Farrage Final EU Speech in Parlaiment, Gets Mic Cut Off, lol


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I love Nigel Farrage. In his final speech he sums up exactly what is wrong with the EU before his mic gets cut off, lol. Too late, dear EU Nazis, the damage is done.

Leave.EU on Twitter

Farage’s Final EU Speech: Mic Gets Cut as He Waves UK Flag in Victory

So this is it, the final chapter, the end of the road. A 47-year political experiment that the British frankly have never been very happy with. My mother and father signed up to a common market, not to a political union, flags, anthems, presidents, and now you even want your own army.

For me, it has been 27 years of campaigning and over 20 years here in this parliament. I’m not particularly happy with the agreement we’re being asked to vote on tonight. But Boris has been remarkably bold in the last few months… he’s promised us there will be no level playing field, and on that basis, I wish him every success in the next round of negotiations, I really do.

What happens at 11pm this Friday the 31st of January 2020 marks the point of no return. Once we’ve left, we’re never coming back and the rest frankly is detail. We’re going, and we will be gone.

And that should be the summit of my own political ambitions. I walked in here, you all thought it was terribly funny but you stopped laughing in 2016. But my view of Europe has changed since I joined. In 2005, I saw the constitution that had been drafted… and saw it rejected by the French in a referendum. I saw it rejected by the Dutch in a referendum. And I saw you, in these institutions, ignore them.

[You brought it back] as the Lisbon treaty, and boast you could ram it through without there being referendums. Well, the Irish did have a vote and did say no, and were forced to vote again. You’re very good at making people to vote again,
but what we’ve proved is the British are too big to bully, thank goodness.

So I became an outright opponent of the whole European project. I want Brexit to start a debate across the whole of Europe. What do we want from Europe? If we want trade, friendship cooperation, reciprocity. We don’t need a European Commission, we don’t need a European court. We don’t need these institutions and all of this power. And I can promise you, both in UKIP and in the Brexit party, we love Europe. We just hate the European Union.

I hope this begins the end of this project. It is a bad project. It isn’t just undemocratic, it is antidemocratic.

It puts in that front row, it gives people power without accountability. People who cannot be held to account by the electorate and that is an unacceptable structure.

There is a historic battle going on across the west, in Europe, America, and elsewhere. It is globalism against populism. And you may loathe populism, but I’ll tell you a funny thing. It is becoming very popular! And it has great benefits. No more financial contributions, no more European Courts of Justice. No more European Common Fisheries Policy, no more being talked down to. No more being bullied, no more Guy Verhofstadt! What’s not to like?

I know you’re going to miss us, I know you want to ban our national flags, but we’re going to wave you goodbye, and we’ll look forward in the future to working with you as a sovereign nation… [Farage is cut off by the chair]​
Some of Farrages best EU Parliament speeches.,

The EU Parliament is not laughing any more.

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I love Nigel Farrage. In his final speech he sums up exactly what is wrong with the EU before his mic gets cut off, lol. Too late, dear EU Nazis, the damage is done.

Leave.EU on Twitter

Farage’s Final EU Speech: Mic Gets Cut as He Waves UK Flag in Victory

So this is it, the final chapter, the end of the road. A 47-year political experiment that the British frankly have never been very happy with. My mother and father signed up to a common market, not to a political union, flags, anthems, presidents, and now you even want your own army.

For me, it has been 27 years of campaigning and over 20 years here in this parliament. I’m not particularly happy with the agreement we’re being asked to vote on tonight. But Boris has been remarkably bold in the last few months… he’s promised us there will be no level playing field, and on that basis, I wish him every success in the next round of negotiations, I really do.

What happens at 11pm this Friday the 31st of January 2020 marks the point of no return. Once we’ve left, we’re never coming back and the rest frankly is detail. We’re going, and we will be gone.

And that should be the summit of my own political ambitions. I walked in here, you all thought it was terribly funny but you stopped laughing in 2016. But my view of Europe has changed since I joined. In 2005, I saw the constitution that had been drafted… and saw it rejected by the French in a referendum. I saw it rejected by the Dutch in a referendum. And I saw you, in these institutions, ignore them.

[You brought it back] as the Lisbon treaty, and boast you could ram it through without there being referendums. Well, the Irish did have a vote and did say no, and were forced to vote again. You’re very good at making people to vote again,
but what we’ve proved is the British are too big to bully, thank goodness.

So I became an outright opponent of the whole European project. I want Brexit to start a debate across the whole of Europe. What do we want from Europe? If we want trade, friendship cooperation, reciprocity. We don’t need a European Commission, we don’t need a European court. We don’t need these institutions and all of this power. And I can promise you, both in UKIP and in the Brexit party, we love Europe. We just hate the European Union.

I hope this begins the end of this project. It is a bad project. It isn’t just undemocratic, it is antidemocratic.

It puts in that front row, it gives people power without accountability. People who cannot be held to account by the electorate and that is an unacceptable structure.

There is a historic battle going on across the west, in Europe, America, and elsewhere. It is globalism against populism. And you may loathe populism, but I’ll tell you a funny thing. It is becoming very popular! And it has great benefits. No more financial contributions, no more European Courts of Justice. No more European Common Fisheries Policy, no more being talked down to. No more being bullied, no more Guy Verhofstadt! What’s not to like?

I know you’re going to miss us, I know you want to ban our national flags, but we’re going to wave you goodbye, and we’ll look forward in the future to working with you as a sovereign nation… [Farage is cut off by the chair]​

They pulled Nigel Farage and the Brexit Party MEPs mics because they were waving Union Jacks, the EU Neo-Marxist Dictatorship HATE ANY display of National Pride, they hate Nation States, they want No Borders and Open Borders the same as the Leftists in America and anyone who disagrees is a Raciat Bigot etc

"Guy Verhofstadt"

He's a paedophile.

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