FBI texts show internal Furor over Cross Fire Hurricane


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
This information will do nothing to change the narrative pushed by the DNC and their Zombie armies. They will ignore it and deflect it, but it is stone cold solid Proof that they abused the powers of office under Obama so much that Nixon looks like and Angel now.

Take a look............and these disgraced FBI agents getting liable insurance and laughing as they Frame people.........If these people were average citizens doing this........They would already be under the jail.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents tasked by fired former Director James Comey to take down Donald Trump during and after the 2016 election were so concerned about the agency’s potentially illegal behavior that they purchased liability insurance to protect themselves less than two weeks before Trump was inaugurated president, previously hidden FBI text messages show. The explosive new communications and internal FBI notes were disclosed in federal court filings today from Sidney Powell, the attorney who heads Michael Flynn’s legal defense team.

Agents also said they were worried about how a new attorney general might view the actions taken against Trump during the investigation. Shortly after then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) was confirmed to be Trump’s new attorney general, congressional Democrats, media, and Obama holdovers within DOJ immediately moved to force Sessions to recuse himself from overseeing the department’s investigations against Trump.

“[T]he new AG might have some questions….then yada yada yada…we all get screwed,” one agent wrote.

“I’m tellying [sic] man, if this thing ever gets FOIA’d, there are going to be some tough questions asked,” one agent wrote. “[A]nd a great deal of those will be related to Brian having a scope way outside the boundaries of logic[.]”

“[REDACTED] is one of the worst offenders of the rabbit holes and conspiracy theories,” an agent texted. “This guy traveled with that guy, who put down 3rd guy as his visa sponsor. 3rd guy lives near a navy base, therefore…[.]”

“McCabe and others were suppressing information, misrepresenting it or lying about the information that they had in order to purposefully undermine the Trump candidacy and that turned into the predication for undermining the Trump presidency”

In fact, the FBI summary provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed that the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane team was aware of this information in December 2016. Meaning former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, and FBI attorney Lisa Page, were aware of the information and failed to inform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

Key Findings:
  • First, the primary source for the Steele dossier was likely a Russian agent.
  • Second, the Primary Sub-source was suspected by the FBI in 2009 of being a Russian agent, and there had been an active counterintelligence investigation of this individual. That FBI investigation revealed the Primary Sub-source was suspected of providing information to the Russian Embassy and was in contact with known Russian intelligence officers, and made offers to people connected to incoming Obama Administration officials that any classified information they provided could be paid for. In addition, during this investigation it was disclosed that the Primary Sub-source persistently asked individuals about a particular military vessel of the United States.
  • Third, the information provided shows that in December 2016, the FBI knew of the previous counterintelligence investigation of the Primary Sub-source and the source’s ties to Russian intelligence services. However, they failed to inform the FISA Court. In fact, not only did they not inform the FISA Court the Primary Sub-source was likely a Russian agent, they continued to use the Steele dossier to seek warrants against Carter Page. They told the court the Primary Sub-source was truthful and cooperative. Specifically the three FISA applications filed after December 2016 make no mention of the previous counterintelligence investigation against the Primary Sub-source and the last two FISA applications additionally misled the court about the results obtained of the interviews of the Primary Sub-source in January and March of 2017.

Here is a summary of events taken from the FISA Court Ruling and Senate Testimony.

In March of 2016, NSA Director Rogers became aware of improper access to raw FISA data (Page 83 of Court Ruling).

In April of 2016, Rogers directed the NSA’s Office of Compliance to conduct a “fundamental baseline review of compliance associated with 702” (Senate testimony & Page 83-84 of Court Ruling).

On April 18, 2016, Rogers shut down all outside contractor access to raw FISA information – specifically outside contractors working for the FBI. The discovery that outside contractors were accessing raw FISA data is probably the event that precipitated Rogers ordering a full compliance review (Page 84 of Court Ruling).

On April 18, 2016, both the FBI and DOJ’s NSD become aware of Rogers’ compliance review. They may have known earlier but they were certainly aware after outside contractor access was halted.

On September 26, 2016, National Security Division Head John Carlin filed the Government’s proposed 2016 Section 702 certifications. Carlin knew the general status of Rogers’ compliance review. The NSD was part of the review.

