FDA approval of vaccine was pushed through by Biden


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Two senior officials have resigned from their positions within the US Food and Drug Administration over frustrations with the Biden administration’s plans to move forward with recommending COVID-19 booster shots without their prior approval, according to a report.

Essentially what you have here is the vaccine being pushed through by the Biden administration for political reasons.

Just as I thought.

As for those who may suffer as a result, all that matters is winning elections.
This isn't about health for the Biden administration. It's about the continual need to instill fear on the populace to retain power.
What this is about is trying to get people to take their eyes off of inflation and Afghanistan, etc.

"Don't look over there, look over here."

Two senior officials have resigned from their positions within the US Food and Drug Administration over frustrations with the Biden administration’s plans to move forward with recommending COVID-19 booster shots without their prior approval, according to a report.

Essentially what you have here is the vaccine being pushed through by the Biden administration for political reasons.

Just as I thought.

As for those who may suffer as a result, all that matters is winning elections.
This isn't about health for the Biden administration. It's about the continual need to instill fear on the populace to retain power.
Omfg; covid mandates and restrictions have caused Biden to take major hits in polls, but iT mUsT bE tO iNsTiLl FeAr To ReTaIn PoWeR

Two senior officials have resigned from their positions within the US Food and Drug Administration over frustrations with the Biden administration’s plans to move forward with recommending COVID-19 booster shots without their prior approval, according to a report.

Essentially what you have here is the vaccine being pushed through by the Biden administration for political reasons.

Just as I thought.

As for those who may suffer as a result, all that matters is winning elections.

You're burying the lead a little bit here. Those FDA officials who resigned weren't just any old joe schmoe middle-management types, they're the friggin' Director and Deputy-Director of Vaccine Research & Review! These are the top officials in the FDA when it comes to things like determining vaccine efficacy and safety.

The booster shot plan was just the straw that broke the camel's back, and a symptom of the larger problem that made them decide to resign. That being the Biden administration overriding the FDA's autonomy in the vaccine decision making process by involving the CDC in decisions that are solely within the purview of the FDA.

It's been clear as day since this pandemic started that the CDC is run by politically-motivated bureaucrats that are completely untrustworthy and have no reservations about advancing the left's political narratives, including misrepresenting data, issuing unconstitutional regulations, and getting involved in things like gun control that have nothing whatsoever to do with pathogenic disease. It's scary that even FDA approval of medications is being compromised by politics at the direction of this administration.
You're burying the lead a little bit here. Those FDA officials who resigned weren't just any old joe schmoe middle-management types, they're the friggin' Director and Deputy-Director of Vaccine Research & Review! These are the top officials in the FDA when it comes to things like determining vaccine efficacy and safety.

The booster shot plan was just the straw that broke the camel's back, and a symptom of the larger problem that made them decide to resign. That being the Biden administration overriding the FDA's autonomy in the vaccine decision making process by involving the CDC in decisions that are solely within the purview of the FDA.

It's been clear as day since this pandemic started that the CDC is run by politically-motivated bureaucrats that are completely untrustworthy and have no reservations about advancing the left's political narratives, including misrepresenting data, issuing unconstitutional regulations, and getting involved in things like gun control that have nothing whatsoever to do with pathogenic disease. It's scary that even FDA approval of medications is being compromised by politics at the direction of this administration.

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) | CDC

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) | CDC

And one should not forget FDA suppression of natural compounds that attach to SARS-CoV-2. Where they attach may be the same places De Santis monoclonal antibodies attach to the virus. Quercitin is an example of such suppression.

Two senior officials have resigned from their positions within the US Food and Drug Administration over frustrations with the Biden administration’s plans to move forward with recommending COVID-19 booster shots without their prior approval, according to a report.

Essentially what you have here is the vaccine being pushed through by the Biden administration for political reasons.

Just as I thought.

As for those who may suffer as a result, all that matters is winning elections.
The FDA would approve battery acid for a dollar.

Two senior officials have resigned from their positions within the US Food and Drug Administration over frustrations with the Biden administration’s plans to move forward with recommending COVID-19 booster shots without their prior approval, according to a report.

Essentially what you have here is the vaccine being pushed through by the Biden administration for political reasons.

Just as I thought.

As for those who may suffer as a result, all that matters is winning elections.

It’s a story in the New York post. Another Rupert Murdoch rag. You need better sources if you expect us to believe anything you post

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