Father Of Parkland Survivor Accuses CNN Of Pushing Gun Control Narrative

So there appears to be general agreement here that both CNN and FOX are blatantly biased.

I guess the spin will be, "well, yeah, but the OTHER one is even MORE biased".


We're quick to lower standards for everything else, why not lowering standards for our press too, huh?

Not good for a democracy. As we can see.
Wait, I thought it was about an agenda, no?
So what? Is that any different than what Foxnews does, you know, the Foxnews you never complain about...
When does FOX news do anything like it?

Where do you think CNN got the idea !?

Foxnews made a ton of money crapping all over obama . CNN is like “hey, we can do that with trump !”

Oh, riiiiiiight. CNN was just copying Fox. And now you're going to show us EXACTLY when Fox faked a townhall meeting with scripted questions.
So there appears to be general agreement here that both CNN and FOX are blatantly biased.

I guess the spin will be, "well, yeah, but the OTHER one is even MORE biased".


We're quick to lower standards for everything else, why not lowering standards for our press too, huh?

Not good for a democracy. As we can see.

Yawn, blaming the media.

Hey, here's why we have niche media. Because when we decided that news had to sell corn flakes, it became about marketing and not journalism.

You see, there used to be a time when networks operated their news sections at a loss. Yes, it costs money to keep reporters in foreign countries and pay correspondents. But that doesn't sell the cornflakes.

Paying a high priced news reader to tell your audience what they want to hear sells corn flakes.

Of the three news networks, CNN is actually trying the hardest to do actual journalism. Fox and MSNBC have gone the furthest into "Telling people what they want to hear" journalism.

Then again, I remember when the Discovery Channel and TLC and History used to be about educational stuff, before they became about midgets and lumberjacks and duck-killing rednecks. Gotta sell those corn flakes!

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/-----/ " CNN is actually trying the hardest to do actual journalism." I laughed so hard, the coffee I was sipping blew out my nose and all over my keyboard. How is handing a kid a scripted answer constitute real journalism? (Please don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.) How many students did they interview to find the ones who support a gun ban? Notice not one kid they interviewed on air disagreed with a gun ban?
They implanted the image that the entire school and families were all for a gun ban. Badda-bing
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/----/ Yes, it was a scripted question. But if it was to help him ask it coherently as you claim, why did CNN deny it happened? Why did they reject his original question?
CNN denies school shooting town hall was scripted after Parkland massacre survivor claimed the network rejected his question about armed guards and urged him to ask one it had written

again, you didn't tell me what the question he did ask was...

The Armed Guards question was actually kind of stupid, since the HS had an armed guard, for what little good it did.
He didn’t go, wouldn’t participate in the fraud
So what? Is that any different than what Foxnews does, you know, the Foxnews you never complain about...
When does FOX news do anything like it?
Ha ha ha. Fox is the official media source for the White House, you imbecile.
Trump doesn’t read his intelligence briefs. He watches Fox and Friends to get his information. Of course you excuse that type of sick behavior.

I see you’re sweating the #Neveragain movement. You should.
As if we didn't know they were doing this. CNN is nothing more than a propaganda organ for the Democrat party. There is simply no denying it.

'A Certain Narrative' -- Father Of Parkland Survivor Shares Damning Details Of Call With CNN

The father of a Stoneman Douglas High School student is accusing CNN of specifically seeking out survivors of the shooting who wanted to talk about gun control, bolstering another survivor’s claims that the network tried to plant scripted questions at their Wednesday night town hall. Amber Athey

CNN has released the original emails between this boy and his father which prove exactly the opposite.


The copies of these emails that the right released have been doctored. CNN had a phone call with Colton wherein he raised a question CNN was prepared to use.

Then Colton’s father Glenn coached Colton to submit a whole list of questions. CNN refused, asking Colton to stick with the original question which he discussed with them. That’s the part which was deleted.

Colton submitted a question, CNN agreed to it, and then Glenn Haab tried to highjack that agreement. Then right wingers doctored the emails and lied about it.

And you assholes were complaining that left wingers were manipulating these kids. I guess you think that because that’s exactly what the right is trying to do.


So what? Is that any different than what Foxnews does, you know, the Foxnews you never complain about...
When does FOX news do anything like it?
Ha ha ha. Fox is the official media source for the White House, you imbecile.
Trump doesn’t read his intelligence briefs. He watches Fox and Friends to get his information. Of course you excuse that type of sick behavior.

I see you’re sweating the #Neveragain movement. You should.
Like CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC was for obummer, correct? Ones four.
So what? Is that any different than what Foxnews does, you know, the Foxnews you never complain about...
When does FOX news do anything like it?
Ha ha ha. Fox is the official media source for the White House, you imbecile.
Trump doesn’t read his intelligence briefs. He watches Fox and Friends to get his information. Of course you excuse that type of sick behavior.

I see you’re sweating the #Neveragain movement. You should.

Still waiting for you to tell us when Fox News has ever staged the news. Don't recall anyone asking for a recitation of "I hate Fox News!" spewing.
So what? Is that any different than what Foxnews does, you know, the Foxnews you never complain about...
When does FOX news do anything like it?
Ha ha ha. Fox is the official media source for the White House, you imbecile.
Trump doesn’t read his intelligence briefs. He watches Fox and Friends to get his information. Of course you excuse that type of sick behavior.

I see you’re sweating the #Neveragain movement. You should.

