Fatigue, dizziness, headache, difficulty concentrating, and insomnia.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
“Wind Turbine Syndrome”

You want “clean energy sources” you gonna have to pay for it – with your health. So, yeah, this comes from another Breitbart site but it has links to Warning over wind turbine syndrome | Irish Examiner which seems to be a bit more than authentic. So, it not only harms humans, what do they do to animals beside killing birds? :eusa_whistle:
And then, there's this:

Report: DC’s green-approved buildings using more energy

11:47 PM

Washington, D.C. may have the highest number of certified green buildings in the country, but research by Environmental Policy Alliance suggests it might not be doing much good.

Read more: Report: DC's green-approved buildings using more energy | The Daily Caller

Doesn't seem to be making all that sense, does it. The Church of Globull Warming seems to be preaching to increasingly empty pews.

Read the article @ Lake Michigan 90 Percent Covered In Ice, Equals Highest Level Ever « CBS Chicago :eusa_whistle:
So you have possibilities but no more hard facts.

Come to Salt Lake City when we have our smog and inversions that kill many here from petroleum wastes of autos, factories, refineries, homes, etc.

Solar and wind are better for the health than petroleum.
And yet another in a plethora of disingenuous thread titles.
And, ye gads, by a CONSERVATIVE!

Actually, I was convinced this thread was going to be about Obama.
It's simple.. Dont allow Wind Turbines within a 1 mile of your homestead..
Lots of bad feelings out there right from folks who were told how wonderful it was to have these beasts outside their porch..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbIe0iUtelQ]Industrial Wind Turbine Shadow Flicker in Wisconsin 2008 - YouTube[/ame]

Really --- Watch the video for an hour or two and don't look away.. Then report your symptoms back to us..
And raise your hand if you believe that certifying "green buildings" is anything other than a pay for play trophy plaque to put on your corporate wall...

Yup -- we've separated the real Greenies from the frauds..
It's simple.. Dont allow Wind Turbines within a 1 mile of your homestead..
Lots of bad feelings out there right from folks who were told how wonderful it was to have these beasts outside their porch..

Industrial Wind Turbine Shadow Flicker in Wisconsin 2008 - YouTube

Really --- Watch the video for an hour or two and don't look away.. Then report your symptoms back to us..

The Daly City, CA McDonald's across from Serramonte Shopping Center was powered by a wind turbine located directly behind and high above the store, for many years.

Haven't been there in a while. Don't know if it's still there or not. Store OR wind mill.
It's simple.. Dont allow Wind Turbines within a 1 mile of your homestead..
Lots of bad feelings out there right from folks who were told how wonderful it was to have these beasts outside their porch..

Industrial Wind Turbine Shadow Flicker in Wisconsin 2008 - YouTube

Really --- Watch the video for an hour or two and don't look away.. Then report your symptoms back to us..

The Daly City, CA McDonald's across from Serramonte Shopping Center was powered by a wind turbine located directly behind and high above the store, for many years.

Haven't been there in a while. Don't know if it's still there or not. Store OR wind mill.

Daly City is a pretty good place for wind.. But that restaurant was not "powered" by the wind. A place like that can't afford to stop every 20 minutes when the wind doesn't blow.
The owners just decided to go into the energy biz and suck up the subsidies and good will from the public..

Wind Turbine shadowing just might explain all the crazy people you see hanging around the Daly City McDonalds...
Effect of obama energy policy agenda on the coal industry (and some of the hardest-working folks in the country): Unemployment Syndrome
A feel a bit of fatigue now. It's obviously some sort of syndrome. Who can I sue? I'll also need to sue some waving tree branches. Darn flicker.

Actually getting a paycheck from a wind turbine company is a 100% surefire way to prevent "Wind Turbine Syndrome" in any given person . They should probably rename it "jealous neighbor syndrome".
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A feel a bit of fatigue now. It's obviously some sort of syndrome. Who can I sue? I'll also need to sue some waving tree branches. Darn flicker.

Actually getting a paycheck from a wind turbine company is a 100% surefire way to prevent "Wind Turbine Syndrome" in any given person . They should probably rename it "jealous neighbor syndrome".

Would have to be a pretty big check -- including the property and land devaluation and a 2nd home to go to from 3PM to dusk..
I sure hope YOU volunteer for the program.. Make sure they locate it right where the sun goes... :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:
Better treatment for Seasonal Affective disorder than light therapy...

Psychotherapy Bests Light Therapy for SAD Sufferers
November 06, 2015: As winter approaches in the Northern Hemisphere and the days get shorter there, many people succumb to a disorder called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that is associated with shorter days. SAD affects over 14 million Americans, according to researchers.
Writing in the American Journal of Psychiatry, researchers from the University of Vermont found that the traditional method of treating SAD, light therapy, does not work as well as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a form of psychotherapy. “Light therapy is a palliative treatment, like blood pressure medication, that requires you to keep using the treatment for it to be effective,” said University of Vermont psychology professor Kelly Rohan. “Adhering to the light therapy prescription upon waking for 30 minutes to an hour every day for up to five months in dark states can be burdensome.”


Short winter days give many a depression-like disorder called seasonal affective disorder, or SAD​

In the study, 177 subjects were given either six weeks of light therapy — “timed, daily exposure to bright artificial light of specific wavelengths using a light box” — or CBT to teach subjects how to challenge negative thoughts. Their findings showed that two winters after the treatment, 46 percent of those who received light therapy reported that their depression had returned. Only 27 percent of the CBT recipients reported the same. The depressive symptoms were more severe for those receiving light therapy, researchers said.

One reason could be that light therapy may be too burdensome, as the researchers report only 30 percent of the light therapy subjects were still treating themselves. CBT, they said was more “preventative” in that it gave the subject tools to better deal with the symptoms of SAD. In a companion study, the researchers found that over a shorter term, light therapy was as effective as CBT, but found that because of the number of people who stopped using light therapy, “CBT may be the better treatment option in the long term,” according to Rohan.

Psychotherapy Bests Light Therapy for SAD Sufferers
Funny. All this shit seems to have died down. And Texas and Oklahoma are still investing big time in wind and solar. And, as the grid scale storage comes on line, even more utilities will invest in solar and wind. None of the wheat farmers that I have read about east of the Columbia Gorge seem to be complaining of any of those symptoms. More whack-doodle nonsense from the 'Conservatives'. They really hate to see that money for the power get spread out, it should only go to the very wealthy.

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