On September 27, 2016, Carlin announced his resignation effective on October 15, 2016.
Let the arrests start. No more excuses. After a handful go to jail the remainder will fall like dominoes. That is the only result that will restore integrity to our severely damaged government. MAGA
They have had the evidence to convict them for years...........The Establishment protects it's own........unfortunately...........they have them STONE COLD.........OVERWELMING EVIDENCE........and no charges ...........imagine that.
This information will do nothing to change the narrative pushed by the DNC and their Zombie armies. They will ignore it and deflect it, but it is stone cold solid Proof that they abused the powers of office under Obama so much that Nixon looks like and Angel now.

Take a look............and these disgraced FBI agents getting liable insurance and laughing as they Frame people.........If these people were average citizens doing this........They would already be under the jail.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents tasked by fired former Director James Comey to take down Donald Trump during and after the 2016 election were so concerned about the agency’s potentially illegal behavior that they purchased liability insurance to protect themselves less than two weeks before Trump was inaugurated president, previously hidden FBI text messages show. The explosive new communications and internal FBI notes were disclosed in federal court filings today from Sidney Powell, the attorney who heads Michael Flynn’s legal defense team.

Agents also said they were worried about how a new attorney general might view the actions taken against Trump during the investigation. Shortly after then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) was confirmed to be Trump’s new attorney general, congressional Democrats, media, and Obama holdovers within DOJ immediately moved to force Sessions to recuse himself from overseeing the department’s investigations against Trump.

“[T]he new AG might have some questions….then yada yada yada…we all get screwed,” one agent wrote.

“I’m tellying [sic] man, if this thing ever gets FOIA’d, there are going to be some tough questions asked,” one agent wrote. “[A]nd a great deal of those will be related to Brian having a scope way outside the boundaries of logic[.]”

“[REDACTED] is one of the worst offenders of the rabbit holes and conspiracy theories,” an agent texted. “This guy traveled with that guy, who put down 3rd guy as his visa sponsor. 3rd guy lives near a navy base, therefore…[.]”

All it shows is Carter Page deserved to be followed and had a Fisa warrant on him for several years and then tramp hires him,

and well tramp was in tight with Manafort. Barr is Cohn reincarnation, iow's protects tramp.

They are guilty of nothing, they were just doing their duty to protect the US, something tramp doesn't do.
Here is what I do not understand. The whole system is still in place. Trump complains that the spooks plotted against him but he does absolutely nothing about that system.

I might have had a least a wee bit of respect for him if he had dismantled the system.

Trump pretends to be a tough guy but continues to give the bullies his lunch money every day.
This information will do nothing to change the narrative pushed by the DNC and their Zombie armies. They will ignore it and deflect it, but it is stone cold solid Proof that they abused the powers of office under Obama so much that Nixon looks like and Angel now.

Take a look............and these disgraced FBI agents getting liable insurance and laughing as they Frame people.........If these people were average citizens doing this........They would already be under the jail.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents tasked by fired former Director James Comey to take down Donald Trump during and after the 2016 election were so concerned about the agency’s potentially illegal behavior that they purchased liability insurance to protect themselves less than two weeks before Trump was inaugurated president, previously hidden FBI text messages show. The explosive new communications and internal FBI notes were disclosed in federal court filings today from Sidney Powell, the attorney who heads Michael Flynn’s legal defense team.

Agents also said they were worried about how a new attorney general might view the actions taken against Trump during the investigation. Shortly after then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) was confirmed to be Trump’s new attorney general, congressional Democrats, media, and Obama holdovers within DOJ immediately moved to force Sessions to recuse himself from overseeing the department’s investigations against Trump.

“[T]he new AG might have some questions….then yada yada yada…we all get screwed,” one agent wrote.

“I’m tellying [sic] man, if this thing ever gets FOIA’d, there are going to be some tough questions asked,” one agent wrote. “[A]nd a great deal of those will be related to Brian having a scope way outside the boundaries of logic[.]”

“[REDACTED] is one of the worst offenders of the rabbit holes and conspiracy theories,” an agent texted. “This guy traveled with that guy, who put down 3rd guy as his visa sponsor. 3rd guy lives near a navy base, therefore…[.]”

All it shows is Carter Page deserved to be followed and had a Fisa warrant on him since several years and then tramp hires him,

and well tramp was in tight with Manafort. Barr is Cohn reincarnation, iow's protects tramp.

