science Phenomena

For the slow, what that means is that the APA has rejected facts in favor of "audited" group-collusion. This is in no way different from precisely how a cult operates. It doesn't take a large stretch of the imagination to see what might happen if a person with clout or authority in that "CQR" team made up his or her mind about a certain angle, how the rest might be "audited' to fall in line with that opinion coming straight from his subjective personal universe.

Hitler had similar beginnings.

And perhaps now we can all understand how the American Medical Association, who relies upon "scientific conclusions" from the APA to guide itself, has agreed to get behind mutilating healthy body organs on people in order to help them try out a delusion they've been suffering from [the idea that they were born in the wrong gender].

We are at a VERY dark place in human history. And the APA is DIRECTLY to blame for that. I'll leave the reader here once again with an account that any sane person would shudder at the reading of. Bear in mind that as of this date 0% of the LGBT community, not one single member, has come out publicly to denounce this:

The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....This summer, he started taking hormone-blocking drugs, which will stop him from experiencing puberty....The hormone-suppressant, implanted in his upper left arm, will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair. The California boy 11 who is undergoing hormone blocking treatment Daily Mail Online
And of course that has nothing to do with the APA recognizing that there is no science to support calling homosexuality a mental disorder.

Homosexuality hasn't been called a mental disorder for 40 years.

No more than 'female hysteria' has been.

Of course there's "no science" on that.

Of course- there is no science to support either "female hysteria" or homosexuality as a mental disorder- both are archaic superstitious claims.
Of course- there is no science to support either "female hysteria" or homosexuality as a mental disorder- both are archaic superstitious claims.
Another strawman. The topic is how the APA is promiting discarding numbers and facts for "audited group-think" [cultism]. See if you can stay on topic this time.
Another strawman. The topic is how the APA is promiting discarding numbers and facts for "audited group-think" [cultism]. See if you can stay on topic this time.

And when you provide us with science rather than your own homophobia, you can back that up.

Oh, wait, here's where he posts his pics from Pride Parades again. That shit never gets old.
Another strawman. The topic is how the APA is promiting discarding numbers and facts for "audited group-think" [cultism]. See if you can stay on topic this time.

And when you provide us with science rather than your own homophobia, you can back that up.

Oh, wait, here's where he posts his pics from Pride Parades again. That shit never gets old.

check the OP. The link for CQR comes directly from the APA website. But yeah, I get your point....you're looking for science so you may come up empty handed there...
check the OP. The link for CQR comes directly from the APA website. But yeah, I get your point....you're looking for science so you may come up empty handed there...

i think we need to do a scientific study about homophobes.

Oh, wait, they did that. It was called the Adams Study. What they did was did surveys finding out who was the most violently homophobic. You'd probably be off the chart on this test.

Then they put sensors on their dicks and showed them gay porn.

Guess who got raging hard-ons.
Of course- there is no science to support either "female hysteria" or homosexuality as a mental disorder- both are archaic superstitious claims.
Another strawman. The topic is how the APA is promiting discarding numbers and facts for "audited group-think" [cultism]. See if you can stay on topic this time.

The topic is whatever we want to talk about.

If you are going to talk about science and mental disorders.

Homosexuality and Female Hysteria both used to be considered mental disorders- and neither are now.

The APA didn't use 'hard science' when it called homosexuality a mental disorder in 1952, and in 1974, it recognized that there was no hard science to consider homosexuality a mental disorder.

It went the way of 'female hysteria' as a diagnosis.

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