February 2017: Trump partied@Mar-A-Lago with convicted felon John "JJ" Cafaro who, wait for it, pled guilty to conspiracy to bribe a congressman(2001)

Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner has a Dad that is a convicted felon for campaign fraud.
Trump appeared to view these crimes as no worse than a couple of speeding tickets

In Trump’s world, money spoke. It spoke louder than truth, louder than culture, louder than class, louder than manners. It simply overwhelmed
Trump called 2-time (In 2010, he again pled guilty to siphoning illegal campaign contributions to his daughter’s race for the Ohio legislature) convicted felon JJ Cafaro "fantastic" for giving $50k to Trump Foundation in 2016

Eric Swalwell f*ed a Chinese Spy and took money from her after being warned by the FBI OF Chinese 'Honey Pot' espionage schemes.

Barbara Boxer had a Chinese spy on her inner-office staff, giving them access to classified, for DECADES.

Hillary collaborated with Russiand yo obtain the debunked Trump Dossier she used to initiate her & Barry's failed coup attempt.

Bill Clinton, D-Giv Richardson, and others screwed under-aged kids on the Pedo Express and on Pedo Island while hanging out with Child Sex Trafficker, Child-Pimp To The Elites, Jeffrey Epstein.

What was your point again?
81m people voted for a child molester.

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