Fear Is Not Your Enemy. Covid Is

Bullshit. They may have died "with" covid, but not "of." 94% were most likely heart disease, obesity, and diabetes patients who happened to test positive for covid as well.
You idiot! "Most likely?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Goddamn right you're an idiot. Getting that shit straight out the butt crack right? He's part of the "most likely" crowd folks. 🤪:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:🤪
Glad to see that you think birx is a butt crack.

Dr. Deborah Birx said that while some countries are reporting coronavirus fatality numbers differently, in the U.S. you are counted as a victim of the pandemic if you die while testing positive for the virus, even if something else causes your death.
Another cherry pick from a Leftist. I'll repeat for the 100th time, we have 330 MILLION FREAKING PEOPLE in the US. You will isolated examples of just about anything you are looking for. It proves NOTHING.
Not only do they cherry-pick these, they totally ignore the multiple examples of sudden cardiac death in newly vaxxed ATHLETES. F*&k 'em
ESDRAELON Willful ignorance used to be just annoying. The stakes are MUCH HIGHER now. Leftists better wake up and take a clear look at who you are backing. They are not looking out for your best interests, that is for sure.
Hey democrat fascists, soon, many of you are gonna be dead, or dying, booster up sweeties, booster up and wave bye bye to the earth, all the best..... :poke:

Do you believe that no one who was vaccinated ever died from the chinese disease?
What I believe is that the chances of dying are FAR less if you're vaccinated and boosted
Worldometer contains the details
CDC admitted in print media about June but I don’t have a copy. It’s not that you are unaware, you simply now ignore your beloved CDC . You loved it when it locked us down.
What I believe is that the chances of dying are FAR less if you're vaccinated and boosted
What I believe is what the real experts, and their real data have told us, and continue to tell us, and unfortunately the real emergent data indicates that if you have had one or more jabs, but especially two or more jabs, then you are now 3 times more likely to become symptomatically infected with the bio-weapon than those who have not submitted to a single jab!

It gets worse for you from there, of those symptomatically infected with two plus jabs, who require hospitalization, their mortality rate explodes to 6.3%, thats vs the mortality rate of general unvaccinated population running along at 0.3 - 0.5%! Also, the data is now demonstrating a "negative" vaccine outcome after 50-90 days(negative meaning it makes you MORE susceptible to the virus).

Columbia University just released a study, I understand you will remark on how lowly they are, but they are an ivy league school, and in that study they conclude that the jabs themselves, in just the year of 2021, killed between 130,000 - 187,000 men, women, and children all by itself, that is in the USA, not worldwide.

Currently, 79% of all covid infections in the USA are in the double jabbed, this corresponds well to what is observed in Israel, Denmark, and the UK! You folks and your two or more jabs, you are the plague, you are driving it, and that doesn't even begin to take into account the great increase in your odds of dropping dead from a stroke, heart attack, or developing rare & unusual cancers....

Let's see her medical records. Doctors have lied about Covid.
My thoughts exactly. Every time one of these sad stories gets dug into you find out that it's quite a bit different than you were first told.

I don't know anyone that got sick from covid. I know probably two dozen that got very sick from the vaccine. People have got to be allowed to decide for themselves what to do.
Fear, if left unchecked by personal mental toughness and confidence, is the most paralyzing state of mind one can experience, It separates those that have the courage to face fear, embrace it, lead, and accept personal responsibility from those that bend the knee and willfully follow, the weak. Ones choice takes courage. My prayers go out to her children and loved ones, she set an example of courage one should aspire to duplicate.

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