They are guilty of nothing, they were just doing their duty to protect the US, something tramp doesn't do.
Russian spy............lol..........debunked over and over again........

As you try to deflect away from the OP..............Don't worry........the establishment protects their own.......OR ALL THESE ASSHOLES would already be in prison.

The Evidence is Stone Cold solid.
This information will do nothing to change the narrative pushed by the DNC and their Zombie armies. They will ignore it and deflect it, but it is stone cold solid Proof that they abused the powers of office under Obama so much that Nixon looks like and Angel now.

Take a look............and these disgraced FBI agents getting liable insurance and laughing as they Frame people.........If these people were average citizens doing this........They would already be under the jail.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents tasked by fired former Director James Comey to take down Donald Trump during and after the 2016 election were so concerned about the agency’s potentially illegal behavior that they purchased liability insurance to protect themselves less than two weeks before Trump was inaugurated president, previously hidden FBI text messages show. The explosive new communications and internal FBI notes were disclosed in federal court filings today from Sidney Powell, the attorney who heads Michael Flynn’s legal defense team.

Agents also said they were worried about how a new attorney general might view the actions taken against Trump during the investigation. Shortly after then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) was confirmed to be Trump’s new attorney general, congressional Democrats, media, and Obama holdovers within DOJ immediately moved to force Sessions to recuse himself from overseeing the department’s investigations against Trump.

“[T]he new AG might have some questions….then yada yada yada…we all get screwed,” one agent wrote.

“I’m tellying [sic] man, if this thing ever gets FOIA’d, there are going to be some tough questions asked,” one agent wrote. “[A]nd a great deal of those will be related to Brian having a scope way outside the boundaries of logic[.]”

“[REDACTED] is one of the worst offenders of the rabbit holes and conspiracy theories,” an agent texted. “This guy traveled with that guy, who put down 3rd guy as his visa sponsor. 3rd guy lives near a navy base, therefore…[.]”

All it shows is Carter Page deserved to be followed and had a Fisa warrant on him since several years and then tramp hires him,

and well tramp was in tight with Manafort. Barr is Cohn reincarnation, iow's protects tramp.

They are guilty of nothing, they were just doing their duty to protect the US, something tramp doesn't do.
Russian spy............lol..........debunked over and over again........

As you try to deflect away from the OP..............Don't worry........the establishment protects their own.......OR ALL THESE ASSHOLES would already be in prison.

The Evidence is Stone Cold solid.

They were doing their jobs protecting the US. There is no evidence except they were doing their jobs.
They were doing their jobs protecting the US. There is no evidence except they were doing their jobs.
I just provided a mountain of evidence...........you lose..

As I said.........the establishment will protect it's on..........or they would already be in jail...........massive number of FELONIES there..............enjoy the show..........as you try to divert away from the 4th tier of gov't being corrupt as hell.

They will get their in the end.......one way or another ........Karma will do that.
Here is what I do not understand. The whole system is still in place. Trump complains that the spooks plotted against him but he does absolutely nothing about that system.

I might have had a least a wee bit of respect for him if he had dismantled the system.

Trump pretends to be a tough guy but continues to give the bullies his lunch money every day.
What exactly is it you think Trump has the power to unilaterally do?
Here is what I do not understand. The whole system is still in place. Trump complains that the spooks plotted against him but he does absolutely nothing about that system.

I might have had a least a wee bit of respect for him if he had dismantled the system.

Trump pretends to be a tough guy but continues to give the bullies his lunch money every day.
What exactly is it you think Trump has the power to unilaterally do?

He hasn't tried to do anything in any form. He could have appointed heads that would have cleaned house. He hasn't.
Here is what I do not understand. The whole system is still in place. Trump complains that the spooks plotted against him but he does absolutely nothing about that system.

I might have had a least a wee bit of respect for him if he had dismantled the system.

Trump pretends to be a tough guy but continues to give the bullies his lunch money every day.
What exactly is it you think Trump has the power to unilaterally do?

He hasn't tried to do anything in any form. He could have appointed heads that would have cleaned house. He hasn't.
So Barr & Durham don't exist? Trump should bypass congress and install a new head of the FBI?
This information will do nothing to change the narrative pushed by the DNC and their Zombie armies. They will ignore it and deflect it, but it is stone cold solid Proof that they abused the powers of office under Obama so much that Nixon looks like and Angel now.