Still waiting for you to tell us when Fox News has ever staged the news. Don't recall anyone asking for a recitation of "I hate Fox News!" spewing.

When have FOX staged the news?

Hannity’s Special Report on Seth Rich. Which FOX retracted and are now being sued for.

And this story: using doctored emails.

/----/ You calling the kid's question dumb just proves your left leaning bias. You need to get the DNC motto tattooed on your chest: "You are free to agree with me. "

No, it was a dumb question because they already did what he suggested. THEY HAD an armed guard on the premisis. "So why don't we do that thing that already didn't work."

That's a dumb question.
/----/ You calling the kid's question dumb just proves your left leaning bias. You need to get the DNC motto tattooed on your chest: "You are free to agree with me. "

No, it was a dumb question because they already did what he suggested. THEY HAD an armed guard on the premisis. "So why don't we do that thing that already didn't work."

That's a dumb question.
/----/ And what's your smart question, "How long before we repeal the 2nd Amendment and confiscate all guns?"
So what? Is that any different than what Foxnews does, you know, the Foxnews you never complain about...
When does FOX news do anything like it?
Ha ha ha. Fox is the official media source for the White House, you imbecile.
Trump doesn’t read his intelligence briefs. He watches Fox and Friends to get his information. Of course you excuse that type of sick behavior.

I see you’re sweating the #Neveragain movement. You should.

Still waiting for you to tell us when Fox News has ever staged the news. Don't recall anyone asking for a recitation of "I hate Fox News!" spewing.

When have FOX staged the news?

Hannity’s Special Report on Seth Rich. Which FOX retracted and are now being sued for.

And this story: using doctored emails.


Sean Hannity isn't a reporter. He's a commentator. Only dumbasses like you conflate what he does with "reporting news".

And don't even come at me with blog posts like they prove something.
So what? Is that any different than what Foxnews does, you know, the Foxnews you never complain about...
When does FOX news do anything like it?
Ha ha ha. Fox is the official media source for the White House, you imbecile.
Trump doesn’t read his intelligence briefs. He watches Fox and Friends to get his information. Of course you excuse that type of sick behavior.

I see you’re sweating the #Neveragain movement. You should.

Still waiting for you to tell us when Fox News has ever staged the news. Don't recall anyone asking for a recitation of "I hate Fox News!" spewing.

When have FOX staged the news?

Hannity’s Special Report on Seth Rich. Which FOX retracted and are now being sued for.

And this story: using doctored emails.


Sean Hannity isn't a reporter. He's a commentator. Only dumbasses like you conflate what he does with "reporting news".

And don't even come at me with blog posts like they prove something.

Deny deny deny. That “blog post” is from the Washington Post.

Hannity didn’t provide just provide “opinion” on the Seth Rich case. He prepared a special report on the Seth Rich murder that was wholly inaccurate and full of lies, so much so that FOX retracted the piece, apologized for it, and sent Hannity “on vacation”.
When does FOX news do anything like it?
Ha ha ha. Fox is the official media source for the White House, you imbecile.
Trump doesn’t read his intelligence briefs. He watches Fox and Friends to get his information. Of course you excuse that type of sick behavior.

I see you’re sweating the #Neveragain movement. You should.

Still waiting for you to tell us when Fox News has ever staged the news. Don't recall anyone asking for a recitation of "I hate Fox News!" spewing.

When have FOX staged the news?

Hannity’s Special Report on Seth Rich. Which FOX retracted and are now being sued for.

And this story: using doctored emails.


Sean Hannity isn't a reporter. He's a commentator. Only dumbasses like you conflate what he does with "reporting news".

And don't even come at me with blog posts like they prove something.

Deny deny deny. That “blog post” is from the Washington Post.

Hannity didn’t provide just provide “opinion” on the Seth Rich case. He prepared a special report on the Seth Rich murder that was wholly inaccurate and full of lies, so much so that FOX retracted the piece, apologized for it, and sent Hannity “on vacation”.

Oh, WELL, if the opinion column is published in the Washington Post, I guess that somehow makes it less of an opinion. *eye roll*

See above, re: Sean Hannity ain't a reporter.
/----/ And what's your smart question, "How long before we repeal the 2nd Amendment and confiscate all guns?"

wow... nice inflametory picture. Of course, the thing is Germany had widespread gun ownership under the Nazis, and no one used their guns to stop them. They took those guns and fought for Hitler to the last old man and little boy. the US Army had to confiscate all the guns in Germany after the war. Everyone was better off for it.

Of course, if the government is set out to kill you, having a gun won't do that much about it. Just ask David Koresh.

Here's the thing. Most industrial democracies don't let their citizens own guns, and they are just as free as we are and they have a lot less crime.
So what? Is that any different than what Foxnews does, you know, the Foxnews you never complain about...
When does FOX news do anything like it?
Ha ha ha. Fox is the official media source for the White House, you imbecile.
Trump doesn’t read his intelligence briefs. He watches Fox and Friends to get his information. Of course you excuse that type of sick behavior.

I see you’re sweating the #Neveragain movement. You should.

Still waiting for you to tell us when Fox News has ever staged the news. Don't recall anyone asking for a recitation of "I hate Fox News!" spewing.

When have FOX staged the news?

Hannity’s Special Report on Seth Rich. Which FOX retracted and are now being sued for.

And this story: using doctored emails.

Who did they give material to exactly?

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