Favorite sports memories


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
The only pro team that won a championship in my lifetime that I’m a fan of is the Mets and I was in second or third grade, so it didn’t mean much to me. But I do have two favorite sports memories.

1) When Princeton upset top seeded UCLA in the NCAA tournament. Pete Carril the Princeton coach reminded me so much of my dad (rest in peace) and the players on Princeton played so unselfishly and so hard. I’m not even a big college basketball fan, but to this day that was my favorite game in team sports that I ever watched.

2) Antonio The Magic Man Tarver knocking out Roy Jones jr in their second fight. Really didn’t like Roy Jones jr.. The guy used to showboat in the middle of his fights. I think thats Bush league. If a guy is putting it on the line and entering the ring for a fight you owe him a modicum of respect. Jones was a great fighter, but didn’t know a single thing about sportsmanship. Taver was also a warrior. I thought he won the first fight as well, but was robbed by the refs.
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Remember back earlier this year when they cancelled spectator sports? It was magic.
Most of my favorite sports memories involve the Alabama Crimson Tide. I grew up in Tuscaloosa. We used to ride our bikes over to campus to watch Bear Bryant coaching from his tower.

1) Watching Alabama and Penn State in the 1979 Sugar Bowl. Penn State was ranked #1 and Alabama was #2. Bama was ahead 14-7 when Penn State got a fumble recovery. The next play put it 1st and goal at about the 9 yard line. 3 plays later it was 4th and less than a foot. The Penn State RB took a handoff and tried to dive over the line. Barry Krauss, linebacker, basically caught him in the air and stopped him. For the #1 team to get 4 tries from inside the 10, and be denied was awesome!!

2) Watching Alabama play Miami in the Sugar Bowl in January of 1993 is my second favorite memory. Alabama's defense was one of the best I have ever seen. Miami's QB, Gino Torreta, had just won the Heiseman. Bama dismantled them throughly. It was even sweeter because Miami was talking so much shit. 34-13 final score. The best play was probably watching George Teague run down their star receiver and take the ball away from him.

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