Take a look............and these disgraced FBI agents getting liable insurance and laughing as they Frame people.........If these people were average citizens doing this........They would already be under the jail.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents tasked by fired former Director James Comey to take down Donald Trump during and after the 2016 election were so concerned about the agency’s potentially illegal behavior that they purchased liability insurance to protect themselves less than two weeks before Trump was inaugurated president, previously hidden FBI text messages show. The explosive new communications and internal FBI notes were disclosed in federal court filings today from Sidney Powell, the attorney who heads Michael Flynn’s legal defense team.

Agents also said they were worried about how a new attorney general might view the actions taken against Trump during the investigation. Shortly after then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) was confirmed to be Trump’s new attorney general, congressional Democrats, media, and Obama holdovers within DOJ immediately moved to force Sessions to recuse himself from overseeing the department’s investigations against Trump.

“[T]he new AG might have some questions….then yada yada yada…we all get screwed,” one agent wrote.

“I’m tellying [sic] man, if this thing ever gets FOIA’d, there are going to be some tough questions asked,” one agent wrote. “[A]nd a great deal of those will be related to Brian having a scope way outside the boundaries of logic[.]”

“[REDACTED] is one of the worst offenders of the rabbit holes and conspiracy theories,” an agent texted. “This guy traveled with that guy, who put down 3rd guy as his visa sponsor. 3rd guy lives near a navy base, therefore…[.]”

All it shows is Carter Page deserved to be followed and had a Fisa warrant on him for several years and then tramp hires him,

and well tramp was in tight with Manafort. Barr is Cohn reincarnation, iow's protects tramp.

They are guilty of nothing, they were just doing their duty to protect the US, something tramp doesn't do.

This is so factually wrong, so childishly ignorant, as to be an embarrassment to Dumb-Asses.

Carter Page had no FISA Warrant on him before Trump hired him; he was instead an informant for the CIA against RUSSIANS!

When the FBI decided it wanted a FISA Warrant on him in beginning in August of 2016---BECAUSE he was working for Trump--a Warrant which would allow the crooks to spy on the whole Trump Campaign (See Two-Hop Rule if your pea brain can understand it)---one of the requirements for the FBI to get such a Warrant, one alleging that Page was "a Russian Agent"---was to check with other agencies to see what they had on him.

The CIA responded that he was in fact an informant/asset for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The FBI ignored this and filed for a FISA Warrant anyway alleging that he was an Agent for Russia!

The Truth was just the opposite!

So, later, when Page found out that there was a FISA WARRANT on him, due to leaks to New York Media apparachicks, and started raising hell---an honest Government official asked that it be checked out.

That's when the little turd Kevin Clinesmith altered a CIA report saying he WAS an asset for them to make it say he was NOT an asset and for which the little shit has pled guilty and will go to jail, unless he gives up some higher up FBI/DOJ crooks.


You--Penelope--are an embarrassment to Bolshevik DumbAsses, in spite of Stiff Competition, and I defy you to produce anything at all that refutes what I just posted.

Here is what I do not understand. The whole system is still in place. Trump complains that the spooks plotted against him but he does absolutely nothing about that system.

I might have had a least a wee bit of respect for him if he had dismantled the system.

Trump pretends to be a tough guy but continues to give the bullies his lunch money every day.
What exactly is it you think Trump has the power to unilaterally do?

He hasn't tried to do anything in any form. He could have appointed heads that would have cleaned house. He hasn't.
So Barr & Durham don't exist? Trump should bypass congress and install a new head of the FBI?

Nothing has changed. No one has been charged with anything. You understand all of this.
Here is what I do not understand. The whole system is still in place. Trump complains that the spooks plotted against him but he does absolutely nothing about that system.

I might have had a least a wee bit of respect for him if he had dismantled the system.

Trump pretends to be a tough guy but continues to give the bullies his lunch money every day.
What exactly is it you think Trump has the power to unilaterally do?

He hasn't tried to do anything in any form. He could have appointed heads that would have cleaned house. He hasn't.
So Barr & Durham don't exist? Trump should bypass congress and install a new head of the FBI?

Nothing has changed. No one has been charged with anything. You understand all of this.

