Favorite story from any holiday


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
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Here's mine.

Just married and me and the wife had a cozy little apartment in the
"fancy" part of town (known as Cherry creek for the locals).
My wife wanted to keep her job for a while so I was commuting everyday to
Ft Carson, 68 miles one way. Rush hour(s) on I25, not to mention around the
holiday season, was always a bitch. I could leave work at 4 or 6pm and get
home at the same time everyday. Anyway, I was tired from working guard
duty on Christmas Eve The First SGT set us up in shifts so we were not on
duty all day for the holidays. During my shift, I got bored and decided to walk
around the building and “inspect the perimeter”. I wouldn’t discover until
MUCH later that I my keys had fallen out of my pocket while engaged in some
serious “snow warfare” with some guys who lived in the barracks. After my
shift I spent a few hours looking for my keys, then decided to go home.

I arrived home 2 hours later, and it was now dark. My wife was still at work,
so I thought I would shed my BDUs and catch a nap before she got home.
I tried to unlock the door to find that the bolt was latched on the inside,
and OBTW there is no key hole to unlock this bolt. So I get to thinking
"how the hell did my wife leave this bolt locked??? It can only be locked
from the inside and she's not home." I gave her a call, and she explained that
she couldn't find her house keys so she went out the sliding glass door and
used a coat hanger to pull the security bar down on the sliding glass door
(which also locks it from the inside). Still tired and furious I searched my car
for a hanger or something I could use to push the security bar up.

As I opened the door just barely, (took me 2 minutes max)
I squeezed in and began to remove my uniform. Headed to the washroom to
clean up and noticed that the house was in shambles. Our new puppy had
escaped from his pen and got into the trash. So I get to the bathroom,
remove my undershirt and start to wash up. Suddenly, I hear the unmistaken
sound of a helicopter overhead. Curious, I ran to the window thinking “that’s
really close for a neighborhood like this.” I was soon spotlighted
peeking out the curtains with no shirt and that deer in the headlights look on
my face. My attention was soon diverted to Denver’s finest busting in my
door, flashlights in my face and that oh so familiar tone of authority
screaming “on the floor now!!!”. I don’t know if it was because of shock or
the knee in my back but I couldn’t speak.

I FINALLY convinced the cops to unhand me so I could retrieve a piece of
mail along with my ID to prove that I actually lived there. It was explained to
me that some people on the tennis court saw a man in camouflage
attempting to enter an apartment through the sliding glass door. That was by
far the fastest response I’ve ever seen from the police. I was parked, out of
my car, and in my house in only 4 minutes. The police apologized for busting
the door in and letting the puppy out in the process. I was actually impressed
on how fast they got there so we never inquired about legal action, that and
they paid for the door.
Here's mine.

Just married and me and the wife had a cozy little apartment in the
"fancy" part of town (known as Cherry creek for the locals).
My wife wanted to keep her job for a while so I was commuting everyday to
Ft Carson, 68 miles one way. Rush hour(s) on I25, not to mention around the
holiday season, was always a bitch. I could leave work at 4 or 6pm and get
home at the same time everyday. Anyway, I was tired from working guard
duty on Christmas Eve The First SGT set us up in shifts so we were not on
duty all day for the holidays. During my shift, I got bored and decided to walk
around the building and “inspect the perimeter”. I wouldn’t discover until
MUCH later that I my keys had fallen out of my pocket while engaged in some
serious “snow warfare” with some guys who lived in the barracks. After my
shift I spent a few hours looking for my keys, then decided to go home.

I arrived home 2 hours later, and it was now dark. My wife was still at work,
so I thought I would shed my BDUs and catch a nap before she got home.
I tried to unlock the door to find that the bolt was latched on the inside,
and OBTW there is no key hole to unlock this bolt. So I get to thinking
"how the hell did my wife leave this bolt locked??? It can only be locked
from the inside and she's not home." I gave her a call, and she explained that
she couldn't find her house keys so she went out the sliding glass door and
used a coat hanger to pull the security bar down on the sliding glass door
(which also locks it from the inside). Still tired and furious I searched my car
for a hanger or something I could use to push the security bar up.

