Favorite Space Animation – Tre Lux Yellow – This Has To Be The Best

American Horse

AKA "Mustang"
Jan 23, 2009
The Hoosier Heartland
Hubble Images and Animations:

HUBBLE, we love you so...For all the things you do...

For the Hubble Telescope Thank you X–15, NASA, Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Discovery Crews STS–31, 81, 103, Endeavor Crew STS–61, Colombia Crew STS–109, Good Luck Discovery STS–125 - 4-17-08 planned (Actual: Atlantis STS–125 (delayed to May 11, 2009)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_YkpZIJOFY&feature=related]YouTube - Tre Lux -Yellow - Hubble Images and Animations[/ame]

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In space, no one can hear that god awful music.

Thanks H,

The music? Only in our minds; I like it. It moves me. I think of it as the Music of the Spheres: With no air in space, we accept that there is no sound, but cosmic explosions or other events create pressure or compression waves which radiate through space "like" sound waves through our atmosphere. We just don’t have the physical equipment to hear those waves but they still exist.

Many of the “images” we accept as visual representations of real objects or combinations of objects interacting in the medium of space are impossible to see with the naked eye. Instead they are visualized through combinations of different "visual" systems giving us “eyes” where none can actually exist; the "Hot Jupiter" in the attachment below is one; spectrographic images or false color images are examples of another way of seeing things our eyes can’t see in ordinary light. Why not the same for the ears?

Click attachment to enlarge the “still photo” from the video. CLICK HERE to read a fascinating explanation by a professional astronomer.


  • $Hot Jupiter EXOPLANET Going Full Bore.JPG
    $Hot Jupiter EXOPLANET Going Full Bore.JPG
    40.4 KB · Views: 102

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