The wheels of justice have an order.

1. Investigate
2. Charge
3. Trial
4. Disposition
Here is what I do not understand. The whole system is still in place. Trump complains that the spooks plotted against him but he does absolutely nothing about that system.

I might have had a least a wee bit of respect for him if he had dismantled the system.

Trump pretends to be a tough guy but continues to give the bullies his lunch money every day.
What exactly is it you think Trump has the power to unilaterally do?

He hasn't tried to do anything in any form. He could have appointed heads that would have cleaned house. He hasn't.
So Barr & Durham don't exist? Trump should bypass congress and install a new head of the FBI?

Nothing has changed. No one has been charged with anything. You understand all of this.

The wheels of justice have an order.

1. Investigate
2. Charge
3. Trial
4. Disposition

So far the wheels are all flat.
This information will do nothing to change the narrative pushed by the DNC and their Zombie armies. They will ignore it and deflect it, but it is stone cold solid Proof that they abused the powers of office under Obama so much that Nixon looks like and Angel now.

Take a look............and these disgraced FBI agents getting liable insurance and laughing as they Frame people.........If these people were average citizens doing this........They would already be under the jail.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents tasked by fired former Director James Comey to take down Donald Trump during and after the 2016 election were so concerned about the agency’s potentially illegal behavior that they purchased liability insurance to protect themselves less than two weeks before Trump was inaugurated president, previously hidden FBI text messages show. The explosive new communications and internal FBI notes were disclosed in federal court filings today from Sidney Powell, the attorney who heads Michael Flynn’s legal defense team.

Agents also said they were worried about how a new attorney general might view the actions taken against Trump during the investigation. Shortly after then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) was confirmed to be Trump’s new attorney general, congressional Democrats, media, and Obama holdovers within DOJ immediately moved to force Sessions to recuse himself from overseeing the department’s investigations against Trump.

“[T]he new AG might have some questions….then yada yada yada…we all get screwed,” one agent wrote.

“I’m tellying [sic] man, if this thing ever gets FOIA’d, there are going to be some tough questions asked,” one agent wrote. “[A]nd a great deal of those will be related to Brian having a scope way outside the boundaries of logic[.]”

“[REDACTED] is one of the worst offenders of the rabbit holes and conspiracy theories,” an agent texted. “This guy traveled with that guy, who put down 3rd guy as his visa sponsor. 3rd guy lives near a navy base, therefore…[.]”

All it shows is Carter Page deserved to be followed and had a Fisa warrant on him for several years and then tramp hires him,

and well tramp was in tight with Manafort. Barr is Cohn reincarnation, iow's protects tramp.

They are guilty of nothing, they were just doing their duty to protect the US, something tramp doesn't do.

This is so factually wrong, so childishly ignorant, as to be an embarrassment to Dumb-Asses.

Carter Page had no FISA Warrant on him before Trump hired him; he was instead an informant for the CIA against RUSSIANS!

When the FBI decided it wanted a FISA Warrant on him in beginning in August of 2016---BECAUSE he was working for Trump--a Warrant which would allow the crooks to spy on the whole Trump Campaign (See Two-Hop Rule if your pea brain can understand it)---one of the requirements for the FBI to get such a Warrant, one alleging that Page was "a Russian Agent"---was to check with other agencies to see what they had on him.

The CIA responded that he was in fact an informant/asset for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The FBI ignored this and filed for a FISA Warrant anyway alleging that he was an Agent for Russia!

The Truth was just the opposite!

So, later, when Page found out that there was a FISA WARRANT on him, due to leaks to New York Media apparachicks, and started raising hell---an honest Government official asked that it be checked out.

That's when the little turd Kevin Clinesmith altered a CIA report saying he WAS an asset for them to make it say he was NOT an asset and for which the little shit has pled guilty and will go to jail, unless he gives up some higher up FBI/DOJ crooks.


You--Penelope--are an embarrassment to Bolshevik DumbAsses, in spite of Stiff Competition, and I defy you to produce anything at all that refutes what I just posted.


The truth is tramp is not fit to be Potus. Russia do you have the 30,000 emails that Clinton erased.

And that night they were found. Putin and Tramp sitting in a tree, both should kiss as they are probably lovers, and it is now the Russia-USA

as tramp invited Russia into our election in 2016.

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