As I opened the door just barely, (took me 2 minutes max)
I squeezed in and began to remove my uniform. Headed to the washroom to
clean up and noticed that the house was in shambles. Our new puppy had
escaped from his pen and got into the trash. So I get to the bathroom,
remove my undershirt and start to wash up. Suddenly, I hear the unmistaken
sound of a helicopter overhead. Curious, I ran to the window thinking “that’s
really close for a neighborhood like this.” I was soon spotlighted
peeking out the curtains with no shirt and that deer in the headlights look on
my face. My attention was soon diverted to Denver’s finest busting in my
door, flashlights in my face and that oh so familiar tone of authority
screaming “on the floor now!!!”. I don’t know if it was because of shock or
the knee in my back but I couldn’t speak.

I FINALLY convinced the cops to unhand me so I could retrieve a piece of
mail along with my ID to prove that I actually lived there. It was explained to
me that some people on the tennis court saw a man in camouflage
attempting to enter an apartment through the sliding glass door. That was by
far the fastest response I’ve ever seen from the police. I was parked, out of
my car, and in my house in only 4 minutes. The police apologized for busting
the door in and letting the puppy out in the process. I was actually impressed
on how fast they got there so we never inquired about legal action, that and
they paid for the door.

Classic. I won't even try to top it. :laugh:
Said1 said:
Classic. I won't even try to top it. :laugh:
ahhh c'mon.
I wanna hear some juicy stuff here.

Did I mention that one of the cops stepped in puppy poo,
and got it all over the off white carpet?
ahhh c'mon.
I wanna hear some juicy stuff here.

Did I mention that one of the cops stepped in puppy poo,
and got it all over the off white carpet?

No, but I'll assume you cleaned it up though?

I can't think of any holiday fiascos, except one. One year, I asked my ex-husband if he wanted me to pick up gifts for his family, being that it was gettting close to the big day. He told me not to worry about it, so I didn't - figured he's giving cash as per his usual. So, Christmas day rolls around, we're at his brother's house and he asks me if I brought the gifts in from the car when I was helping his mother unload the trunk (nice eh, notice how I'm helping the old bat unload the trunk?). Uhhh, retard, I didn't get any, remember? Anyway, his neice, nephew and sister-in-law still got $40 each, but he had to borrow it off his brother and mother.

Oh yeah, his mother had a mild heart attack that same day too.
Sorry to hear that.

She lived. Now she can cry about her heart when I get mad after she picks a fight with me. For her, it was a "win-win" situation.
Tis the season people...
let's hear more stories.
Ok, 2 years ago, Tim, Nathan, and I went with our friends Nate, Michelle, and their son Caleb, who was at that time, 3, to the Mall of America to go do some Christmas shopping. We go there during the holidays more than the local malls because it just seems more fun. Plus we reward the kids with camp snoopy rides if they behave during shopping.

Anyway, Nate is a funny guy, and during the holidays, he likes to sing a line or two, randomly, of many different Christmas songs. At the time, he was trying to teach Caleb to sing "I'm Gettin' Nothin' for Christmas" because it is a kids' song, its cute, etc.

So we get into the mall, and anyone who has been there at anytime of the year, has heard how the main entrances echo. Well, we get inside, and Nate starts sing part of the song he's teaching Caleb. He gets to the line "Somebody snitched on me", and Caleb tried to repeat it, but, um, by accident he didn't say snitched. He sang out, somewhat loudly, "Somebody S*** on me!". It echoed all the way out into the main hallway. Tim, Nate, and I were damn near on the floor, laughing so hard. Michelle was mortified, all red faced, because people had heard and looked around, kinda laughing. She tried to explain to some of the people what he TRIED to sing, etc., but I am not sure they fully believed it. Every once in a while, we still sing that one modified verse to Michelle, just to give her crap.
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