FBI confirms that Saddam hated Al Qaeda


Senior Member
May 29, 2007
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FBI Agent, in charge of interogating Saddam Hussein, says saddam hated Bin Ladin, and thought al qaeda was a threat to his own regime.


As confirmed by the american intelligence community, and the bipartisan Senate intelligence report on iraq in 2006:

*CIA/Senate Bipartisan Report on Iraq Intelligence, September 2006:

-Conclusion 1: "Postwar findings indicate that Saddam Hussein was distrustful of al-Qa'ida and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al-Qa'ida to provide material or operational support."

-Conclusion 5: Postwar information indicates that Saddam Hussein attempted, unsuccessfully, to locate and capture al-Zarqawi and that the regime did not have a relationship with, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi

-Conclusion 4: "Postwar findings support the April 2002 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) assessment that there was no credible reporting on al-Qa'ida training at Salman Pak or anywhere else in Iraq. There have been no credible reports since the war that Iraq trained al-Qa'ida operatives at Salman Pak to conduct or support transnational terrorist operations."

Senate Bipartisan Report on Iraq Intelligence, September 2006 ?

So whats your point....?

Page 128 of 9/11 Commission Report
First Indictment of OBL (1998)
The original sealed document had added that AQ had reached an understanding with the government of Iraq etc....
Now If you wanted to explain to us why in 1998, the Clinton Admin. thought it reasonable to include in this first indictment of OBL, the charge....
that AQ had reached an understanding with the government of Iraq ...

I would be mildly interested.....

And point out that in a later indictment this issue was dropped because of lack of proof

I would again be mildly interested....,

or if you were pointing out that this 1998 indictment was the first connection made, and suspections voiced about cooperation between AQ and Iraq

I would again be mildly interested....

But really....WHAT IS your point..????????
It's one of the main reasons you told us we had to go to war. And you were wrong.
Well alrighty then............isn't that just special...............the wrongness across the board one can only imagine, is staggering...............:eusa_drool: :eusa_whistle: :rolleyes:
It's distasteful to realise an administration conned a nation into going to war for no good reason. It's even more distasteful to realise that people on all sides died because of it. No good reason and people died.

When future historians write this up they won't believe what happened.
It's distasteful to realise an administration conned a nation into going to war for no good reason. It's even more distasteful to realise that people on all sides died because of it. No good reason and people died.

When future historians write this up they won't believe what happened.

In actuality the real reasons may not be selfevident at all but, there are so many hints...............nor the true playing field in this multilevel game of chess.:rolleyes: :eusa_whistle:
In actuality the real reasons may not be selfevident at all but, there are so many hints...............nor the true playing field in this multilevel game of chess.:rolleyes: :eusa_whistle:

I don't think subtlety is a mark of the Bush Administration. Ham-fistedness yes, subtlety, no. I suspect they would be confused from just watching one of the Bourne films.
It's one of the main reasons you told us we had to go to war. And you were wrong.

Wow. We went to war because Alucard said so? I'm impressed.

Just how many "main" reasons are there? That Saddam had ties to al Qaeda was "a" reason. Having ties and trust, respect, mutual goals, etc are not mutually inclusive.

Anyone with half a brain could see that al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein's ideologies opposed one another, and that Saddam would consider militant, extremist Islamics a threat to his regime.

Might be why he kept them pinned in the No Fly Zones, huh?:eusa_eh:
It's distasteful to realise an administration conned a nation into going to war for no good reason. It's even more distasteful to realise that people on all sides died because of it. No good reason and people died.

When future historians write this up they won't believe what happened.

That just about covers Bosnia. Thought this was about Iraq?:eusa_think:
I don't think subtlety is a mark of the Bush Administration. Ham-fistedness yes, subtlety, no. I suspect they would be confused from just watching one of the Bourne films.

WHAT?!? You mean the criminal masterminds of countless conspiracies and general underhandedness is incapable of something so simple as subtlety? :rolleyes:
WHAT?!? You mean the criminal masterminds of countless conspiracies and general underhandedness is incapable of something so simple as subtlety? :rolleyes:

Well yeah, we've already worked out their dastardliness and if we can do that then it doesn't say much for their subtlety :rofl: When the investigations start they only have to follow the money :D
Nah, Bosnia was relatively easy to work out - this one is a doozy.

Really? You mean it has been worked out? Or just off the front page? I see little difference between one and the other big-picture-wise.

Either it's okay to stick one's nose into another nation's internal mechanisms or it is not.
Well yeah, we've already worked out their dastardliness and if we can do that then it doesn't say much for their subtlety :rofl: When the investigations start they only have to follow the money :D

Investigations will do nothing but waste taxpayer dollars. Everything has already been investigated to death and obviously there isn't enough REAL evidence to warrant anything more than accusations.

Personally, I'm sick of the shit from BOTH sides. Cut the partisan bullshit and try governing this Nation instead.
Really? You mean it has been worked out? Or just off the front page? I see little difference between one and the other big-picture-wise.

Either it's okay to stick one's nose into another nation's internal mechanisms or it is not.

Bosnia was UN-endorsed, it was fairly transparent (but in the world of international politics that's a matter of degree of course).

Sticking one's nose into another nation's internal mechanisms...have you seen that cartoon of a small fish being about to be swallowed by a bigger fish which, in turn, is about to be swallowed by a bigger fish..and so on? Which is to say that we all do it, it depends on the size of the pond.
Bosnia was UN-endorsed, it was fairly transparent (but in the world of international politics that's a matter of degree of course).

Sticking one's nose into another nation's internal mechanisms...have you seen that cartoon of a small fish being about to be swallowed by a bigger fish which, in turn, is about to be swallowed by a bigger fish..and so on? Which is to say that we all do it, it depends on the size of the pond.

A UN endorsement means absolutely nothing to me. It has already proven itself to be as close to useless as it gets. It exists to perpetuate its own bureaucracy.
A UN endorsement means absolutely nothing to me. It has already proven itself to be as close to useless as it gets. It exists to perpetuate its own bureaucracy.

That's as may be but given the nature of how it's decisions are made I think that the rest of us are pretty well aware of why certain actions are authorised.
A UN endorsement means absolutely nothing to me. It has already proven itself to be as close to useless as it gets. It exists to perpetuate its own bureaucracy.

I absolutely agree with you on the UN, their opinion is useless and they are merely a corrupt international entity wasting billions of dollars with meaningless bureaucracy.

Investigations will do nothing but waste taxpayer dollars. Everything has already been investigated to death and obviously there isn't enough REAL evidence to warrant anything more than accusations.

Really? Of all the things our tax dollars are wasted on, I must say I would prefer the cause of investigation. CLEARLY we don't have the whole picture yet, as vast tracts of information about the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars are missing... lost... or hidden.
Who cares?

Give it up already.... same bullshit different day...

Yeah, well tell that to the families of the dead soldiers ass-hole.

Same deaths and maiming different day. Al Quaeda attacks US. We attack Iraq. What a bunch of crap. If we sit back quiet, we let the shit heads win.

Very few investigations have actually taken place. The powers in charge are stopping any real work. Like Gonzo or Mukasey are really investigating anything. We can't even get information on Cheney's frigging energy meetings.

If the Dems take over and turn out to have more balls and courage than they are showing now, all the shit will hit the fan.

There are so many things that I believe have happened that are criminal and should be prosecuted. Hell, Bush admits we have waterboarded, spied on US and broken FISA. Your side would want Clinton in prison for that kind of criminal activity. Talk about hippo crits.

Do I expect the other side to agree, hell no.

Time will tell. They can't hide this kind of crap forever. It won't just nicely go away and make the righties feel okay.
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