FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

She should start thinking of how she’s going to rearrange the oval office and stay 10 yards away from any microphones for the next 6 months.

Yup, she gets the e-mail crap behind her, all she has to do is convince voters she is not a raving lunatic, ala Trump.

No, she has to convince those who aren't wildly partisan Hillarybots (disqualifying you) that she's not a lying, warmonger who is worthy of our vote. She will not.

Maybe she can do that while Donald is testifying at his Trump University fraud trial...
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

She should start thinking of how she’s going to rearrange the oval office and stay 10 yards away from any microphones for the next 6 months.

Yup, she gets the e-mail crap behind her, all she has to do is convince voters she is not a raving lunatic, ala Trump.
Her email "crap" she will never get over.
It's far too late for her to convince the voters she isn't a fucking raving lunatic.

It's not too hard to bark like a dog.....but I would like to see your evidence that such a thing indicates lunacy.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:
Still waiting for those indictments.......I was told that they would be hear by now.
Indictments coming down any day now, any day.

it's time to call her out. Why don't you call the Justice Department and let's get this going.
Oh boo hoo, did I hurt your feelings because I showed everyone that the vagina president was the originator of the birther movement? Such stupid people who vote dumbocrat.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

She should start thinking of how she’s going to rearrange the oval office and stay 10 yards away from any microphones for the next 6 months.

Yup, she gets the e-mail crap behind her, all she has to do is convince voters she is not a raving lunatic, ala Trump.
It would take quite a bit to get behind that ass of hers. IF she didn't wear a pantsuit, she would have to use a tent for a dress.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

She should start thinking of how she’s going to rearrange the oval office and stay 10 yards away from any microphones for the next 6 months.

Yup, she gets the e-mail crap behind her, all she has to do is convince voters she is not a raving lunatic, ala Trump.

No, she has to convince those who aren't wildly partisan Hillarybots (disqualifying you) that she's not a lying, warmonger who is worthy of our vote. She will not.

Maybe she can do that while Donald is testifying at his Trump University fraud trial...
Werent you the one talking about the Hillary email, now you have been caught in your lie so have to divert to Trump to divert the issue? Typical of the double standards of a libidiot.
So after months of Republucans trumpeting how Hillary is under FBI investigation....we end up with nothing

Time for the right to throw the FBI under the bus
So after months of Republucans trumpeting how Hillary is under FBI investigation....we end up with nothing

Time for the right to throw the FBI under the bus

The poor stupid RWers will begin yelling BENGHAZ! again, I suppose. They need to keep up the hope that something will stop Hillary. With an opponent like Trump, she only has to worry about not looking like a raving lunatic to win.

Well I guess we will be able to put this to bed in another few years
when the FBI tells us they need a bit more time but they are close to announcing
their findings.
ANY Sec of State who in fact transmitted classified information via nonsecure communications should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, I don't give a flying fuck what political party they were in, nor any other excuse.
US Officials Report No Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke The Law, Will Right-Wing Media Listen?

Conservative Media Conspiracy Theories Doused By The Facts
US Officials Report No Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke The Law, Will Right-Wing Media Listen?

Blog ››› May 5, 2016 10:15 PM EDT ››› TYLER CHERRY

Nope. Many conservatives have been conditions to respond with their emotions rather than with reason or evidence. They'll ignore the FBI just like they did the State of Hawaii with Obama's birth certificate.

What can you expect from the Birther Party?
You are aware that it was the Hillary Clinton campaign which started the 'Birther Campaign'.

You are aw
ANY Sec of State who in fact transmitted classified information via nonsecure communications should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, I don't give a flying fuck what political party they were in, nor any other excuse.
US Officials Report No Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke The Law, Will Right-Wing Media Listen?

Conservative Media Conspiracy Theories Doused By The Facts
US Officials Report No Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke The Law, Will Right-Wing Media Listen?

Blog ››› May 5, 2016 10:15 PM EDT ››› TYLER CHERRY

Nope. Many conservatives have been conditions to respond with their emotions rather than with reason or evidence. They'll ignore the FBI just like they did the State of Hawaii with Obama's birth certificate.

What can you expect from the Birther Party?
You are aware that it was the Hillary Clinton campaign which started the 'Birther Campaign'.

No, it wasn't.

And the Birther conspiracy idiocy belongs to the Birther Party: The GOP. As they've elected one of the most vocal birthers to represent them.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

Note the word "willfully". But it doesn't matter if the violation was willful or not. If it was negligence or stupidity it is still a violation of law. She is guilty.

your CNN cite cleverly made morons like you think that there is no problem since it wasn't willful, but that's bullshit. You may not run a red light willfully, but you are still guilty.

It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant many of you libs are.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:
Still waiting for those indictments.......I was told that they would be hear by now.
Indictments coming down any day now, any day.

it's time to call her out. Why don't you call the Justice Department and let's get this going.
I don't need to do that....I'm still waiting for this indictment that's been coming and coming and coming and coming to finally show up.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

She should start thinking of how she’s going to rearrange the oval office and stay 10 yards away from any microphones for the next 6 months.

Yup, she gets the e-mail crap behind her, all she has to do is convince voters she is not a raving lunatic, ala Trump.
It would take quite a bit to get behind that ass of hers. IF she didn't wear a pantsuit, she would have to use a tent for a dress.

Get the fuck out of here with your attacks on her gender, there is no place for that in civilize debate.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

She should start thinking of how she’s going to rearrange the oval office and stay 10 yards away from any microphones for the next 6 months.

Yup, she gets the e-mail crap behind her, all she has to do is convince voters she is not a raving lunatic, ala Trump.
It would take quite a bit to get behind that ass of hers. IF she didn't wear a pantsuit, she would have to use a tent for a dress.

Get the fuck out of here with your attacks on her gender, there is no place for that in civilize debate.

H learned that from Da Donald.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

So the article only cited Clinton aides saying there was no evidence and the video added zero to that
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

Note the word "willfully". But it doesn't matter if the violation was willful or not. If it was negligence or stupidity it is still a violation of law. She is guilty.

your CNN cite cleverly made morons like you think that there is no problem since it wasn't willful, but that's bullshit. You may not run a red light willfully, but you are still guilty.

It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant many of you libs are.

JimH thinks this is funny. Ok, JimH, next time a cop pulls you over for speeding tell him "but officer you have to let me go, I didn't intend to speed" "I didn't do it on purpose" "I didn't do it willfully"

I cannot believe how stupid our resident libs and Hillary eaters are.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

Note the word "willfully". But it doesn't matter if the violation was willful or not. If it was negligence or stupidity it is still a violation of law. She is guilty.

In terms of disclosing top secret information, it matters. Walking out 8 binders of top secret information to show your mistress isn't the same thing as not having a server secure enough. Its understood at the justice department that the intent of the laws was to punish people who gave out our secrets.

Which there is zero evidence Clinton ever did.

your CNN cite cleverly made morons like you think that there is no problem since it wasn't willful, but that's bullshit. You may not run a red light willfully, but you are still guilty.

It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant many of you libs are.

The complete lack of criminal intent is extremely relevant. And will likely shape the outcome of the investigation.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

So the article only cited Clinton aides saying there was no evidence and the video added zero to that

No, they cite officials in the investigation:

The interviews, we’re told, are focused on whether classified information was mishandled, and the security of the server. So far officials tell us, no, there is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing at this point in the investigation, but, again, the investigation is not over.

CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Though anonymous sources should always be taken with a grain of salt. As they may have agendas or may not know what they are talking about.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

Note the word "willfully". But it doesn't matter if the violation was willful or not. If it was negligence or stupidity it is still a violation of law. She is guilty.

In terms of disclosing top secret information, it matters. Walking out 8 binders of top secret information to show your mistress isn't the same thing as not having a server secure enough. Its understood at the justice department that the intent of the laws was to punish people who gave out our secrets.

Which there is zero evidence Clinton ever did.

your CNN cite cleverly made morons like you think that there is no problem since it wasn't willful, but that's bullshit. You may not run a red light willfully, but you are still guilty.

It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant many of you libs are.

The complete lack of criminal intent is extremely relevant. And will likely shape the outcome of the investigation.

No , it doesn't . You are absolutely 100% wrong. The laws are clear.

If a person willfully disseminated classified information, there are other charges that come into play, but merely mishandling classified information is a crime in and of itself. This is why people who have no idea on such matters should shut the fuck up until the investigation runs its course.

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